Doom Ray

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Questioning
it has started!Wei Chen swallowed his saliva, not knowing what the result would be, but from the current point of view, his ability is not bad no matter what!
"Little Jun!" Lian Yingcai turned his head and shouted to Lin Jun who was standing at attention, "Go get that shield!"


After Lin Jun gave a military salute, he trotted towards the side room.

"I really want that shield!"

"Yeah, self-healing, defensive and strong, and light!"

"You don't feel disgusted either, it was removed from the third-level shield corpse."

The shield of the third-level zombie!Hearing this, Wei Chen looked forward to it very much. The third-level zombies are one level higher than him.


Lin Jun appeared pushing a cart.

"Hiss~ it's so big!" Seeing a huge bone shield on the cart, Wei Chen stood up inadvertently.The bone shield is grayish white and oval in shape.There are many ravines and folds on it, flashing a metallic guanze.

indestructible!At this moment, Wei Chen only had this word in his mind, and before he had time to continue praising the bone shield, Wei Chen thought of a more terrifying thing!

Who killed this zombie?

"Little brother, your name is Wei Chen." Lian Yingcai looked at the form in his hand and said, which recorded some basic information about Wei Chen. Judging from the level of detail, only Mr. Ou, who was asking all kinds of questions, could write it out.

"I have a question for you." Lian Yingcai continued, "How old are you?"

"Second rank." Wei Chen said, there is nothing to hide, and judging from the tragic experience of the owner of this bone shield, there are many people of the same rank as him in the gathering place, and there are even stronger ones!

"Then are you a power type or an energy type?" Lian Yingcai suddenly became serious when asked this.The audience in the surrounding stands also fell silent, and some even leaned out to hear clearly.

But Wei Chen was taken aback after hearing this question, what is a power type?What is an energy type?Do special abilities still have points for this?He doesn't understand these at all!
Seeing Wei Chen standing there in a daze, Lian Yingcai slapped his forehead, finally realizing the mistake he made.With this kind of detailed classification, only people in Area A or Area B will hear about it.As for the others, it is already very good to know that there are people with special abilities!
"How about this? Let me change the question. How many skills do you have, Wei Chen? Note that these are innate skills, not self-created skills!" Lian Yingcai asked again. After asking, Lian Yingcai picked up the water normally and took a sip .

Now Wei Chen understood what he was asking, and replied simply, "There are three."

Lian Yingcai directly sprayed the water, "Three! Really?"

The mist scattered and hit Wei Chen's face.Wei Chen ignored the mist of saliva, he was taken aback by Lian Yingcai's actions.It's not over yet, the audience in the stands immediately burst into exclamation when they heard Wei Chen's answer.

"Really? That's an energy-type special ability."

"This kind of special ability is really rare, today is not in vain!"

Just as the audience was venting their emotions in a mess, in a corner of the stands.An old man was shaking his hands.

"Second brother, what you said is true! Don't lie to me!"

"I've heard Kun'er mention him before, so I'm [-]% sure!"

"Good! Good! Good! Good!" The old man said four good words in a row, and finally said with a pat on the thigh: "Good!"

"Go and call Kun'er to come over and recognize someone! Go!"


what happened?Looking at the excited crowd, Wei Chen was a little at a loss.But now, Wei Chen is not so nervous anymore.

"Cough, okay, let's continue." Lian Yingcai wiped his face and said: "Wei Chen, you use your three skills to hit this shield first, let's test the power first."

"Okay." Wei Chen responded, and a yellow throwing knife condensed in his hand.

"Hey, miss, this is a mimic skill." Ou Lao came to Huangfuling's side at some point and asked her.Seeing Huangfuling nodded, Ou Lao also nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Wei Chen waved his hand, and the simulated flying knife hit the bone shield.

"Boom~" There was a muffled sound, and a very clear cut was made on the bone shield.However, it didn't penetrate!
"It's so tough!" Wei Chen exclaimed, if it were the zombies he had faced before, as long as he was hit, he would be dead!
Seeing that Wei Chen was feeling emotional, Lian Yingcai praised: "Don't mind Wei Chen, this thing was broken off from a level [-] zombie, and you are only level [-], so it's pretty good to be able to cause such damage."

"There are two more skills?" Lian Yingcai drank his saliva, looked at Wei Chen with very expectant eyes, and his heart was already full of joy: the real thing!This guy is the real thing!

"Uh~" There are two more!What should I say?Wei Chen was confused, not to mention that he has never used the dispel skill, even the healing effect of the healing skill is not easy to show, so why do you want to make a hole for others and say that I can help you heal?It is estimated that Wei Chen was shot dead before the opening was opened.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Wei Chen hesitated, Lian Yingcai asked with concern.

"There are still two skills that are difficult to display." Wei Chen hesitated for a while and said.

"It's not easy to show?" Lian Yingcai frowned. Could it be that it was too powerful and afraid of accidental injury?However, none of the people present are ordinary people, and even Yingcai is not afraid. Whether it is the audience or the commentators, there is no ordinary person!

Therefore, Lian Yingcai said angrily: "Don't worry, show it boldly." As he spoke, he took another sip of water.

"One is the ability to heal," Wei Chen said in a low voice slowly, "there is also the ability to detoxify."

"Pfft~" Lian Yingcai spit again, looked at Wei Chen with wide eyes, widened his eyes in disbelief, and shouted: "What did you say, say it again!"

But it was Lu Haiqing who had a bigger reaction than Lian Yingcai. This guy slapped the table and stood up.

The reaction of the two aroused the curiosity of the audience.

"What did that kid say just now, these two old guys are so excited?"

"Hey! Don't be a kid, be careful to be overheard!"

"Quiet!" A person sitting in the middle of the stands said just as the stands started to make noise again.His voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear him clearly. "Listen carefully!"

Ever since, the venue became completely quiet, and a needle could be heard!
"As expected of a murderer!" Seeing this situation, Mr. Ou praised without smiling.Maybe others are worried about this person, but Mr. Ou doesn't need it, because his status is there, no one dares to come and find trouble.

Wei Chen also turned his head to look at the center of the stands, and soon found the person who spoke.I saw that this man was shirtless, and his appearance was a little ugly. One of his eyes was blocked by the hair hanging down, but through the gaps in the hair, Wei Chen could still see traces of scars.

Special abilities!Wei Chen quickly had the answer to this person's identity, he gave Wei Chen the same feeling as Huangfu Ling, but it was a little different.

Seeing Wei Chen looking at him, the ugly man nodded his head towards Wei Chen.

"Wei Chen, can you show me your skills?" Lu Haiqing said, his voice trembling with excitement. "Can your healing skills heal multiple injuries?"

"As long as you don't die, you can save your life!" Wei Chen said firmly.


Thank you for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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