Doom Ray

Chapter 25 Level 5!

Chapter 25 Level [-]!

As long as you don't die, you can be saved!
After hearing this, the audience was dead silent!After a long time, the sound of breathing was heard one after another.


"It's a lie! Is it true?" After the shock, many people began to shout.At this moment, Building No. [-] is no longer a venue dedicated to testing, but more like a vegetable market.

While everyone was discussing, a few people frowned, and all of them were representatives of major organizations.These people came up with the same idea at this time, they were all trying to figure out how to get Wei Chen.

Yes, it is to get, not to win!
Elder Ou also frowned, while Huangfu Ling beside him had no expression on his face, but he was holding onto his clothes tightly with both hands.

Trouble!If Wei Chen showed a powerful attack power, everyone would definitely welcome the friendship and respect, but now Wei Chen said that he has a very powerful healing ability. Wei Chen was raised in captivity for his own healing.The most important thing is that Wei Chen is only at the second rank, and there are many people with higher ranks in the gathering place!
As for those who would rather die than submit, those people have various ways to make Wei Chen have to submit!
"Miss, what should we do?" Elder Ou leaned down and asked Huangfuling softly.A mature person like Ou Lao can naturally think of things that other people can think of.

"Find a way to keep him!" Huangfu Ling said very seriously.

After hearing this, Mr. Ou nodded. To be honest, he liked this young man quite a bit. When he asked questions along the way, Wei Chen answered them one by one without showing any sign of impatience.Based on this alone, Mr. Ou felt that this young man was feasible, and if Wei Chen could not escape the result of captivity, couldn't the young lady be raised in captivity?At least in terms of living security, it is definitely better than others!
"Then it's settled!"

In just a few moments, many big bosses had already prepared countermeasures, waiting for Wei Chen to take the bait.Lian Yingcai quickly exchanged glances with several commentators around, and the five nodded in tacit understanding.

not good!Wei Chen's pupils shrank, and finally thought of this.Don't blame him, after all, no matter how good Wei Chen is at observing the current situation, he is only a high school student, and he can't get away with his life experience!
what to do?Wei Chen, who realized the problem, began to think about the countermeasures. This time, he can no longer ignore it because of troubles. If he really ignores it according to his previous thinking, then Wei Chen himself will probably live a life under house arrest in the future. up.At that time, let alone parents and younger sisters, even acquaintances like Lin Kun will be used as bargaining chips!
Thoughts were running in my head, relying on healing and dispelling would definitely not work, these two skills are not without attack power for humans, so the only skill that can be used at present is mimicry.But the power of this skill is there. It is okay to deal with people of the same level. If you encounter those strong people, such as the person who killed the shield owner in front of you, how should you fight?There is no need to fight!
No, you can't give up, there must be hope!Just when Wei Chen was about to give up mentally, he cheered himself up again, pushing his brain cells hard, thinking!think!think!If he doesn't think of a way, Wei Qingcheng will definitely be the first to encounter danger!
At this moment, the sense of crisis from the heart made Wei Chen's hands and feet start to turn slightly white, cold and trembling.The blood in the whole body actually converged into the brain, and the sensitivity of the whole brain reached an unprecedented height.

The surrounding scene suddenly became very clear, and Wei Chen could even 'hear' Lian Yingcai's whispers through his eyes and read his lips directly, and judge what they were talking about by smelling the amount of smell these people exhaled from their mouths. .

At this moment, Wei Chen only felt that time passed very slowly, and he had enough time to think.In such an inconspicuous time, Wei Chen accidentally entered a state of synaesthesia!This is a condition that only occurs in a highly developed state of the brain!
Self-created skills. Strength type. Energy type. Balance.Words and words flashed through Wei Chen's mind quickly, and Wei Chen could quickly recall every word that everyone said.Gradually, he recalled the first time he met Li Wenbo, when the baby was abandoned, when he was at school.

Have!Wei Chen remembered it, and remembered that when he first got the skill of mimicry, many applications of this skill automatically appeared in his mind.One of them is to add this skill to the weapon to make the weapon more powerful.

Recalling this point, Wei Chen gradually put his focus here, maybe he can make a fuss here!

"Wei Chen, little brother Wei Chen. Wei Chen!" Just when Wei Chen was thinking deeply, Lian Ying patted the table to bring him back to his senses.

"Hmm!" Wei Chen, who was called back to reality by Lian Yingcai, broke out in a cold sweat suddenly, and his hands and feet began to warm up, accompanied by a slight numbness.

If you guessed right, we will test our combat power later so that it will be easier for them to attack!Wei Chen secretly thought.Wei Chen, who had withdrawn from the state just now, had already considered what was going to happen. Although it couldn't be said to be absolutely accurate, there was still a [-]% to [-]% certainty!
Of course, Wei Chen was wrong about one thing, that is, the military was more protective of this, and the purpose of proposing the competition was to make Wei Chen feel the crisis and let him fall into the arms of the military.

And they believed that Wei Chen would definitely choose to do so.Anyone who knows how to choose between being a beast and being a pet!
"Okay, Wei Chen, although you said that your skills are about saving lives and healing the wounded, we still need to examine your abilities!" Lian Yingcai drank his saliva and continued: "So I will arrange someone to fight with you later, you You can completely let go of your hands and feet, and at the same time, you can rest assured that there will be no danger!"

Sure enough, although he had already made up his mind, Wei Chen was still a little disgusted when he heard Lian Yingcai say this.He even noticed that even Yingcai's tone towards him had changed a lot inadvertently.

"Okay!" Wei Chen said this decisively, and now he can only fight.Wei Chen also calculated by the way before that this time the opponent should be about one level higher than him. After all, it is useless if the strength is too low, and Wei Chen's specific strength cannot be counted if the strength is too high.

Fight!Wei Chen gritted his teeth and thought to himself, if he can win against this person, then the previous problem can be solved for the time being!After all, there may not be fourth-order special abilities in this gathering place.

"En." Seeing that Wei Chen nodded, Lian Yingcai and the other four stood up, and Lin Jun quickly stepped forward to remove the tables and chairs to clear the space.

"We must win!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth and followed Lian Yingcai's instructions to the center of the venue.Taking advantage of the gap when his opponent hadn't played yet, Wei Chen looked around.

This auditorium is different from other auditoriums. In addition to the rostrum and the auditorium, there is a field specially used for playing games in the middle of the two. From the lines drawn on the ground, it can be easily judged that this should be A place for basketball or badminton games.

The moment Wei Chen looked around, he saw Huangfu Ling smiled at him, and Wei Chen who laughed was trembling.

so beautiful!Wei Chen couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Okay, Wei Chen, your opponent is me." Just as Wei Chen looked at Huangfu Ling, a person came up from the sidelines.

Yan Yan!Wei Chen was a little surprised, but he didn't think much of it, just secretly prepared himself.But Yan Yan's next sentence directly caused him to be in a state of confusion!
"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Yan Yan, a fifth-level evolutionary!"

(End of this chapter)

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