Doom Ray

Chapter 29

Chapter 29
"Have you heard?"


"It is said that now there is a doctor offering a price for treatment, as long as you don't die, you can save it!"

"Nonsense, what about being bitten by a zombie?"

"That doctor is a person with special abilities! I'm not afraid that I won't be cured, but I'm afraid that there will be no spar!"

This is the second day when Wei Chen came to the meeting place. With the help of the group yesterday, the news of Wei Chen's offer to heal his injuries spread like crazy. The big man even spread the word from Area A to Area F in order to repay his kindness.

Dependent on this news, the price of yellow spar skyrocketed.In particular, all parties in Area A have long known about the special existence of Wei Chen, so they frantically recycled yellow spar in the early stage, so that now, one first-level yellow spar can be equivalent to five second-class yellow spar. grade spar.

Therefore, spar of this color is logically called topaz.Different from gold in the past, this yellow crystal represents not money, but life!

"Ring Ling Ling ~"

"Wow!" Wei Chen turned off the alarm, stretched his limbs, "Excellent!"

Wei Chen is now in a faculty dormitory, which is also the residence assigned to Wei Chen by the military. The room is quite large, but it is too spacious.

After washing up a bit, Wei Chen walked out of the room. He still had some things to do, such as bringing Wei Qingcheng in.

As soon as he walked out of the room, many evolutionists greeted him in the corridor. Unlike Wei Chen, the evolutionists usually have a team and a student dormitory. between.

After nodding his head one by one, Wei Chen leaned on the railing with both hands, and a gust of wind rushed towards his face.

"It's so comfortable!" Wei Chen didn't dislike the smelly air at all, and took a deep breath, feeling refreshed all over.

Yes, An Yi.This is the advantage of such a large gathering place in City No. [-] Middle School. You don't have to worry about whether the crisis is coming all the time.

This is his second day at the meeting place. Yesterday, he followed Ou Lao around and learned a lot.

It turned out that there were five checkpoints in the entire gathering place, and what Peng Feng was guarding was only one of them.What Wei Chen was particularly concerned about was that there were two large checkpoints that happened to be set on the main road, where there were battles almost all the time!
From this, Wei Chen also learned that the right to live in Area A can be obtained by military exploits!As long as you have fought on the front for 72 hours, you can move into Area A.

Of course, this condition seems simple, but in fact, countless capable people died on these two fronts!This is not over yet, even if you live in Area A, you have to go to the battlefield every two days, otherwise your right to live will be cancelled!
And even with such strict conditions, those who are still able to enter Area A one after another.The reason is simple, just to enjoy that moment of ease.

Therefore, Wei Chen chose these two battlefields as the place where he planned to make a medical visit!
In addition to these large checkpoints, there are about [-] small checkpoints, but these small checkpoints are much easier to defend, so they were all taken away by the military.

"That's it, go pick up Qingcheng first, and then take her to kill zombies." Wei Chen made a decision. At first he wanted to bring Wei Qingcheng directly to District A, but District A clearly stipulates that people who do not eat for nothing , unless they are special abilities or civil servants, no one else will be approved!

"By the way, there are also guardians!" Wei Chen, who was walking downstairs, clapped his hands, remembering this rule.To put it bluntly, the caretaker of the special ability is similar to the previous secretary, who specializes in handling affairs for the special ability.

Thinking of this, Wei Chen immediately had a candidate.

"Well~ I still need to find my parents, find Lin Kun, and investigate the cause of the end of the world by the way." Wei Chen scratched his head as he walked, recalling all the things he wanted to do, "I'm going, why are there so many things wrong? !"



"Lin Lei, how are you doing?"

"Yue'er, go away!"

"Slap!" A slap was slapped on the face of the woman Lin Lei called Yue'er.

"You bastard!" Lin Lei knelt on the ground, clutching his belly, gritted his teeth and looked at the man in front of him. Coupled with the blood on his face, he looked very ferocious! "What kind of skill is hitting a woman? If you have the guts, come at me!"

"Aim at you?" The man looked at it and smiled, stepped on Lin Lei's head fiercely with one foot and said, "Okay! Then attack you!"

"Thump~thump~thump!" As soon as the man finished speaking, he raised his foot and stomped on Lin Lei's head.

"Hmph, Lin Lei, I told you to be so arrogant before!" It was the man in the leather coat who spoke, and he had already changed from the leather coat to a windbreaker.

The man in leather tugged his sleeves, walked over to imitate a man, stepped on Lin Lei and said, "I've said it all, as long as you hand over that woman, our boss will let you go. Why do you have to work so hard?"

After the man in the leather coat finished speaking, he turned his head to Liu Tianming's jeep and said, "Wei Qingcheng, I know."

"Slap!" The man in the leather coat hadn't pronounced the word 'Dao' before he was slapped by the man next to him.

"The woman the boss wants is something you can call!" The man said, glaring at the man in leather.

unlucky!The man in leather thought to himself, he kept asking the man if he was with him.Knowing that the other party's anger has subsided, he turned his head and continued to say what he said just now.

"Wei..." The man in leather yelled only one word, and immediately realized his mistake, and abruptly suppressed the remaining two words. "I know you're hiding behind the car, following the boss to eat and drink spicy food, what's wrong with that?"

Next, the man in leather babbled a lot, but there was no movement on the jeep, and he was a little bored, so he could only look at the man beside him for help.

"Trash!" Seeing the dog-like eyes of the man in the leather jacket, the man cursed disdainfully, then walked slowly towards the jeep, and said as he walked, "If you don't want to come with me, then I'll send your companion alone. Kill me!"

Kill them one by one!Every word the man said was like a needle piercing Wei Qingcheng's heart.

"Brother, come quickly!" Wei Qingcheng's eyes shed tears slightly, and she kept calling Wei Chen in her heart.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" the man said, "Okay, then I'll kill one first!"

As soon as the words fell, the person disappeared.When it reappeared, the man was pinching a girl's neck.She didn't struggle and was clearly out of breath.

The man in leather looked at this scene, feeling a burst of envy in his heart: It will be great when I have such strength.


"Bastard!" A roar came from behind the tent!A figure rushed towards the man with blood red eyes.

"Don't go on a long voyage!"

Chen Linlin, Nie Yuanhang!Hearing these two names, Wei Qingcheng's eyes were full of panic, and he didn't care about anything, opened the door of the jeep and shouted: "Don't kill them, I'll go with you!"

But, it's too late!

Facing the rushing Nie Yuanhang, the man leaned over, and when Nie Yuanhang was about to hit him, a very beautiful side kick hit Nie Yuanhang's abdomen.

For a moment, the huge impact caused Nie Yuanhang to fly backwards like a shrimp.His body gently wiped two bloodstains on the ground, and finally stopped, but his eyes had lost focus.

"You..." Wei Qingcheng pointed at the man with red eyes. What happened just now made her speechless, and only faint sobs remained in the end.

"Please!" Throwing away the corpse in his hand, the man turned sideways to make way for Wei Qingcheng.

"Hmph!" Seeing that Wei Qingcheng agreed, the leather-clothed man was very proud. Before he left, he kicked Lin Lei viciously, "Spare your dog's life!"


"What happened?" Wei Chen came to the scene in a clean suit. Since Liu Tianming only mentioned Area C before, it took him some effort to find it.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Wei Chen recognized them as Qingcheng's classmates.Sitting next to the corpse were a group of weeping boys and girls, Lin Lei with a swollen face, and Yue'er with a blushing face, except Wei Qingcheng.

Suddenly, Wei Chen had an ominous premonition, and hurriedly asked, "Where is Qingcheng?"

"I'm sorry." Li Lei lowered his head, not daring to look at Wei Chen.But the three words he said are enough to explain everything!
"Where's Liu Tianming! Why doesn't he care?" Wei Chen roared, "Where's he?"

"Captain and the others are going to Area B for a business trip, and it's just the two of us here."

"I'm asking you!" Wei Chen exaggerated again, and several girls stopped crying after being frightened by the terrifying aura.

"Zone BB." Trembling, Lin Lei raised his left hand with all his strength and pointed in the direction of Zone B.

"Fuck!" Wei Chen yelled, grabbed an iron rod and ran towards area B.

(End of this chapter)

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