Doom Ray

Chapter 35 Special abilities gather!

Chapter 35 Special abilities gather!
"Brother, what else do you want to bring?"

"So be it!"

Wei Chen picked up his backpack and was fully armed.

Today, he didn't go to the red tent to set things up, because today is the day to crusade against the corpse king!

"Be careful!" Wei Qingcheng looked at Wei Chen who was going away, full of worry in her heart. Although she didn't have a concept of the difficulty of this mission in her mind, the fact that all the special abilities were dispatched was enough to explain everything.

"I'm not sure!" Wei Chen shook his head. This time, so many people were dispatched, which shows how powerful the corpse king is, not to mention that there is a large wave of zombies around the corpse king!

Wei Chen has seen the densely packed army of zombies, which makes people feel unstoppable. The most important thing is that there are cannon zombies among those zombies, which are extremely powerful!

However, according to the advance speed of the zombie army, if they don't attack decisively, this gathering place will be finished sooner or later.

"Here we are." Wei Chen came to the assembly point, but it was still early, there were only a few people here in twos and threes, Wei Chen looked at them, and these people also looked at Wei Chen.

"Hello, I'm a third-order special ability user, Zhang Hanqing. Brother Wei Chen, please take care of me!"

With Zhang Hanqing as the leader, other people stepped forward and introduced themselves to Wei Chen:

"Second-level special ability user, Lin Quan! Please take care of Brother Wei Chen!"

"Second-level special ability, Lin Xuezhen, please take care of me!"

"Tier three."

Wei Chen responded one by one, he understands what the so-called care is, after all, as long as you are a normal person, you know that you must have a good relationship with Wei Chen now, otherwise Wei Chen will have enough opportunities to wear small shoes for you when you go to the battlefield.

"Okay, I will. Don't worry, everyone!" Wei Chen nodded solemnly. It is convenient for others to survive. There are many of these special abilities who are stronger than himself. Helping them is also ensuring his own safety!
Soon, Wei Chen became one with everyone, and the others were also enthusiastic and prejudiced.But at this moment, a discordant voice came from the door:

"Hmph, you are Wei Chen? Listen to me, if I get injured in a while, heal me immediately, otherwise I will slowly kill you when I come back after killing the corpse king! Do you hear me?"

At this time which blind guy?Ever since he defeated a strong opponent in the test that day, no one dared to speak to Wei Chen like that.

"I asked you if you heard me?" Seeing that Wei Chen didn't answer him, the man raised his tone angrily, and asked again.

"Hey, Sun Cai, what are you?"

Seeing someone embarrassing Wei Chen, a person from the crowd immediately stepped out and spoke in front of Wei Chen.Wei Chen remembered that this person was a Tier [-] special ability named Zhou Haidong, and he was very powerful!It is said that Yan Yan can be brought down easily.

"Me?" Sun Cai opened his eyes and said, "I'm the main force today. What do you think I am? If you don't protect me well and the mission fails, you will be sinners of mankind!"

"Pfft~" Zhou Haidong sneered and said, "You're the only trash who is the main force? Go home and feed yourself!"

"Hmph!" Sun Cai didn't speak, but walked slowly in front of Zhou Haidong.

"What, do you want to do it?" Zhou Haidong said without showing weakness. He knew that Sun Cai was also a third-ranker, so he had nothing to fear.

However, he was wrong.

"Crack!" A loud slap sounded.

So fast!Everyone's pupils shrank, and no one saw Sun Cai's attack at that moment!

Zhou Haidong, who was pulled to the ground, turned his head in disbelief, and said word by word: "Level four!"

"Exactly!" Sun Cai rolled his eyes and said very proudly.

"Hiss~" Although Zhou Haidong had already had a premonition when he was photographed flying, it was another feeling to hear Sun Cai admit it personally.

"Okay, this time I'll lead the team, listen to me!" Sun Cai finished speaking, looked at Wei Chen and added: "Also, stay away from Huangfu Ling! Let me see you with her again, I abolished you!"

Wei Chen's eyes turned cold, only to see Sun Cai said proudly: "I heard that you have a very beautiful sister, remember to send it to me when I return from my triumphant return."

"Looking for death!" Wei Chen yelled, this guy really thought he was a god?
"Boom!" At the moment Wei Chen was about to rush up, a long dragon made of crystal blasted towards Sun Cai!The crackling sound was accompanied by a huge cloud of dust, which drowned Sun Cai.

"I can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth! Is my lady something you can touch?" Ou Lao stepped on the wooden floor with one foot and one foot. It should be several times stronger!
"Hey, Sun Qing, are you going to give him a head?" Old Ou said angrily.

As soon as the smoke and dust dispersed, a huge shield appeared in front of everyone.

"This is it!" Wei Chen quickly recognized this shield. This is the shield specially used to test the power of skills for special abilities. The most important thing is that it is now being held by someone!

"You don't need to intervene in the affairs of my Sun family!" Sun Qing raised her shield and said, looking directly at Ou Lao.For a while, the two sides confronted each other, and the scene became awkward.

"Really, people have to gather early in the morning, and they are not allowed to rest."

At this moment, a little fat man walked into the meeting point, his mouth full of random thoughts, all of which were complaining.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" The little fat man saw that everyone was at war, looking like nothing to do with him, and even urged: "Hurry up and fight!"

But the next moment, the little fat man waved his hands immediately after appraising the two groups of people, and said, "No, no, where is sister Huangfuling, I'm going to help her!"

Sun Qing's complexion changed after hearing this, Huangfuling alone is difficult enough to deal with, plus this little fat man, she is invincible!

"Hmph, since you went to seek death in the past, then..."

"you shut up!"

Sun Qing directly interrupted Sun Cai's words, feeling very helpless. Originally, the Sun family had a special ability person, which should be something to be happy about, but it happened that Sun Cai, a brain-dead man, had caused so many troubles since his awakening.It was okay before, Sun Cai knew that he was not capable enough, so he didn't pay attention to the supernatural beings, but after Sun Cai advanced to the fourth level yesterday, this guy became more and more courageous, and started to provoke supernatural beings up!

What annoys Sun Qing the most is that it's not good to provoke anyone, but these three energy-type special abilities!You must know that energy-type special abilities are powerful because they have several more skills than strength-type special abilities!
As long as these three energy-type special abilities give them all the skills for a round, even if he, Sun Qing, survives, he will have to peel off his skin!Of course, this is compared to Sun Qing who has a high defensive shield. If it is Sun Cai, it would be nice to be able to leave a whole body.

"Can't you grow your brains?" Unable to bear it, Sun Qing yelled at Sun Cai, wanting to wake him up, but seeing Sun Cai's gloomy face, she was probably still thinking about how to get revenge.

"Hey! This big brother seems to be a good guy too!" The little fat man just walked into Huangfuling's camp when he found Wei Chen standing aside with a cold face.

"Huh?" Wei Chen was awakened by this childish voice, and then he was surprised to find that this little fat man gave him the same feeling as Huangfu Ling!
Could it be that he is also an energy-type special ability?Could it be that special abilities with this characteristic can sense each other?Wei Chen immediately thought of these two questions, and after a little speculation, Wei Chen affirmed his thoughts.


Suddenly, there was a burst of clapping in the distance.

"Stop it all! We're not here to fight each other!" An old soldier walked over from a distance. Although he was covered with white hair, his face was flushed and his complexion was very good.

"If you have kung fu and internal friction, it is better to spend more time thinking about how to complete the task!"

"Chief!" Seeing the person coming, Sun Qing immediately gave a military salute.He's also a troop born man!


There may be another update in the evening, around the early morning, by the way, I will accept the recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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