Doom Ray

Chapter 32 Weiguo flowers collapse!

Chapter 32 Weiguo flowers collapse!

"Next!" Wei Qingcheng shouted at the top of his voice.

"Come here!" A man rushed over with a wounded person on his back. "Sir, this is the spar."

"Yes." Wei Chen nodded, and accepted it without counting the amount.Relying on the feeling of collecting money in the past few days, the spar that this person paid was only a lot more!
"Okay." After a while, Wei Chen put away the healing light ball and said, "Remember, if you find people named Wei Guo and Hong Limei, then the medical expenses will be free from now on!"

"Okay, thank you sir!"

"Next! No, no, wait 10 minutes for the next one!"

"Hey, I'm so lucky!"

"Huh~" Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, this round of treatment was over, he seized the time to meditate and recover energy.

"Three days!" Wei Chen suddenly interrupted his meditation, raised his head and looked at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"It's okay, mom and dad must be fine!" Wei Qingcheng's eyes turned slightly red after hearing what Wei Chen was saying.

Three days have passed since the news of Wei Chen setting up a stall was sent out.

For three days, Wei Chen kept inquiring about the whereabouts of his parents from everyone who came to heal his wounds.But after so many people asked, the parents still had no news.

Wei Chen sighed, he had entrusted the military before, but the efficiency of the military was not as good as his propaganda here.

"There is still half a month, there is still hope!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Chen continued to meditate, there are still many people waiting for healing!


"Come in!" Lian Yingcai said, just as he finished correcting a document, he stopped and took a sip of water.

"Report sir, there is a serious shortage of guards in the northern district, and a battalion has been sent to go up there!"

"Pfft~" Lian Yingcai spat out a mouthful of water, which attracted the eyes of colleagues around him.

"What's going on!" Lian Yingcai stood up, although a battalion only had a few hundred people, but they were drawn from other lines of defense!

This situation is already quite dangerous!
"Report, all capable users have gone to the southern area."

South area?Lian Yingcai was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that there were too many casualties and no one was defending, but he didn't expect that all of them were concentrated in the southern area.Is there any treasure born there that attracts people?Or have advanced zombies appeared in the North District?

"The reason?"

"Report, it is said that Mr. Wei Chen set up a stall there, and the quality of logistics has improved."

Lian Yingcai's face twitched after hearing this, Wei Chen, it's Wei Chen again!

"Send an order to open a special medical center for Weichen between the north and south districts!"

So, the next day, Wei Chen moved.

Looking at the new booth that Lian Yingcai approved for him, Wei Chen felt very satisfied.

The new location is tied up by a big tent, the tent is red with a big white 'cross' on it.Standing in the middle of the road is very conspicuous.

And in order to balance the number of people in the two theaters, Lian Yingcai specially sent someone to help Wei Chen promote it.In this way, there will naturally be more patrons.

Moreover, the benefits brought by Wei Chen not only solved the problem of life and death, but also incidentally made those soldiers on the defense line more brave when fighting zombies.Now that the problem of corpse poisoning has been solved, why worry?
The survival rate is high, and the combat effectiveness is high.But Wei Chen's heart sank day by day.

However, somewhere in this city, the person Wei Chen was looking for was fleeing.

"Wei Guo, what should we do?"

"Take a rest here first."

"What's the situation? Don't these dead people still have wisdom?"

"Maybe~ really." The person next to him said with a serious face.


While talking, a little flame lit up, and Weiguo lit a cigarette for himself with a lighter.This is one of the few stocks he grabbed in the early days of the end of the world.

"Hey! Brother Guo! Give me one too!" A colleague next to him saw it, and immediately went to Weiguo to beg for cigarettes.

Wei Guo glanced at him, he didn't have many of these things himself, so how could he be willing to share them with others?So he directly refused: "No!"

"Cut~ I'm stingy, it's like this every time." The colleague sat back unwillingly.

Wei Guo shook the soot, his eyes suddenly became a little deep:

I don't know how Wei Chen is doing, he should be fine, right?Wei Guo frowned after thinking about it. He recalled that Wei Chen had called him to warn him before the end of the world, but he didn't take it to heart.

It would have been better if I had paid more attention to his opinion.Wei Guo thought so.Then he took another deep breath of the cigarette, comfortable!
Of course, what he doesn't know is that Wei Chen is living a very healthy life now.

"Hey! Look, those zombies have kidnapped a woman!"

While Weiguo was recalling the past, a colleague suddenly exclaimed, causing everyone to go to the bunker next to the window and look outside curiously.

In addition to a group of red and gray zombies, what caught the eye was something similar to an ancient altar.There is a seat on the altar, and there is a, no, a zombie sitting right now!
"Wow! That's the corpse king!"

"Be careful, kid! Don't show your head!"

"Yes yes yes!" The man immediately realized his mistake and apologized quickly.

"Look, next to the throne!"

"There is a woman! But this woman looks familiar."

"Wait, is that..." Just when several people were discussing the identity of a woman, the cigarette in Wei Guo's hand had already dropped to the ground.

Even if he didn't go to the window, even if the throne was still so far away from him, even if the woman only saw a small dot in his eyes.But as a husband, how could he not recognize his wife?
"Li Mei, what's going on here?" Wei Guo was completely stunned at this moment, and he urgently needed someone to answer the questions in his mind.

"Not good! We were discovered! Escape!"

"Boom!" A purple energy shell blasted the wall.



what happened?Wei Chen's heart skipped a beat, his hand became unsteady, and he scattered all the crystals he was about to receive on the ground.

"Brother, why are you so careless." Wei Qingcheng scolded, then bent down to pick up the spars one by one.But who knows, this action frightened the person who paid for the doctor, and hurriedly apologized to Wei Chen, and went to pick up spars with Wei Qingcheng.

"Maybe you're a little tired?" Wei Chen looked at his hands with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Do you want to take a break?" Wei Qingcheng asked concerned.

"Let's get this man cured first." Wei Chen nodded, it was time to rest.

"Phew~" The guest picking up the spar on the ground heaved a sigh of relief, he was very worried just now that Wei Chen would thank the guest just now.So he hurriedly picked up the scattered spar, and respectfully stood aside waiting for Wei Chen's treatment.

"Okay." Wei Chen said, this person is only slightly injured, so it doesn't take much effort.But just when Wei Chen put away the light ball produced by the healing technique, he was frightened into a cold sweat.

Because the flower that represented the healing technique in my mind has withered!


Roll for collection and recommendation.

Change from noon to 12:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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