Doom Ray

Chapter 21 Area A

Chapter 21 Area A

"What's going on here." Seeing the unlucky man getting up from the ground, everyone couldn't hide their shock. Just now, the unlucky man's entire face was dented by the beating, but now he got up like a normal person?
Lin Lei and his girlfriend were no strangers to each other. Not long ago, he was rescued on the verge of death.

"You all look at me like this?" The unlucky man had strange expressions when he saw his companions, which made his heart shudder.

"Your head was almost blown off just now, don't you know?"

"Yuanhang, do you have some kind of hidden special ability that can revive itself?"

"No, I clearly saw that the bones of the face are sunken, let me touch it."

These companions began to discuss in a hurry, and some even stretched out their hands to touch his face.

What's happening here?The unlucky man was very puzzled, what does it mean to bring the dead back to life, what does it mean to almost die just now, isn't it still fine?
"By the way, I remember that someone was bullying Qingcheng!" The unlucky man gradually remembered that they first got the news that a companion was kidnapped, and later heard that someone was going to harm Wei Qingcheng, so he hurried over.

When the unlucky man shouted, the companion next to him was speechless, and even lost his memory after cooperating with this guy.

"Hey! I remembered, I was punched!" The unlucky man slapped his thigh, and finally remembered that he was punched very fiercely before. "By the way, what about Qingcheng?"

"Over there!" A companion pointed to Wei Qingcheng who was hugging Wei Chen.

"Bastard, let her go!" Seeing this scene, the unlucky man immediately frowned, clenched his fists and was about to stand up and rush to beat Wei Chen.

"Don't!" Fortunately, at this time, everyone immediately stopped him and said, "That's his brother Qingcheng! Don't mess around."

"Eh?" The unlucky man was dumbfounded.


"Are you okay?" After letting go of his hand, Wei Chen looked at Wei Qingcheng and asked.

"It's not good at all." Speaking of this, Wei Qingcheng's eyes turned red.It turned out that when the apocalypse broke out, Wei Qingcheng happened to be in the toilet, and when she heard a sudden loud screaming outside, she was too scared to go out, so she stayed in the toilet all day!It wasn't until he awakened his strength that he dared to come out. He joined a group of people and took him to the No. [-] Middle School of the city.

"It's okay." Wei Chen comforted Wei Qingcheng while stroking Wei Qingcheng's head. "It won't be like this in the future."

"En." Wei Qingcheng nodded, Wei Chen's strength is obvious to all, she believes that Wei Chen can bring her a better living environment. "Where is your tent?"

"Tent, I just came here!" Wei Chen scratched his head and said, if you want to talk about tents, does the one in F area count?
"Just here, how did you get into this area?" Wei Qingcheng asked suspiciously.

Just when Wei Chen was about to answer, Lin Lei walked over.Make a 'tsk tsk' sound while walking.

"Brother Wei Chen, let's go first, so we won't disturb your intimacy." Lin Lei waved to Wei Chen with his girlfriend in his arms.

Where did Lin Lei think of making out?But Wei Chen didn't let Lin Lei go, he still had something to ask them.

"Brother Lin Lei, I entrust you to take care of my sister first, and I'm still rushing to Area A." Wei Chen said.

"Here, okay!" Lin Lei's eyes lit up, and his heart was full of joy. He was afraid that Wei Chen would not come to them, otherwise he would hug his thigh.

"Brother, you can enter Zone A!" Wei Qingcheng said incredulously, after staying in the gathering place for so long, he already understood the huge gap between the high-level zone and the low-level zone.Most of the people who can enter Area A are either former dignitaries, high-level military officials, or of course powerful evolutionaries and special abilities.

"Hehe, Brother Wei Chen will not only be able to go in, but he will probably be assigned a dormitory!" Lin Lei said with a smile, but Wei Qingcheng was stunned.

You know, going in and living are two concepts!
"Then Qingcheng will take care of you first, I'll go first!" Wei Chen said, after seeing his sister, he looked forward to finding his parents even more, and the thought of family reunion kept circling in Wei Chen's mind.However, it is not easy to find the gathering place with so many people, the best way is to entrust the military to find it.But before that, it is natural to have a status that can be respected by the other party.

"What is my brother's identity?" After Wei Chen had gone far away, Wei Qingcheng came back to his senses and asked Lin Lei.

"You don't know what's going on with your brother? Special abilities, you are lucky to have such a big backer brother." Lin Lei looked at Wei Qingcheng and said enviously. With Wei Chen, her life will not be a problem in the future .You must understand that it is quite difficult for a girl as handsome as Wei Qingcheng to survive in the last days.

"Special abilities!" Wei Qingcheng muttered in his mouth, feeling a little unbelievable in his heart, and a little lucky after being protected.Is this still the older brother who liked to lock himself in the room?

who cares!Wei Qingcheng shook her head, as long as Wei Chen is her brother, it doesn't matter how strong she becomes.

Wei Qingcheng is worthy of being Wei Chen's younger sister, neither of them like to think too much.

"Okay, sister Qingcheng will go with me. If something happens to you, brother, I guess I will have to pay for your life." Lin Lei said jokingly.

"What about my friend?" Wei Qingcheng pointed to the group of unlucky men.

"Go, let's all go." Lin Lei shook his head helplessly. To be honest, he didn't want to care about the life and death of the unlucky men, but since Wei Qingcheng said it, he had no choice but to agree.

The team that can own a jeep must be much better than the unlucky man and the others, so Wei Qingcheng decided to let everyone move to Liu Tianming's residence.

Lin Lei was helpless when he heard this decision, neither was it to refuse, nor was it to agree.I had no choice but to follow Wei Qingcheng's wishes.

"This is not a girl, this is my aunt!"

Just after everyone left, the man in leather got his head out of the tent.The face is full of ferociousness, I don't know if it is painful or ruthless!

In a corner of Area B.The man in the leather jacket was kneeling in front of a man.The man was sitting on the sofa, tearing the bread into his mouth.

"Why are you the only one, who is the one I want?"

The man in leather covered his face, and said mournfully, "I can't beat it alone. I was going to succeed. I don't know who leaked the news. They came with a large number of people and almost beat me to death!"


"Really, really, look, my hands are broken, my face, and my legs!" As he spoke, the man in the leather jacket turned out the wounds on his body and showed them to the person who was sitting on the sofa. The man looked, "They even captured one of my subordinates!"

If Wei Chen were here, he would have to admire this man in leather clothes. Obviously only his hand was broken, but he insisted on causing so many wounds on himself.

"Didn't you tell them that it's the person I want?" The man tore a piece of bread from his hand and threw it to the man in the leather jacket.

The man in the leather jacket hurriedly caught it, which could reveal that the wound on his body was fake. If it was a real wound, the action of catching the bread would definitely involve the wound, and the bread would inevitably fall to the ground. However, the man in the leather jacket not only caught it steadily , and there was no painful look on his face.

"Say it, they don't care about you, and they utter wild words, saying that you are nothing." The man in the leather jacket stuffed the bread into his mouth and swallowed it.

"I'm a human being, and I'm not a thing." The man on the sofa said flatly, "Forget it, let me forgive you, tell me, whoever is there."

Hearing this, the man in the leather jacket breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to add fuel to the story. Apart from Wei Qingcheng and his group, some passers-by, Lin Lei, etc. were all included.

You just wait to die!The man in the leather jacket became more and more ruthless.Then, he was kicked out of Area B.


"It's finally here." Passing through Area B, Wei Chen stood on the checkpoint of Area A.The most dazzling part of the checkpoint is a gate with big golden characters written on it - No. [-] Middle School.

(End of this chapter)

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