Doom Ray

Chapter 28 The Strange Doctor

Chapter 28 The Strange Doctor
Following Lu Haiqing to the so-called medical team headquarters in his mouth, Wei Chen who watched the scene shook his head again and again.No matter how they looked at each of them, they didn't think they had any illness or injury, and some of them were accompanied by their female relatives, hugging left and right.

"It's a good environment!" Wei Chen subconsciously sarcastically said, but it's also true, the beds in the medical team are much more comfortable to sleep in than those tents outside.

After listening to this, Lu Haiqing not only didn't feel embarrassed, but said triumphantly: "That's right, the conditions here can't be better for the recovery of these injured patients!"

"Cough~" Mr. Ou coughed helplessly, and Wei Chen also turned his head speechlessly.I didn't expect such wonderful people to exist in the world!

"Then you don't care about those who bring their female relatives?" Wei Chen couldn't help asking, pointing at the 'patients' who were enjoying themselves on the hospital bed.He couldn't stand it anymore, so he kindly reminded him that he had never seen such a stupid person.Unexpectedly, Lu Haiqing's answer made Wei Chen understand one thing, it is not these fake patients who really need treatment, but the doctor Lu Haiqing.

"It doesn't matter, you can see that the expressions on the faces of those patients are very comfortable, which is conducive to recovery!"


"Hey~" After leaving the ward, Wei Chen sighed.If Lu Haiqing can be valued, he must have extraordinary medical skills, but what he didn't expect is that he is like an idiot in dealing with people.

"Does the military care about this?" Wei Chen asked Mr. Ou.

Mr. Ou shook his head and said, "I can't control it. The military intervened once before, but who would have thought that Lu Haiqing would help those people to speak up."

After hearing Ou Lao's words, Wei Chen couldn't help but feel ashamed again.

"Doctor! Doctor! Come!"

Just as the two were about to leave, a group of people rushed over carrying a stretcher.These people's faces were bloodstained, obviously they just came back from the outside.Among them, a man in tattered clothes rushed directly into the ward, calling for help loudly.

"Who is so noisy!" Lu Haiqing in the ward roared angrily. He couldn't stand any behavior that disturbed the 'patient'.

"Doctor, Doctor Lu! Help, my brother is dying!" After seeing Lu Haiqing, the man rushed to kneel down in front of him, pointed to the stretcher outside, and begged, "Please help him! How much does it cost?" Any reward is fine!"

As soon as he heard that someone was dying, Lu Haiqing changed his angry face and became extremely anxious.Without saying a word, he ran directly to the stretcher, leaving behind a man who was at a loss.

Since Wei Chen was about to go out, the stretcher was right in front of him at this moment.Just glanced at it slightly, Wei Chen sighed again, this man's body is full of bite marks, it is certain that he will not be able to save his life if he doesn't take action.But Wei Chen didn't care about this. He remembered that just before, Lin Lei and other two seriously injured people were not allowed to enter the checkpoint.The two of them were not even sure if they were injured by zombies, but the bite mark in front of them was so obvious, but they were carried in generously.

"What's the matter, why are young people sighing?" Seeing that Wei Chen was sighing, Mr. Ou said indifferently: "If you don't have the heart to save him, why don't you?"

"That's not the reason." Wei Chen said.

"What's that?" Elder Ou asked again, but seeing that Wei Chen didn't speak, he frowned, why did this kid seem like a different person?
In the beginning, Mr. Ou liked this child because Wei Chen was a good candidate for his son-in-law, apart from his age and identity being a good match with his own lady. Later, during the conversation, Wei Chen made him feel like his dead grandson, so he thought about it in his heart. Wei Chen's affection deepened a bit.But now, Wei Chen feels like his own boss to him.

Was it all pretended before?Mr. Ou was taken aback by this thought, if this is the case, then how terrifying is Wei Chen's scheming!
It's no wonder Mr. Ou thought so. After Wei Chen had a synaesthesia experience, his mind became more active. He was only thinking about one thing now, so he ignored Mr. Ou.

Do or not?After Wei Chen thought about it, he hesitated in his heart, because although this idea is in his own interest and he can enjoy the benefits, it may also arouse public anger.It's okay when you are strong, you can hold others down, and your strength is surpassed by others.
"No!" Wei Chen's eyes turned hard, even if he didn't do these things, as long as others are better than him, he might be arrested and raised in captivity!
Since this is the case, it is better to make a decision on this matter, at least it will be of great help to improve one's own rank!
"No, there's no way to save it." Lu Haiqing looked at the injured and shook his head helplessly.His words were like the sentence of Lord Hades, which made the injured teammates look ashamed.

"However." Lu Haiqing changed the subject, making other people's eyes light up again!possible!
Lu Haiqing turned around, made a gesture of 'please' with one hand and said: "This gentleman can definitely save him!"

After hearing this, the man just knelt down in front of Wei Chen and begged, "Sir, I beg you to save him!"

Here's your chance!Just used it for publicity!Wei Chen thought secretly, but the look Lu Haiqing looked at him made Wei Chen dumbfounded.

There was more of a mockery in that expression.Without it, the talk collapsed!
Before Lu Haiqing invited Wei Chen to help him treat those "sick people", but in fact these people were not injured or sick, how to treat them?
It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!
However, Lu Haiqing just labeled Wei Chen as incompetent!
Such a person deserves to be deceived!

"Yes." Wei Chen looked at the big man and agreed directly.But before the big man could show his joy, Wei Chen said again: "But I charge a fee."

Charges!Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned for a while, but the big man quickly realized that the fee is charged, and it is a good deal to buy life with money!

That's right, paying for medical treatment, this is what Wei Chen came up with. In the new world, the currency of the old era has long been useless and has been replaced by crystals. Therefore, if you want a good life, hunting zombies is a good source of funds .Otherwise, we can only wait for the government to distribute a steamed bun every day that is not enough to eat.

While hunting zombies, there will be more or less accidents, and there is no way to treat the corpse poison in the gathering place, so in the end they can only wait for death in a daze.

"How many crystals, I'll give it, I'll give it!" The big man immediately took out a small bag, which was full of crystals, which must have been praised over time.

"Huh!" Wei Chen's eyes lit up, and there were actually two yellow crystals inside!So he gestured and said, "If there is a yellow spar, one can cure all diseases, otherwise 10 first-class variegated spar for minor injuries, 30 for serious injuries, and 60 for near-death. 100 for detoxification! The price is clearly marked .”

"Yes! Yes!" The big man only heard that the yellow spar can cure all diseases, so he immediately stretched his hands into the bag excitedly to search.He remembered that there were two yellow crystals inside.

"Give it!" The big man quickly found the two yellow crystals from his bag, and stuffed them all into Wei Chen.He said excitedly, "I'll give it all to you! Be sure to save him!"

"En!" Wei Chen nodded solemnly, walked to the stretcher and started the treatment.

Seeing that the wound of the injured patient recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the teammates around the stretcher were filled with tears and clenched their fists excitedly.

At this moment, Wei Chen suddenly couldn't bear it anymore. Maybe there are many intrigues in the last days, but whether it is Liu Tianming or Wu Chen who I saw at the gate of the checkpoint before, or these people in front of me, they all cherish the lives of their teammates very much!
Lu Hai, who was on the side, was dumbfounded early in the morning. He didn't understand why Wei Chen didn't save those lying in the ward?Why do you have to charge money to save lives?Why are these people willing to give money?The most important thing is that these people look at themselves more with disdain, but when they look at Wei Chen, they have a trace of respect!
Is charging more conducive to deepening the relationship between doctors and patients?Lu Haiqing thought about it.The more I think about it, the more it makes sense.

It is conceivable that those fake patients will cost a lot in the future.


It will be delivered at three o'clock, please recommend a ticket. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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