Doom Ray

Chapter 34 Chapter 37

Chapter 34 Chapter 37

"I thought I would never see you again!" Lin Kun stepped forward and punched Wei Chen.

"Fortunately, I had your phone call that day, otherwise I would have died!" Speaking of this matter, Wei Chen was also a little bit embarrassed. He didn't believe what Lin Kun said at first, and he didn't realize something was wrong until later.

It would be great if you found out earlier, and you don't have to separate from your parents.Thinking of this, Wei Chen was a little lost.There is still no news from the parents, and the evacuation time is not far away!
"By the way, tell me what happened that day!" Wei Chen said, he was very curious about how Lin Kun got the news, maybe there was something unknown behind it.

"Okay." Lin Kun responded immediately, Wei Chen pulled two chairs over, and Wei Qingcheng stopped the wounded.Fortunately, these injured patients are all capable people with extraordinary physique, so they are not afraid of being delayed for this little time.

Listening to Lin Kun's eloquence, Wei Chen nodded expressionlessly.It turned out that the Lin Kun family had actually been informed that they were to collect a large number of goods and confiscate them to the No. [-] Middle School in the city.At the beginning, several parents of the Lin family didn't know why the military made such a decision, but they believed that the people should not fight with the government, and the Lin family followed suit.

At the same time, all major forces were also notified one after another. In this way, in a short period of time, a large amount of supplies were concentrated in the No. [-] Middle School.

Of course, this is not without benefits.After the outbreak of the last days, these forces and families were allocated a good piece of land, which is now the B area.

"We also only got the news that night, and then we called you immediately." Lin Kun said with a sigh. He still remembered that the phone was forcibly turned off by his uncle that day, and then he asked Wei Wei curiously. Chen asked, "What about you?"

"Me?" Wei Chen smiled, "I stayed in an old dormitory for half a month before I dared to come out."

"What, you saw Lin Yihong and the others!" Hearing Wei Chen say that he met He Qi, Lin Yihong and others, Lin Kun was suddenly so excited that he couldn't get any more excited. "Where are they?"

This guy doesn't like Lin Yihong, does he?Wei Chen looked at Lin Kun with strange eyes, and then said slowly: "We will be separated after that."


"You don't like people, do you?"

"There is no."

Gradually, the topic was brought back to the experience of student days.During the conversation, Wei Chen quickly felt that Lin Kun had changed a lot, and he was no longer as arrogant as before.But looking at Wei Chen, why didn't he become more confident?
Just as the two were chatting hotly, a group of people came from the medical point.

"Hey~ Why is there another one who jumped in line?"

"Crack!" The man's head was immediately slapped by the person behind him.

"You kid is looking for death, he is from the Huangfu family, and he is also a person with special abilities."

"I'll go, why didn't you say it earlier!" The person who was photographed not only didn't blame him, but also expressed gratitude.

Walking into the tent, Mr. Ou said enthusiastically, "Wei Chen, we're here to see you!"

The two who were chatting hotly paused, and Wei Chen turned his head to look at the person who came.

"Old Ou! And" Wei Chen trembled all over, and couldn't move his eyes immediately.

"Wei Chen, then I'll go first." Seeing Wei Chen's reaction, Lin Kun bid farewell tactfully.

"Yeah." Wei Chen nodded foolishly.

Not promising.Wei Qingcheng glanced at Wei Chen and thought to himself, unknowingly, she was left alone for a long time.

When Lin Kun got out of the tent, Mr. Ou looked straight at Wei Qingcheng again.Wei Chen immediately came back to his senses, and introduced to others: "This is my sister, Wei Qingcheng."

"Yeah." Mr. Ou nodded reassuringly, Wei Chen's younger sister is not considered an outsider.And Huangfu Ling just looked at Wei Qingcheng curiously, probably thinking in her heart: Why are the children born to the same parents so different?

Fortunately, Wei Chen didn't have mind reading skills, otherwise he wouldn't know where to find a hole to get in at this moment.In fact, it's not that Wei Chen is ugly, it's just that his inner depression has caused his development to be a little stunted and his face hasn't grown.

"By the way, Wei Chen, do you believe it?" Then, Mr. Ou went straight to the point and stated the purpose of the trip, "We want to form a team with you, how about it?"

Wei Chen really forgot about this matter, seeing Mr. Ou mentioning it, he immediately ran back to the table and opened the letter with the military seal on it.

Opening the letter paper, six large characters came into view: The corpse king crusade plan.

This!As his eyes moved down, Wei Chen became more and more frightened as he looked down, corpse king!It turns out that there is such a powerful existence among the zombies, the commander of all corpses!

This subjugation order is a bit like a decapitation operation, and the executors are, without exception, all special abilities with superb combat power.In addition, there are a large number of high-level evolutionists participating in dealing with the zombie army, creating opportunities for the sharp knife team composed of special abilities.

In addition to the signatures of the major military forces, there are four bold fonts at the signature: Be sure to participate!

It seems that it is impossible not to go. If the military dares to give a big bold letter like this, it is probably not afraid that the special ability will not agree!

"Okay! Form a team!" Wei Chen agreed, since he must participate, he must have a few reliable teammates.

"Then Miss Huihui will be taken care of by you more!" Ou Lao said with a smile, "This is just right, then we still have things to do, so let's go first!"

ah?Before Wei Chen could react, Ou Lao and the others all exited the tent, leaving Huangfu Ling here alone.Mr. Ou, what does this mean?Thinking of this, Wei Chen's face became a little hot.

"Let me help!" Huangfu Ling smiled at Wei Chen and said.

"Okay!" Wei Chen responded excitedly, but the voice revealed his heart.

"Hmph~" Wei Qingcheng's expression was dissatisfied, of course it was directed towards Wei Chen:
Still so useless, not active at all!


Xiao Chen!Wei Guo's face turned pale. For some reason, the corpse king didn't kill him, but tied him and Hong Limei to the shelf next to the throne.In this way, he would have the opportunity to witness one by one colleagues, one by one comrades who came together being eaten by this corpse king!

Lao Gao, sister Hong!Wei Guo turned his head away, not daring to continue watching.But when he turned his head, he saw his wife's lifeless eyes.

why?Wei Guo shouted in his heart, this feeling of powerlessness is more uncomfortable than killing him!Is this retribution?Wei Guo asked himself that he had never done anything to complain about others, his life has always been flat, and others have always offended him, so why would he take the initiative to offend others.

retribution?retribution?wait!Wei Guo suddenly thought of something, his whole body was shocked, and his eyes widened.Regardless of how bloody the scene was, Wei Guo took a large number of corpse kings very seriously.

Could it be him?A buried memory wandered in Wei Guo's mind.

Closing his eyes, Wei Guo seemed to have collapsed, and struggled to utter a few words: "Wei Chen, you must live!"

"Hungry~" After drinking and eating, the corpse king stood up straight, his gray skin revealing a metallic luster.

"Roar!" The corpses responded, and the whole army continued to march!

It seems that most people's opinions are consistent, and I will go back and change it sometime.It will not affect the subsequent reading.

(End of this chapter)

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