Doom Ray

Chapter 22 Meeting the Same Kind

Chapter 22 Meeting the Same Kind
"Stop, idlers stop!"

This is the last time!Wei Chen took out the note and handed it to the guard on guard.The guard let Wei Chen pass easily.

After taking back the note, Wei Chen flipped through it a few times. Up to now, he still can't figure out how the guard can distinguish the authenticity of this piece of paper.

Stepping into this school, Wei Chen only felt a tranquility in his heart.This is the highest institution of higher education in the city, and it is said that entering here is equivalent to entering a university.

The messy and noisy environment outside is really incomparable with here.

It's so big!Walking in the campus, a sense of pride arises spontaneously.No matter how many people squeeze their heads, they can't enter this gate, and how many people can enter this gate, but they can't gain a foothold here.And Wei Chen can do it easily.


That sound, Jeep!I heard it once before, so Wei Chen recognized it quickly.


The car is coming in!Wei Chen turned his head curiously. After all, the people who can drive here must have a lot of background.

"Huh, finally home!"

"Yeah, it feels so good to be home!"

"No, I think the Big Harvest feels better!"

"Haha, that's right."

Several people got off the car one after another, talking happily about the harvest of this trip.These people should go outside to hunt zombies to obtain crystals like Liu Tianming before. This is also the way most capable people will choose to survive.Not only can it strengthen itself, but the excess crystals can also be exchanged for things.Of course, the most important thing is to come back alive.

"Shut up!" At this moment, an old man with a shotgun got out of the car, poured cold water on these excited young people, and said, "If there is no lady, you would have already fed zombies, can you Be quiet?"

"Mr. Ou, we're just talking." Being scolded by the old man, the group of young people lowered their heads obediently.

"Forget it, it's good to be young!" Mr. Ou waved his hand, and didn't care about these things. After all, every time he went outside, it was like going to hell, and it was normal to have a strong reaction.

He handed over the shotgun in his hand to a young man, tidied up his clothes, and rubbed his shoes on the ground twice.After doing this, Mr. Ou ran to the other side of the car and opened the door respectfully.

Miss?Wei Chen subconsciously thought that the one who got out of the car was the lady the old man was talking about, but he was denied immediately.The person who got out of the car was indeed a woman, but she looked like an old man who was dressed as a servant.Especially, this woman is still holding a hand in her hand.

"Miss." After the woman got out of the car, Mr. Ou bowed.

"En." A soft voice sounded from inside the car, and with the support of the woman, the lady got out of the car.

"Boom~" Mr. Ou closed the car door, which was so closed that Wei Chen was completely stunned.

What a nice view!At this moment, Wei Chen only had these two words in his mind.A bunch of tied hair, a clean gray sportswear, and a saber without luster in his hand.There are only a pair of ordinary eyes, an ordinary nose, and an ordinary mouth on the face, but they can be combined together, but it makes people feel inferior.

Feeling a pair of eyes looking straight at her, the girl turned her head to look for the source of this feeling.

But, do you need to find it?Wei Chen is alone in the huge playground at the moment.

Then, the two pairs of eyes looked at each other.

Special abilities!Just looking at each other, the two sides immediately recognized each other's identity.This is an indescribable feeling. At this moment, Wei Chen felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

In this way, the two sides looked at each other for a full three seconds.Then, the girl gave Wei Chen a slight smile, and Wei Chen responded to her only with dull eyes and slightly opened mouth.

"What's the matter, Miss?" Ou Lao asked, then followed the girl's gaze, and saw the stupid Wei Chen.

"Do you want me to drive him away?" Mr. Ou took out a towel from the box and handed it over. Thinking of Wei Chen's situation, he had seen it a lot, and it was nothing more than a group of toads who saw swans.

"No need." The girl shook her head and said, picked up a towel and wiped her hands, and then made an unexpected move for Mr. Ou.She walked over to Wei Chen and stretched out her jade hand.

"Hi, my name is Huangfuling."

ah?This move really startled Wei Chen.Quickly came back to his senses, habitually reached out and was about to hold it.But the moment he grabbed it, Wei Chen stopped.

Shall I hold it or not?Wei Chen was entangled, looked at that white hand, and looked at his own.This contrast is appalling!

Just when Wei Chen was hesitating, Huangfu Ling took the initiative to shake it and asked, "What's the matter?"

hiss!Wei Chen gasped in his heart, his whole hand was just frozen there.

"Hello, my name is Wei Chen." After saying this, Wei Chen felt that he was about to die.

"Wei Chen." Huangfuling murmured for a while before continuing, "Why haven't I seen you before?"

"Yeah." As time went by, Wei Chen felt more and more uncomfortable. He remembered that there was a lecture on etiquette that said that men and women should not shake hands for more than three seconds, otherwise it would be a hooligan. Just over three seconds.

It's really worthless, obviously they are all special abilities, so there is so much difference.Wei Chen thought about it, so he summoned up his courage and went all out.

"I've just arrived." Wei Chen said, with a bit more confidence in his words.But this bit of confidence was gone just after being sized up by Huangfu Ling.

Wei Chen froze, as if his smiling eyes had already seen through him.

"Oh, no wonder." After Huangfu Ling finished speaking, she clasped her backhand, pulled Wei Chen and said, "Come with me!"

This... Wei Chen was dumbfounded. Looking at Huangfu Ling in front of him, he was not as tall as him, maybe not as big as him, but his aura was overwhelming by ten or so blocks.

Walking into the jeep, Wei Chen noticed several murderous eyes covering him, and the eyes of the young people beside the jeep were about to burst into flames!
"Miss, is this inappropriate?" Elder Ou frowned and questioned.

As a servant, the woman next to Mr. Ou frowned, as if she had seen the clue.

"Mr. Ou, please wait for him to go to Building No. [-]!" Huangfu Ling said as she pulled Wei Chen down in front of Mr. Ou.

Building six!Ou Lao's brows dilated in an instant. It turned out that he was a person with special abilities, so he was fine.

The way Ou Lao looked at Wei Chen also changed. At this moment, Wei Chen was no longer a toad, but a cob.As long as you have potential and a good heart, you might become a son-in-law.

Sure enough, the corner of the woman's mouth curled up, and she began to look at Wei Chen seriously.

And those young people who were about to breathe fire were frightened when they heard Building No. [-], and quickly turned their heads away, for fear that Wei Chen would miss them.

Just one identity, but completely different treatment.

"Huh~" Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of his hand.Building No. [-] should be related to me, Wei Chen thought.

"Little brother, what's your name?" Ou Lao asked Wei Chen with a smile on his face, his expression was very similar to those bad uncles who cheated kindergarten children.

"My name is Wei Chen."

"Xiaoqing, take the lady back." Ouyang told the woman, then turned to look at Wei Chen and said, "Come with me, little brother!"

"En." Wei Chen replied, he happened to need someone to lead the way.

"Miss, let's go." Seeing Mr. Ou taking Wei Chen away, Xiaoqing began to perform her duties.

"No, I'm going to take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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