Doom Ray

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
Will you be scolded if you ask for collection recommendations here? . .


"Big brother, third brother him."

"I see." Boss Wu felt a headache when he thought of this matter, so he finally had to sigh and said, "It's all because I didn't manage it well."

"Don't blame the elder brother, blame that Wei Chen!" Wu Er Er thought of the name that killed his brother, and gritted his teeth.

Boss Wu hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Forget it, when the family invites a person with special abilities to talk about this matter."

"Unlucky!" Wu Er Er patted the table, and the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

"By the way, look at this!" Second Wu took out a piece of paper, put it on the table and tapped his air a few times, "We have to wipe our butts!"

"What is it?" Boss Wu casually picked it up and looked at it, and immediately burst into anger. "This, this, this! It's too much to deceive people!"

After saying that, the piece of paper was thrown to the ground by Boss Wu.I saw it said: compensation agreement.


"Brother, is anyone here really coming back? It's been a long time."

When Wei Qingcheng asked him this question, Wei Chen couldn't hold back his face. He thought that after yesterday's publicity, many people would come to ask for help.

But now, there is not even a single person on the road where Wei Chen set up a stall.

He even has the number plate ready!
"Don't worry, just wait a little longer, maybe it's easier to defend on the defensive line." Wei Chen comforted himself, "Look, those people all have guns or something, so they don't need to fight at close range! The probability of injury like this Naturally smaller."

Hearing Wei Chen's eloquent words, Wei Qingcheng felt it made sense and nodded.

"But isn't this the 'military defense line'? Shouldn't the place we're going be the 'guard front'?" Wei Qingcheng asked.

Military defense line?Wei Chen was taken aback for a moment, he remembered that the place defended by the military in the five checkpoints was named the military defense line.

So Wei Chen asked Wei Qingcheng, "How do you know?"

"Isn't that written?" Wei Qingcheng pointed to a certain place.

"Crack!" Wei Chen patted his forehead, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Wei Qingcheng lowered his head, fiddled with his hair and said, "Didn't you ask?"

Stayed together for a long time, stayed in the wrong place!


"This is definitely right!" Wei Chen said firmly.

Changed the place, the scene is not the same.Compared to the previous emptiness, the place is bustling with people.

Wei Chen carried tables and chairs, and took Wei Qingcheng for a walk around here, and found that the competition here is very competitive!There are not only blacksmith shops, but also ammunition exchange offices, food exchange offices, crystal stone exchange offices and other miscellaneous stalls run by the military. There are dozens of medical stores and pharmacies alone!

"Let's find a place to set it up!" After turning around, Wei Chen felt that it was time to start working.Originally, Wei Chen planned to ask Wei Qingcheng to obtain the right of residence in District A, but now it seems that there is no need to find one.

The rules are only set for weak people, Wei Chen forced someone to go in, who would stop him when he was full?Which idiot would offend him?
"That's it!" Wei Chen found a random place, and began to put the tables and chairs neatly.

"Brother, it's not good here. Opposite her is a private medical center." Wei Qingcheng pointed to the front and said.

After hearing this, Wei Chen just waved his hands and said, "It's okay, let's see if brother will grab their jobs with his strength!"

Looking at the energetic Wei Chen, Wei Qingcheng sighed, it's no wonder someone came to their dilapidated booth.

You know, the one opposite has all kinds of equipment, a temporary surgery site, sufficient manpower, medicines, and an ambulance on standby.

And here, counting the tables and chairs, that's all.

In the comparison, all kinds of banners on the opposite side are advertised.As for Wei Chen, there was only a blank piece of paper with the words 'healing' written on it, and in order to save paper, he simply wrote the price directly under the two words.

The most important thing is, how could such a thing related to wealth and life find the dilapidated stall opened by Wei Chen and these two brats?

Wei Qingcheng explained it to Wei Chen seriously, but Wei Chen just said a word:

"Whether they like to come or not!"

As a result, no one really came.

Wei Chen was also free and easy, and started to meditate directly.There was only one Wei Qingcheng who wandered around boredly.But I didn't expect Wei Qingcheng to find out the reason why no one came after this visit!
She knew the effect of Wei Chen's healing technique, especially the effect of removing corpse poison, which made Wei Chen confident in setting up a booth.

But who would have thought that there is really a pharmacy on this street that sells medicine for treating corpse poison!It's just that this medicine is only effective for small wounds.

Even so, it makes the store full of people.

Just as Wei Qingcheng was leaving the store, suddenly a group of people hurriedly pushed away the crowd and rushed in.

The people in front were naturally a little upset when they were pushed away, but seeing that the team was carrying a seriously wounded person behind them, it was hard to say anything.After all, this kind of thing will inevitably happen, and everyone can understand it.

"Boss! Boss! There is still myrrh, help him!" There was a young man in the line with a strong body, and he squeezed directly to the counter and begged.

"Chen Hao, forget it!" Just as the young man begged, the seriously wounded number was also carried over, he pulled Chen Hao's clothes, shook his head at him and said, "Save some crystals. "

"That's right, young man, it's really hopeless, let him be relieved earlier!" The pharmacy owner nodded, agreeing with the wounded man, he knew the efficacy of his own medicine, and it wasn't so heaven-defying!

"Yeah, give him a break!"

"Young man, don't cry, face it bravely!"

Hearing the advice from the people around, Chen Hao burst into tears.This scene can't help but make many people feel that this kind of thing has to be experienced more or less several times.

However, someone in the crowd almost laughed out loud.

Can't cure it!Great!Wei Qingcheng was very happy, and finally had a business!
Therefore, Wei Qingcheng didn't squeeze in, and while jumping, he waved and shouted: "I can save here, I can save here! Ah~"

Can save!When Chen Hao heard this word, he immediately raised his head to look for the source of the voice.

Wei Qingcheng's screams seemed very abrupt in this dull atmosphere, and soon, everyone's eyes gradually focused on Wei Qingcheng.

Wei Qingcheng's little face blushed when she was watched, she seemed too excited just now and lost her composure!

"Is this reliable?" Chen Hao looked uncertain, and the hope that had been slightly ignited, was extinguished after seeing Wei Qingcheng.

"Little girl, if you are joking, apologize immediately! This is not a joke!" Someone in the crowd accused Wei Qingcheng.

This sentence also caused everyone to nod repeatedly. Indeed, people are dying. You, a little girl, are here to make fun of him. Have you ever thought about the other party's feelings?

Wei Qingcheng was a little embarrassed by what was said, but with Wei Chen as the base, she still said confidently: "Are you kidding, what I said is true!"

"How about this." The boss came out to smooth things over, and said, "If it can be cured, little girl, you can treat it, or leave quickly, and everyone won't care."


"That's right, come if you can, leave if you can't, and we won't be serious with you."

Many people joined in.

"Hmph, believe me and follow me, my brother can save you!" Wei Qingcheng put down his words and stepped out of the shop.

"Young man, why don't you use a dead horse as a living horse doctor?" The boss suggested, anyway, that person will not be saved, so what if you believe in this girl once?

"Yes, Chen Hao, let's try it!" Seeing that Chen Hao was still hesitating, a teammate stepped forward to persuade him, he was a little moved.A dead horse is a living horse doctor.

"Okay, let's try it!" Chen Hao agreed.So a group of people carried the stretcher, followed Wei Qingcheng out of the store, and followed behind a group of theatergoers.

Wei Qingcheng glanced back and saw a large group of people following up, and a smile of success appeared on his face.

Lustful, this is it!

The update time will be fixed in the future, around 12:[-] and [-]:[-].The third chapter will be notified separately.

(End of this chapter)

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