Doom Ray

Chapter 193 Wedding

Chapter 193 Wedding
"Is there really no time?"

Wei Chen frowned, he could feel a faint sense of repulsion all over his body, which was very uncomfortable.

"No, after all, this is a selection." Luo Sheng said: "Select qualified products from this group of people, and send them to the real battlefield!"

Wei Chen sighed, he really didn't expect such a situation.It turned out that they were just small troubles, and the real battlefield was in another space, which was the place where Luo Sheng and his group were sent here!

"Brigade masters like us have relatively tough backgrounds, so we can learn how to advance to the imperial rank. We are also relatively good in the organization, and we line up to compete for beads. After all, there are only a few beads in a world. , the number of people who can advance to the imperial rank is very limited."

Luo Sheng said, rubbing his thighs with his hands, a little squirming.But Wei Chen understood what this guy meant.

"That is to say, you are here to attract people from the forces behind you?" Wei Chen said straight to the point.

Luo Sheng smiled embarrassingly, and Wei Chen continued: "Then you said earlier that Zhu Zi would recognize the master, was it also a lie?"

Luo Sheng was even more embarrassed when he heard that, "Yes."

Wei Chen looked at him and shook his head helplessly, no wonder he returned the beads to Wei Chen earlier, it was used to win Wei Chen over!By the way, Wei Chen successfully got another bead, really good plan!
But what he didn't expect was that Wei Chen got more than one bead!
"Then how long do I have?"

"It won't be long, you have to explain your funeral quickly, such as inheriting the family and so on"

Speaking of this, Luo Sheng looked at Huangfu Ling beside him, and continued: "I have medicine that can increase the fertility rate, why not?"

"Let's talk about it." Under the rejection of the environment, Wei Chen also felt anxious about this aspect, but in this way, it seemed very unfair to Huangfuling!Even future children can only grow up in single-parent families.

"Can you come back?"

"No, it might be possible, I don't know." Luo Sheng was not very clear about this question either.

"One last question." Wei Chen said, "What's the matter with the zombies?"

"It's nothing, it's just people from hostile forces, and their methods are just disgusting." Luo Sheng's eyes were lost as he said that, "It's just like the human side, there are brigades there, of course, there are also some with better personalities. Zombie species, such as your skeleton, are neutral creatures."

"Didn't the old corpse king create it?" Wei Chen only thought that tilting his head and the others were masterpieces of the old corpse king's skills, but now hearing Luo Sheng's words, it seems that this is not the case.

"No, it's just that their status in the main battlefield is relatively low, and they are easy to be controlled."

"How about it, do you want to join us?" Luo Sheng said finally, took out a golden business card and said, "How?"

Wei Chen nodded, and took away his business card. Since the battle above is more chaotic, it is not bad to have a big power as a backer.

After taking the business card, the smile on Luo Sheng's face became wider. After looking at Huangfu Ling, he said, "By the way, I'll bring you the medicine later."

"Want to go to the campfire?"

Seeing Wei Chen walking out, Huangfu Ling didn't ask what the conversation was about, but just held Wei Chen's hand silently and said.

Wei Chen didn't resist, but at this moment, Luo Sheng from behind said: "Remember, you can't attack the zombies now, or it will be very troublesome!"

Wei Chen nodded, indicating that he understood, he knew that once he made a move, the hatred would really explode!Once he leaves, those hidden zombies like the old corpse king will frantically pounce on the defense line!Without the existence of Wei Chen, Luo Sheng alone would not be able to defend, not to mention that Luo Sheng would probably be gone by then, and the humans in the defense line would definitely not be able to survive!

But Wei Chen is hesitating, because he still has a bead in his hand, which means that there can still be a royal class among human beings!
Just treat it as a second hand!

Thinking of this, Wei Chen sighed. He didn't expect so many things to be involved. He originally wanted to go out and kill all the zombies before leaving.

The bonfire was bustling with people competing for wine, joking and joking, and there was a newly created quagmire beside it. Many people came out to make gestures when they were happy.

As soon as Huangfu Ling and Wei Chen walked over, they were very eye-catching.Li Wenbo was the first to walk up, and when he rolled his eyes, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

Then, he suddenly grabbed the hands of Wei Chen and Huangfu Ling, and they couldn't help but pull them to the center of the venue.The surroundings suddenly became quiet, those who punched and drank immediately stopped their movements, those who fell in the mud pit quickly stood up, shook the dirt on their faces, and looked at the field.


Li Wenbo coughed and cleared his throat.Wei Chen and Huangfu Ling were a little baffled. Originally, when he saw Li Wenbo, he wanted to catch up with him, but he was pulled over before he opened his mouth.

"Everyone knows that there was a wedding today, but it was ruined by someone! What do you think should be done?"

Li Wenbo shouted happily.


Huang Yang and Huang Conglong shouted from the side, it seemed that they had discussed it long ago!

"Yes! Make up!"


With the leadership of the two, the surrounding soldiers quickly took the lead in booing.

Wei Chen was stunned, it was too sudden!Huangfuling's face was full of embarrassment, it was really too sudden!

"I heard that the groom has prepared all the wedding clothes, will everyone help him put them on!"

"Haha! Yes!"

Lei Ming raised his glass and said with a smile, after Li Wenbo mentioned it, he also remembered that there were two super gorgeous clothes in a car.

"Then what are you waiting for, carry the person over to get dressed!"

Then, with a big wave of Li Wenbo's hand, a large group of soldiers blushed and shouted, threw away the wine glasses in their hands, and rushed towards Wei Chen!The other heroines moved towards Wei Qingcheng with smiles all over their faces.

Then, Wei Chen was carried away with a wry smile on his face, and Huangfu Ling was similar, but the method was much gentler.

At this moment, the sadness on the field was diluted like this.



The crowd quickly dispersed and began to decorate the streets, beaming with joy. However, there were some depressed people pulling weeds to vent their anger.

"Eccentric, eccentric!"

Xu Jie was a little unbalanced and full of jealousy, "I must be prettier than her when I grow up! You say so!"


Xu Jie glanced at the golden wolf beside him, and found that the golden wolf had already fallen asleep lying on the ground. Looking at it like that, it seemed that he was still sleeping soundly!Immediately, Xu Jie became unhappy, so she stretched out both hands and rubbed the wolf's head angrily!

"Tell you to sleep, tell you to sleep!"


Jin Lang bared his teeth at Xu Jie with a displeased face.

Thank you in advance for accompanying me here.

Finally, I would like to say a few words. This book is almost finished.

The new book has been prepared, and it will be posted after signing the contract. I hope old friends can continue to support it! !Thank you very much~~~
(End of this chapter)

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