Doom Ray

Chapter 31 Business Truth

Chapter 31 Business Truth
"It's almost there!" Wei Qingcheng trotted all the way, followed by a large group of people.

It has to be said that Chinese people just like to join in the fun.After only walking half a street, the number of people watching the theater in the back has more than doubled!
"That's it!"

"Hey, this facility is pretty good!" Listening to what Wei Qingcheng said, everyone immediately saw the very gorgeous medical point.

"I've been here before, when did things become so big?"

"Maybe someone has developed a new medicine!"

Makes sense!Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Little girl, thank you, thank you! I wrongly blamed you just now." Chen Hao clasped his hands together and bowed to Wei Qingcheng. If she hadn't led the way, they really wouldn't have known that this medical center had developed a new medicine.

"It's okay, it's okay. This way!" After speaking, Wei Qingcheng waved his hand and ran towards the gorgeous medical point.

ah?Seeing the direction Wei Qingcheng was running in, everyone was dumbfounded.Shouldn't it be over there?

"Follow!" Wei Qingcheng, who had run two steps, realized that it was chilly behind and no one was following, so he turned his head and greeted the group.

Really over there!Everyone had weird looks on their faces.

Chen Hao's entire face twitched terribly, what's there?Just a table, three chairs, and an idiot sitting cross-legged on the table.

At this moment, many people think of an old Internet saying: You have taken off your pants, so you just show me this?
Of course, there was a reason why Wei Chen climbed onto the table to meditate. After all, there was no one for most of the day, so he had to do this to attract attention.

Unknowingly, Wei Chen gradually walked out of his previous inferiority complex.

"Brother, we have a business!" Wei Qingcheng's melodious voice resounded in Wei Chen's ears.

Wei Chen withdrew from meditation, opened his eyes, and was startled.

"Did you offend something?" Wei Chen turned his head and asked Wei Qingcheng, the attitude of that group of people did not look like they came to seek medical treatment.

Hearing Wei Chen's question, Wei Qingcheng frowned, turned around and shouted in an unladylike way: "You guys are coming here! Stay there waiting to die?"

After being called out by Wei Qingcheng, these people really came here obediently.

"Hey~" Wei Chen sighed, his temper still hasn't changed.

"Wait, Chen Hao! Look at that price, isn't it a bit familiar!" Chen Hao, who had a blue face, listened to his teammates and carefully looked at the price written on the white paper.

This!Could it be?After reading this price, Chen Hao's heart suddenly became hot. He remembered that the rumors about yesterday were at this price!

Yellow spar, one cures all diseases.

Slightly injured 10 first-level variegated crystals.30 were seriously injured, 60 were dying, and 100 were detoxified!
"Puff~" Chen Hao who had recovered his senses knelt down directly to Wei Chen, and begged with a mournful face: "Sir, please save him!"

What's the situation?The crowd watching the theater suddenly didn't understand, they were looking fierce just now, why are they begging grandpa and suing grandma now?
"No! Everyone, look at the price!" Some people had sharp eyes and saw the crooked words written by Wei Chen from a distance.

"Isn't this the one who was rumored yesterday?"

"It can't be a fake, right? How could such a big man come here?"

How come here?I'm in Area A, but you can come in!Wei Chen secretly criticized when he heard the discussion below.

"Okay, the price is clearly marked, give me the money!" Wei Chen didn't even write, and stretched out his hand to ask for the money.

Chen Hao stood up and nodded, excitedly took out a handful of crystals from his pocket and asked, "Are these enough?"

Enough, of course enough, and a lot more!Wei Chen secretly said.But it's a pity that there is no yellow spar in it.

"Okay." After receiving the money, it is natural to start working.Wei Chen put his hands together and got off the table.The crowd began to make way for Wei Chen.

The consciousness of the wounded on the stretcher was still very clear. When Wei Chen walked in front of him, he nodded his head to Wei Chen.

"En!" Wei Chen responded, and began to observe the wound.This is a deep scar from the left arm to the right chest, and the wound has started to turn black. Judging by the shape, it should be scratched by a zombie.

"Sir, is there any help?" The wounded asked Wei Chen very flatly, and his response was also very plain:

"As long as you don't die, I can save you!"

The speaker has no intention, but the listener is surprised!The onlookers all stared wide-eyed, what do you mean you can be saved as long as you don't die?In the next second, Wei Chen gave them the answer.

"Be patient!" After Wei Chen finished speaking, the light ball of the healing technique rose from his hand and quickly pressed it on the wound.

"Hey~" The flesh and blood are boiling!The rotten meat began to slowly melt and gasify under the light, turning into blood mist and dissipating in the air.There are also some black silk with a fishy smell.

"It's amazing!" The surrounding audience exclaimed. Under the light of this ball of light, a terrible wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Looking at the person concerned again, he looked relaxed and relaxed.

"Okay!" Wei Chen put away the light ball and said.

All right?So fast?The wounded man lying on the stretcher immediately stretched out his hand to touch the place where he was injured before. After touching it, he only felt that it was very soft like touching the skin of a baby.

"That's great!" The man got up from the stretcher at once, stretched his fists and legs, and shouted happily: "It's good! Ah! Don't die! Hahaha!"

"Great!" He stepped forward one by one to give big hugs to his teammates who hadn't reacted.When I hugged Chen Hao, I found that the boy was crying badly.

"Hauko, thank you!"


Just as this touching scene was going on.Everyone slowly recovered from the shock.

"Boom~" The crowd exploded like a hornet's nest!

It turned out to be true!I thought that a big man like Wei Chen would only heal people in Area A, but I didn't expect him to set up a stall here!
This means that as long as there is a spar, you can get treatment!anyone!

On this day, the defense line in the theater was completely boiling!

Looking at the dispersed crowd, Wei Chen sat on a chair and played with this handful of crystals, while Wei Qingcheng patiently sorted the crystals by color.

"By the way, Qingcheng, are you the spar that absorbs that color?" Looking at the colorful spar on the table, Wei Chen suddenly remembered that his sister is also a capable person, so he asked.

"I don't know, I've tried all these, but I can't absorb it!" Wei Qingcheng said with a pouted mouth. She has come to the gathering place for so long, and of course she knows how capable people can improve themselves.

But here comes the problem, Wei Qingcheng can't absorb those crystals with more common colors!
Listening to Wei Qingcheng's eloquence, Wei Chen suddenly had a bad feeling.With great heartache, he took out two yellow crystals and said, "Try this color."

"Okay." Wei Qingcheng took out the spar, and then, then the spar was gone.

Knew it!Wei Chen sighed helplessly, there will be one more yellow crystal household in the future.But then he looked at Wei Qingcheng guiltily, and he remembered what happened that day again.

How many yellow crystals are given is not enough!
"Brother!" Wei Qingcheng saw that Wei Chen was distracted, so he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him, as if he could see through what Wei Chen was thinking, so he said, "Actually, the one on the sofa that day was wine!"

wine, really?Wei Chen doesn't believe it, is he trying to comfort me?Thinking of this, Wei Chen felt even more sorry for Wei Qingcheng.


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(End of this chapter)

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