Doom Ray

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
"Do you want to continue?" Wei Chen said with a smile, he didn't even use up the energy of a single flower, so he was confident in himself at the moment.

Yan Yan gritted his teeth with hatred on his face!how to spell?The strength can't be fought, the consumption can't be consumed, and the fighting skills are empty but can't be used.But if you don't fight, maybe tomorrow these supernatural beings will start kicking their noses and hitting their faces.

"Okay, Wei Chen won." When Yan Yan was very tangled, Lian Yingcai spoke up. Since the trial and suppression failed, he had no choice but to stop.

Hearing this, although Yan Yan looked sad, he felt very fortunate in his heart.

Seeing that the opponent stopped, Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief and rubbed his nose. The punch just now was definitely not blocked!That kind of pain can only be cleared after being hit once.


"it is good!"

I don't know who got up first and took the lead in applauding, and then everyone in the stands stood up one after another, and the applause rang out.Wei Chen's strength is enough for them to respect.

Wei Chen waved to the stands with a smile on his face, but if someone looked closely at Wei Chen's hands, they would find that there was a layer of water stains on them!
"Hey~" Lian Yingcai sighed, so he followed the rules here and wrote a certificate to Wei Chen. "Come on, Wei Chen, here is your proof, keep it safe, it is suitable for something similar to an ID card."

Lian Yingcai walked up to Wei Chen and handed him the certificate.However, judging from the fact that Lian Yingcai only stretched out one hand, he was also very uncomfortable.This proof represents the birth of a new force!
Wei Chen took the small book, opened the first page and looked at it, except that there was no photo of himself on it, other basic information was filled in.

Afterwards, Wei Chen turned to the second page, and there was a very conspicuous 'S' written on it.This is rating!
After getting the certificate, the evaluation was over, and several judges rushed out, not sure if it was because of face problems or because they were too busy.However, Dr. Lu stayed and seemed to have something to do with Wei Chen, but now that Wei Chen was already surrounded by other forces, he couldn't talk to him at all.

"Brother Weichen, hello!"

"Hello, I am"

"Our representative. Please accept these."

So annoying!Looking at the representatives of the major forces around him, Wei Chen only felt a headache. Not to mention that he couldn't bear this scene, he couldn't take away even so many things, but he really couldn't leave if he didn't take them away. !

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me." Just when Wei Chen felt embarrassed, someone in the crowd stopped the furious crowd and said, "We have so many things, Brother Wei Chen will definitely not be able to take them away. How about we send these to Brother Wei Chen's residence, what do you think?"

"That's right, I think it's most appropriate to send it directly to the residence. I don't know which tent Brother Wei Chen is living in now? If it hasn't been allocated yet, we can also send it to an acquaintance for collection!" Someone immediately echoed.

Heh~ Wei Chen sneered, sent it to acquaintances, and then captured them as chips?Wei Chen knew the purpose of these people at a glance.Since the same feeling just now, Wei Chen only felt that his mind was much clearer, and he quickly thought of the key point.

But soon Wei Chen also had a plan, so he clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone, send the things to Mr. Ou!"

Old Ou?The crowd fell silent for a moment, turned their heads to look somewhere in the stands, and collectively felt ashamed.Who would dare to catch Ou Lao and threaten Wei Chen?Well, now it's really a gift.Of course, there were also many people who gritted their teeth secretly. They really came to give gifts to curry favor, but they didn't expect to be destroyed by these people.

After that, the people surrounding Wei Chen also dispersed, after all, continuing would only arouse people's resentment.Wei Chen also heaved a sigh of relief, but Ou Lao was not relaxed. With what Wei Chen said just now, those who really wanted to give gifts had to change their ways to curry favor with Ou Lao.

Seeing these people's persistence, Wei Chen also admired them a little bit, and he also understood that, after all, their things are not even icing on the cake for those old forces, so how can they curry favor with them?But it's different when it's Wei Chen, it's a real help in the snow.

After sending Mr. Ou an apologetic look, Wei Chen also walked out of the gate. He still has a lot of things to do, such as asking the military for a place to live.

"Mr. Wei Chen, can you wait a moment." Just as Wei Chen walked out of the gate, Dr. Lu leaned over, called Wei Chen very respectfully, and said excitedly: "Although what they did just now was too much, we The medical team needs you, there are many wounded patients who need you!"

Medical team?Wei Chen was stunned, why do you need such an organization?Fighting against zombies is nothing more than victory and death.Then Wei Chen asked this question naturally.

"Why don't you need it?" Lu Haiqing paused for a while, probably organizing his words to explain to Wei Chen, but after thinking for a long time, Lu Haiqing still frowned.

Seeing this, Wei Chen shook his head and left without looking back. He doesn't like the military right now.

"Wait!" Seeing Wei Chen leaving, Lu Haiqing hurried over and shouted, "Mr. Wei Chen, can you come with me to see the truth, I don't know what to say."

I do not know how to say?Wei Chen looked at Lu Haiqing in surprise, but Wei Chen was taken aback by this look. Although this doctor Lu Haiqing has white hair, there is no wrinkle on his face!Very young!

Albinism!Wei Chen remembered that in biology class, he heard that such people are either idiots or geniuses!This one is obviously the latter!
"Why do you want to go with you?" Wei Chen asked, no matter what other people do, it has nothing to do with him.

"This..." Lu Haiqing was dumbfounded by Wei Chen's question, and then he said something that made Wei Chen laugh and cry, "Didn't God give you such an ability to save the world?"

"Heh~ Since God gave me such an ability, it's mine. How I use it depends entirely on my preferences." Wei Chen asked back, this ability is not enough to protect his relatives, and he will take care of other people. life or death?

After hearing this, Lu Haiqing unexpectedly pointed at Wei Chen's nose and said, "Why do you have such thoughts? Are you still human if you are so heartless?"

"Wei Chen, don't argue with this idiot, it's amazing!" At this moment, Ou Lao came to Wei Chen's side, and he didn't know how he sent those people away.

It's really weird enough, when is this, and there is such an idea.But speaking of it, if there were no zombies, Lu Haiqing would definitely be a good doctor with his ideas and talents!

"Forget it, I'll go and have a look with him." Wei Chen, who was pointed at by Lu Haiqing, finally compromised. After all, both of them are right, but they have different ideas. If it continues, it will only be endless.

"Alright, it's not bad for me to take you to visit various areas by the way." Ou Lao nodded and said.

"Great!" Lu Haiqing exclaimed happily, completely forgetting that he was pointing at Wei Chen very rudely just now.


Well, there is another update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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