Doom Ray

Chapter 20 Farce

Chapter 20 Farce
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"Looking for death!" Seeing someone rushing up, the man in the leather jacket was not only not frightened, but even struck harder.The superior only told him to capture Wei Qingcheng alive, as for the others, he has no control over them!

"Hmph!" Seeing the man in leather clothes increase his strength, a sneer flashed in Wei Chen's eyes, and the next moment, he let the man in leather clothes know what it means to be overconfident!

"Crack!" With one punch, the man in the leather jacket broke every inch of his hand!The huge force even caused him to fly upside down and fall heavily to the ground.

"Impossible!" The leather-clothed man looked terrified, `It's not easy for him to obtain this strength, but he didn't expect to be beaten like this for the first time.

"Who are you!" The man in leather yelled this sentence at the top of his voice!

"Get out!" Wei Chen yelled at the man in the leather jacket unceremoniously, one evolution only, Wei Chen didn't pay attention at all.What's more, at this moment, there is someone behind him who he cares more about.

"Qingcheng!" whispered, Wei Chen turned around, looked at Wei Qingcheng excitedly, and then couldn't restrain himself, opened his arms and hugged him.

"Go away!" But Wei Chen didn't expect that Wei Qingcheng pushed him away. "Who are you, you, go away, I don't know you!"

who am I?Wei Chen, who was pushed away, was stunned. He didn't know what to answer for a while, who am I?I am your brother, you are my sister!

"Qingcheng!" Just when Wei Chen was in a daze, a shout came from a distance, and three or four people rushed towards this side quickly.

"Qingcheng, Linlin. Are you all right?" Coming to Wei Qingcheng, a girl in the team stepped forward to comfort him.Seeing Wei Qingcheng's face turned pale, she felt distressed for a while. "It's our fault for being late."

"Yuanhang, Zijun. I'm fine." Wei Qingcheng calmed down a little. The sense of despair brought about by the man in the leather jacket just now was really frightening to Wei Qingcheng.

"You bastard!" A boy among Wei Qingcheng's companions walked towards Wei Chen, pushed with both hands, and pushed the defenseless Wei Chen staggeringly.This group of people came late, and they didn't see the scene where Wei Chen rescued Wei Qingcheng, they only saw Wei Chen going to hug Wei Qingcheng forcibly.

"Stay away from Qingcheng from now on, or I'll hit you every time I see you!" The man didn't forget to warn Wei Chen after the fight.

"Get out!" Wei Chen was furious, what is this called?I finally found my sister, but in the end I didn't like seeing her so much. How low was my sense of existence back then?It was so hard that even her own sister couldn't recognize her, and in the end she wasn't inexplicably threatened.

"What the hell!" Wei Chen forced himself to stabilize his body, and punched the hapless ghost back with a fist.


With one punch, the unlucky man flew backwards, his nosebleed drew an arc in the air, accompanied by a few broken teeth.

"Yuanhang!" Everyone exclaimed, and immediately ran over to observe the unlucky man's injury.

However, seeing the severely sunken face of the unlucky man, everyone was taken aback. Can people still live in this situation?

"Who are you? I remember that we didn't offend you, right?" Seeing this miserable situation, a girl immediately shouted at Wei Chen with red eyes. "If you dare to kill people in the gathering place, you just wait to die!"

Oops!Wei Chen's heart skipped a beat. When he got angry just now, he couldn't help but control his strength. That punch almost used all his strength.

"Zhao Ming, hurry up and call the guards! Let's ask Brother Tian to teach him a lesson when he's in jail!" Seeing the unlucky man lying on the ground without moving, the man in leather felt that there was a chance for revenge, so he immediately turned to the side Zhao Ming ordered.

Zhao Ming's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he ran to the nearest guard point.

After hearing the girl's roar, the first thing in Wei Chen's mind was to save people!This is a gathering place, so you can't kill people casually like outside.But here comes the problem, the unlucky man is surrounded by a group of his classmates, Wei Chen must go through these people if he wants to go there, and then there will be another fist.

No matter, human life is important, rush over!

"Bang." Wei Chen stomped on the ground and rushed forward, directly past the red-eyed girl glaring at Wei Chen.

"He wants to destroy the corpse!" Unexpectedly, Wei Chen just took two steps away from the girl when he heard the girl behind him shouting.

The speaker has no intention, but the parties are very concerned.

Who are these people that Wei Qingcheng handed over!Just now a woman came up to push people and threatened without any explanation, and now this woman is inexplicably shouting "destroy corpses and wipe out traces".

In the future, we must educate them well, Wei Chen secretly said in his heart, but he just thought about it, after all, Wei Chen and them are neither relatives nor relatives.Of course, it is still possible to educate Xiawei Qingcheng.

"Go away!" Seeing other people coming up to intercept him, Wei Chen directly knocked them out. These people are only capable people, and they are not enough for Wei Chen.After easily knocking down four people, Wei Chen faced a headache. Wei Qingcheng stood in front of the unlucky man.

"Step aside!"

"Don't let!" Although Wei Qingcheng's face is not good-looking at the moment, her voice is very tough.

You asked for it!Wei Chen thought to himself, so he made up his mind, rushed to Wei Qingcheng, hooked her with his left hand, and hugged her directly.At the same time, the yellow ball of light in his right hand flashed and hit the unlucky man's face.

"Let go of me, you pervert! Or I'll kill you!"

"It's up to you, hiss! Let go!" Wei Chen said anxiously, and he was puzzled, just now when the man in leather clothes was terrified to grab her, but now he dared to confront Wei Chen.

Qingcheng likes this idiot?Feeling that Wei Qingcheng's bite was getting tighter, Wei Chen thought of this possibility.No, you must be disciplined!
In the past, Wei Chen didn't have much say in the family, so naturally he didn't dare to care about this younger sister, but now it's different, the status of a special ability alone can stabilize Wei Qingcheng.

cured!The unlucky man recovered from his injuries, Wei Chen felt relieved.He didn't want any problems to arise as soon as he entered the gathering place.

Although the unlucky man is fine here, Wei Qingcheng is still hanging on Wei Chen.The look of never giving up without biting off a piece of meat.

"Let go!" Even if he was a second-level special ability user, Wei Chen couldn't stand being bitten like this all the time.

"Hmm~" Wei Qingcheng shook his head violently, this shaking of his head caused Wei Chen's flesh to suffer, and he was swayed along with him.The corner of Wei Chen's mouth twitched slightly in pain, when did this guy's teeth get so good?

"Let go of Qingcheng, I am you."

"Hey, isn't this Brother Weichen? What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Hearing this voice, Wei Chen and Wei Qingcheng were surprised at the same time.Wei Chen was wondering who was calling his name, while Wei Qingcheng was shocked by the word 'Wei Chen'.

"Brother Wei Chen found someone to flirt with so quickly, so fast! As expected of a superpower, amazing! Admire me!" Wei Chen turned his head to look at the person who came, it turned out to be Lin Lei, and beside him was a thin woman.

"Lin Lei, why are you here?" Wei Chen regretted as soon as he asked the question, he was talking nonsense.Liu Tianming had told Wei Chen before that their team was in Area C.

Lin Lei didn't care what Wei Chen asked, he just gave a thumbs up and boasted: "Amazing! Admire, admiration!"

Great size.Wei Chen was a little helpless.But since Lin Lei called his name, he could feel that Wei Qingcheng must have recognized him, because his mouth was obviously not as strong as the one he had just bitten.At this time, the four people who had been beaten to the ground stood up again, and ran towards Wei Chen with their weapons in hand.

"Qingcheng, don't let go!" If Wei Qingcheng is still hanging on like this, Wei Chen is ready to use force, otherwise he will definitely take a few blows.

Fortunately, Wei Qingcheng reacted.She let go of her mouth, stepped back slightly, peeled off the hair on Wei Chen's forehead with both hands, looked at Wei Chen for two seconds and lowered her head a little embarrassed.


elder brother!Hearing this name, Wei Chen only felt his whole body loosen, for he hadn't been bitten in vain just now.How many years, how many years he can only hear his sister calling himself the word 'Hi'!
elder brother?Hearing Wei Qingcheng call Wei Chen like this, the four people who rushed over almost fell to the ground.It turned out that it was our own people who fought for a long time.

brother and sister?There was a strange light in Lin Lei's eyes, brother and sister love, okay!
"Where, where is the dead person?"

"Here, hurry up, or the murderer will run away!"

"Don't worry, he can't escape!"

The siblings had just met each other when there was a commotion in the distance.

"Look, that's right there. There's a person lying there, and the one in black and short-sleeved is the murderer!"

"Okay, let's go!"

However, before the guards brought by Zhao Ming arrived at the scene, the 'corpse' got up.

"This! It's over, it's over, it's turned into a zombie!" This kind of scene is very familiar to everyone, and Zhao Ming immediately associates it with zombies.

But the guards don't see it that way. Have you ever seen a zombie talking?Have you ever seen a zombie drinking bottled water?

At this moment, the guards only felt that they were being tricked.

"Zhao Ming, I will arrest you in the name of lying about the case!"


"Let me go!"

Poor child, Wei Chen sighed and watched Zhao Ming being handcuffed and taken away.

Deserving it!
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(End of this chapter)

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