Doom Ray

Chapter 23 Test Begins

Chapter 23 Test Begins

"Wei Chen, how old is this year?"

How old is it?How to ask such a question?Wei Chen was a little puzzled, but he still replied, "Eighteen."

Ou Lao smiled and continued to ask: "Is there any relative here?"

"There is a sister."

"Where are the parents?"

"do not know."

In this way, along the way, Mr. Ou asked Wei Chen all over the place, such as why have you ever been in love before?Do you have any lovers now?what did the parents do before
As for Wei Chen, who was fascinated by Huangfu Ling, he is still a little confused now.So he shook out all the foundations with a bang.


When he came to a red building, Mr. Ou stopped.

finally reached!Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, he really didn't know what questions Mr. Ou would ask if he continued walking, he was already afraid of being asked.

"Let's go, let's go in." Ou Lao continued to walk forward, and Wei Chen followed.

"This is Building No. [-], which is specially used to evaluate the ability strength of special abilities." Knowing that Wei Chen knew nothing about this place, Mr. Ou explained for him: "The better the evaluation results, the better the evaluation results given by the military." There will be more supplies. So it’s best not to hide anything after entering, it’s meaningless.”

Wei Chen nodded.Afterwards, Mr. Ou knocked on the door of Building No. [-].

"Hello!" A man in military uniform opened the door and saluted Mr. Ou and Wei Chen.

"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Ou?" the soldier asked. As the caretaker of a person with special abilities, Mr. Ou naturally recognized him.

Mr. Ou took Wei Chen into the gate and replied: "Bring a newcomer to test." After speaking, he carried Wei Chen forward.

"Test for newcomers!" The soldier looked at Mr. Ou with a different look. Everyone in District A knows that there is a caretaker system for the supernatural beings. After the capable person identifies a caretaker, what the caretaker says is almost equal to what the capable person said.

You know, every registered superpower has a lot of power!Ou Lao is Huangfu Ling's caretaker.

Now Mr. Ou has brought a new supernatural being here. If this person also recognizes Mr. Ou as the caretaker, then Mr. Ou's power in this gathering place is almost unmatched by anyone!
The soldier looked at Ou Lao with envious eyes, but the envy was nothing but envy. Now that Wei Chen has not identified anyone but the caretaker, he also hopes to win it!

"Hello, sir! My name is Lin Jun!" The soldier reported his name and introduced himself to Wei Chen, "Building No. [-], administrator of special ability evaluation."

"My name is Wei Chen." Wei Chen nodded.

Seeing Lin Jun's seriousness, Mr. Ou just smiled and said, "Lin Jun, call someone to test it!"

"Okay." Although he wanted to hug his thigh, but he still couldn't forget about his work, Lin Jun replied: "The two of you wait for a while, and I will call the staff."

Ou Lao nodded, and took Wei Chen to find a place to sit down.Most of these reviewers are experts in the gathering place, and they are usually very busy. Naturally, it is impossible to waste time in this building No. [-].

"Wei Chen, don't be nervous, the test is very easy." Ou Lao saw Wei Chen's breathing was a little short, so he comforted him, "Take care of your breathing."

"En." Wei Chen replied, then closed his eyes and began to meditate, replenishing the previous consumption.

"This is it!" Seeing Wei Chen's action, Mr. Ou immediately widened his eyes.

"This kid is really good!" After calming down the shock in his heart, Ou Lao exclaimed.



"come in!"

Lin Jun walked into the former teacher's office, came to a table and said, "Report, there are new people with special abilities coming to take the test."

"Really!" The person behind the desk suddenly stood up from the chair, and the pen in his hand was thrown out with a lump of ink, staining a document, "I'll be there right away!"

The officer put on his hat, straightened his coat, and strode out.Lin Jun also followed, but he separated from the officer at the door, and he had to notify others.

"A new supernatural power has appeared!"

"Notify the superior!"

It is impossible for the officer to be the only one in such a huge office, so the news of the arrival of a new supernatural person was immediately spread.


"A new one?"

"Yes, boss, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Nonsense, let's go!"


"Sir, I just got news that a newcomer is here."

"Newcomers? Special abilities! Let's go and have a look!"


"There is a new special ability user, what should I do, brother?"

"Is there a caretaker?"

"It seems not yet."

"Okay, prepare some gifts, we must establish a good relationship, and take this position!"

Of course, some people don't care about this matter.For example, in a dormitory, there is a little fat man who is sleeping soundly. No matter what his caretaker says, he is still stuck on the bed and refuses to get off.


almost.Wei Chen meditated for a while, then opened his eyes.Ever since he was almost killed in the women's restroom, Wei Chen began to change his previous lazy thinking, relying on meditation to increase his strength is slow, but at least it can add up.

so many people!After opening his eyes, Wei Chen first saw a group of people gathered in the stands.Building No. [-] was formerly a place similar to an auditorium with a large space.

"Wei Chen, you're awake." Seeing Wei Chen looking around in panic, Elder Ou reminded him: "It's almost there, go to the test quickly, or there will be more people in a while!"

"Look, Miss is greeting you."

"Ah, umm." Wei Chen looked in the direction Ou Lao pointed, and found that Huangfu Ling was waving at him.Wei Chen nodded in response to her.

"go quickly."

"Hey~" Wei Chen nodded, before he kept saying that he should be respected by others.Now I have received enough respect, but this feeling is not as good as I imagined.

The moment he stepped off the stands, Wei Chen felt hot all over his body, and pairs of scorching eyes focused on him. .

"Look, here we come!"

"That's the kid!"

"You're very young, I don't know how the evaluation results are?"

Seeing the main character leave the stage, the audience on the stage began to discuss, not only that, but audiences came in one after another at the door.

Why is the testing site here.Wei Chen couldn't figure it out, why can't we choose a smaller place, with so many people, is it a joke?
"Mr. Wei Chen?" As soon as Wei Chen walked down, a staff member in white clothes stepped forward to guide him. "This way."

Wei Chen nodded, followed the guide and walked over.

I saw a table was placed there, the table was an arc table, and a chair was placed in the center of the arc, for people like Wei Chen who participated in the assessment, and five tables were placed behind the arc table, for Examiners sit.

On the table at this moment, the other five people are already seated. Looking at them in counterclockwise order, the first one is a middle-aged man in casual clothes, the second is a white-haired doctor in a white coat, and an officer in military uniform sits in the middle , followed by a woman, and finally a bald man in a suit.

"Please sit down!" The officer in the middle smiled at Wei Chen and raised his hand as a signal.Seeing that Wei Chen sat down, the officer picked up the pen that was put aside and said, "Then let's start!"

"Let's start!" As soon as the officer finished speaking, there was an echo in the distance, and the audience in the stands also shut their mouths.

Wei Chen clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

"Little brother, don't be nervous." The officer sitting in the middle saw Wei Chen fidgeting and said to him with a smile. "Come and let me introduce you first."

With that said, the officer stood up and introduced them one by one counterclockwise: "This is Yan Yan, who is in charge of the management of abilities. This is Lu Haiqing, Doctor Lu."

"Then these two are Lian Fang and Han Deyuan." The officer pointed to the two people on the other side of him.However, it did not introduce what the two of them were doing.

"Finally, I, Lian Yingcai, temporarily serve as the chief of staff of the military region." After Lian Yingcai finished speaking, he gave Wei Chen a military salute very solemnly.

"Okay, let's start evaluating abilities. Little brother, get ready."

(End of this chapter)

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