Doom Ray

Chapter 194 Final Chapter

Chapter 194 Final Chapter
"Chen Fan, don't look!"

In a building marked as a living museum, many students are forming a long line, and under the leadership of the teacher, they are looking at the living specimens of zombies.

"These monsters are nothing to look at! There are many outside the defense line. I will take you to the city wall in the future, and you can look at it as you want!"

A chubby boy desperately dragged a thinner companion next to him.

"No, you will be scolded if you go there!" The boy named Chen Fan refused, "Besides, where on the city wall can you see clearly?

After Chen Fan finished speaking, he continued to stare at the gray corpse in front of him. This zombie is the worst of all zombies, but even if it is the worst, these little brats can't solve it.

Now, hundreds of years have passed since the outbreak of zombies, human beings have perfected their defenses, and ordinary people's lives are beginning to get on the right track.Of course, zombies still exist on this land. Although they cannot conceive, human beings born continuously provide them with a good source of soldiers.

Seeing Chen Fan ignoring him, the little fat man Ren Qianwan got angry and silently threw it aside by himself.

After being guided by the teacher to visit the museum, all the teachers and students were taken to a super large yard behind the museum, where there are two statues!In front of the statue, there are two glass frames, inside which are two gorgeous dresses.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"Isn't that right? That's the wife of King Guang, can't she be beautiful!"


When many students saw these two statues, their eyes twinkled like stars, and their expressions were filled with admiration.

The men admire the majestic and heroic appearance of the King of Light, while the women hope that they can wear that gorgeous wedding dress again one day.


"Everyone be quiet!"

The leader of the classroom clapped his hands, bringing the excited students back to their senses, and then said: "As we all know, after the battle of liberating the defense line, the soldiers held a party to celebrate. Wang’s wedding! The place where we are now is where the party was held that year! In order to let everyone feel the atmosphere, we have a picnic here. Remember, the students are responsible for cleaning the yard after eating!”

"Okay, let's go and eat!"


The children at the bottom scattered and formed a circle with each other. The boys poured the snacks directly on the ground, while the girls were more delicate and spread a blanket on the ground before eating.

Chen Fan silently walked to the side, took out a cold steamed bun from his bag, and ate it.It wasn't that he was out of the group, but that the food in his bag was too embarrassing to show his hands in front of his classmates.

After taking a mouthful of steamed buns, Chen Fan took a sip of cold water to soften the steamed buns in his mouth, making it easier to swallow.While eating, Chen Fan looked up at the statue of King Guang from time to time, his young eyes became very hot at this moment.

After eating, the students broke up the "battlefield", and the teacher continued to lead the team to visit the museum. The first half of the museum is about zombies, and the second half is about great men.Such a method of suppressing first and then promoting will make visitors have a higher respect for these great men!

"Look, everyone, this is a portrait of King Guang."

The teacher of the team pointed to an oil painting and introduced it. The oil painting showed a man standing sideways on a cliff with a golden long sword in his hand. Below the cliff were zombies all over the mountains and plains. Behind the man on the cliff, there were It is a group of human beings who regard death as home!

"Hey! Teacher! There is such a skeleton here!"

Suddenly, just as everyone was longing for the content on the oil painting, a discordant voice came out.

The teacher smiled. She has taught more than one class of students, and basically every class of students will ask this question, so she patiently replied: "This is the partner of the King of Light, and he is very loyal to the King of Light! But after the King of Light sent it to After the cosmic battlefield, there will be no more news of this skeleton in the world."

The students nodded and continued to visit other paintings.

"This is the Ice and Snow Maiden, she was the one who freed humans from the shackles!"

The teacher pointed to the next painting and said, it showed a blue-haired woman standing on a high tower with her hands raised, surrounded by people breaking free from chains.

"This is Zhuang Ban, known as the Variety King! But it was he who sneaked into the base behind the enemy and destroyed a large number of defensive facilities behind the enemy, so that King Guang and others could enter the city smoothly!"

The students nodded in admiration. There was only one man in a cloak on the painting, and his face could not be seen clearly, giving people a feeling of ignorance.

"This is the Golden Wolf King, the mount of the King of Light. It disappeared after the King of Light went to the space battlefield, and he is nowhere to be found."

"This is the first leader and director after liberation, Huang Conglong."

"Hey! Teacher, why isn't the director the King of Light?"

"Idiot, the King of Light has gone to the space battlefield, where is there air traffic control?"

"Yes! Xiao Ming is right." The teacher nodded and praised. These students are only in their teens and need encouragement.

The man named Xiao Ming, when he heard the teacher's affirmation of his statement, his face was filled with pride, showing that he was superior to others.

The teacher followed the paintings and introduced them one by one. Huang Yang, Xu Jie, Li Wenbo, Wei Qingcheng, etc., as long as they are related to King Guang, all have a painting and a biography introduction. If these students look carefully, they will find that the paintings behind The people on the Internet can basically show their faces in the first painting of King Guang.

After walking around the museum, the teacher led the reluctant students out of the museum. Most people can only enter this museum once in their life!
The teachers who took the lead wiped off their sweat. They were lucky, because they would take the children to visit once a year, and many of them came to be teachers for this purpose!

The student's body is out of the museum, but his mind remains there.The same is true for Chen Fan. The sun shines on his immature face, which looks very sunny.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated hundreds of years ago, and the sun once again appeared in people's sight.


The teacher sighed and looked back at his students. Visiting the museum is just today's appetizer, and the main course has just been served!
"Students, let's activate our abilities next, the teacher can't follow, so everyone has to listen to the instructor, and one more thing everyone must remember, don't be proud when you have the ability, because what you will face is a life-and-death battle." The test is very cruel! Be careful! Don’t be discouraged if you are not capable, there are still many places in this world that need you to operate, at least you can live a comfortable life! Finally, if any of you join the team of light in the future, please remember , you carry our hope! The above is the last class I will give you, and the teacher here wishes you all the best in the future!"

"Woo~~~ Teacher, I don't want you to go!"

"Teacher, don't go!"

Parting was painful. At this moment, many students hugged the teacher's thigh, reluctant to part.Yes, after activating their abilities, they will part ways!
"Teacher, don't worry! I will definitely join the Light Squad and clean up all those zombies!"

"Yes! I want them to get off this planet!"

Of course, there are still many boys who are not affected by this atmosphere and are full of ambitions.

"Must activate the ability, must activate the ability! The worst is fine!"

Fatty Ren Qianwan drank water desperately at the side, praying secretly in his heart.

As for Chen Fan, he clenched his fists and murmured, "If you activate the ability, you will get points, so grandpa won't let you continue to see the mess! You must activate it! Yes, and join the team of light!"

After speaking, Chen Fan summoned up his courage and was the first to get on the school bus bound for the research institute.

It's over, I'm a little sorry.

The new book is waiting for editorial review, but it has been edited in the past few days, and it is estimated that it will not be until next week. I hope everyone will continue to support Tianzhong's second sci-fi book as a dead book.

(End of this chapter)

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