Doom Ray

Chapter 37 Various Abilities!

Chapter 37 Various Abilities!


The pickup truck bypassed a shocking sinkhole and stopped in a small yard.

Wei Chen ignored Sun Cai's cannibalistic gaze and jumped out of the car. "This big pit is really spectacular!" Many people commented, Wei Chen also nodded, the sinkhole is full of unknowns, especially when staring at the big pit, the feeling is very strange, as if something is calling with him.

After being introduced by everyone in the car, Wei Chen also learned about everyone's abilities. In addition to the few that have been shown, Zhou Haidong's abilities are on his feet. After using them, the strength of his feet will not only increase, but his bones will also become good at raid.

Zhang Hanqing's ability can turn all substances into steel, which is somewhat similar to the item blessing effect of the mimicry skill, which also acts on itself and external objects.However, compared to mimicry, this toughening does not consume energy, and power-type special abilities do not have such things as energy bars.As long as you have enough stamina, you can keep using it!

Chen Xiang has a special ability in the eyes, clairvoyance.Wei Chen really doesn't know what this guy did before to have such ability.However, this ability also made him a scout in this operation, allowing the team to get close to the corpse king without being detected as much as possible.

As for Hu Lili, her ability is very simple, but it is so simple that she named her ability Explosion of Potential, which triples her physical fitness!Three times!So Hu Lili became one of the main players logically!However, this ability is also limited. Since it is an explosion, the time will naturally not last for a long time.

Of course, there is also the fourth-level boxwood, which has a super self-healing ability. Even if it is a broken limb, as long as it is connected, it will be intact in a short while, and at the same time, it is not afraid of corpse poison.This one saved Wei Chen's treatment.

Finally, there is Sun Cai, who is also at the fourth level. I heard from these people that his ability can separate the tendons in his body and wield them like a whip.It's just a little gross.

The last one to get out of the car was Sun Qing, who carried a large shield on his back and a formidable gun stuck in his waist.He jumped out of the car, looked at his watch, and said, "I know that something unpleasant happened before, but everyone must promise me that no petty tricks are allowed until the task is completed!"

"Otherwise." Sun Qing took out her gun and shook it, staring at Sun Cai. If you want to say that the most unstable person is this relative of the same clan.

"Chi~boom!" Just as Sun Qing was speaking, a burst of blue light floated up, and a green flower exploded in the air.

"Attention! The firepower of the zombie army has begun to be attracted over there, we must hurry up!" Seeing this scene, Sun Qing was shocked, and immediately began to set up, "Chen Xiang, Li Qiaoling, open the way ahead, and the others follow! Pay attention Protect Wei Chen!"

Everyone nodded. Since this is the task of the military, and Sun Qing is a member of the military, there is nothing wrong with listening to him.Moreover, Sun Qing puts the overall situation first, which also reassures others a lot.

"Follow me!" Chen Xiang closed and opened his eyes, the original brown-black pupils turned silver-gray.Run out of the yard and into a building.And Li Qiaoling turned into a civet cat, following lightly.

"Let's go too!" Sun Qing followed with her shield in hand, not worried at all about Chen Xiang leading the wrong way.Sun Cai followed first.After him, there are Wei Chen and others.

"Li Qiaoling, there is a hunter zombie behind the wall, be careful!"


After finishing speaking, Li Qiaoling silently walked behind the hunter zombie and killed it with one blow!This stealth skill is more like a hunter than a hunter zombie!
With the cooperation of the two of them, the road was unimpeded. Compared with Li Wenbo's team, the encounter was much worse!

"Li Qiaoling rest, Sun Cai will take turns!" Out of physical considerations, Sun Qing wanted to replace Li Qiaoling, but in this way, Sun Cai disagreed.

"Why me? Why do so many people ask me to do it?" Sun Cai asked angrily.

"If I tell you to go, you go!" Seeing that Sun Cai disobeyed the order, Sun Qing took out what she used in the army, and even held a gun in one hand.

This action quickly made Sun Cai honest, but after seeing how he killed the zombies, it seemed that he was still not calm.

"Be careful, there is a second-level zombie ahead."

"Hmph, come and kill as many as you want!" Sun Cai rushed forward in anger.Although he didn't know what happened, but when Wei Chen and the others arrived, Sun Cai was already bruised.

"Wei Chen, heal me!"

Hearing this, Wei Chen just glanced at Sun Cai indifferently.

"What? If it's wrong, you pay it back?" Seeing that Wei Chen was indifferent, Sun Cai raised his voice and said.

"Okay, I'll just treat you." Wei Chen was not angry, a small ball of light rose from his hand, left Wei Chen's palm, and slowly floated into Sun Cai's body.

This is one of the effects brought about by the upgrade of Wei Chen's healing skills, and the amount of energy consumed by the light ball can also be controlled by Wei Chen.

"Hey~" As soon as the light ball entered Sun Cai's body, billowing black smoke immediately appeared from the wound, and the healing effect was much better than before!

"Ah~ comfortable." Feeling that the wound was healing, Sun Cai ignored the pain caused by the healing, and closed his eyes directly to enjoy it.

"Pervert!" Hu Lili scolded upon seeing this.

But this situation didn't last long. Sun Cai looked at his body with a strange expression and said, "Hey, why is it gone? The wound hasn't healed yet!"

"Hey, let me have another ball!"

"Sorry, it's gone." Wei Chen spread his hands and said.

"What? It's gone!" Sun Cai jumped up anxiously, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you courting death?"

"Wei Chen, treat him!"

Sun Qing's face was gloomy. She thought that only Sun was ignorant, but she didn't expect Wei Chen to be like this. It really didn't work, so she had to do it!Then he drew a pistol in one hand.

"No, it's a waste of energy to treat him." Wei Chen shook his head seriously and said.

"Why?" Feeling that Wei Chen seemed to have a reason, Sun Qing withdrew that action.Although the outside rumors had already blown Wei Chen's mind, Sun Qing had never received treatment, and she always felt that it was too watery, and the actual effect might not be as good as said.

"My skill is actually spawning cells. The more spawned, the more energy will be consumed." Wei Chen said eloquently, "So Sun Cai has too many subcutaneous tissue cells. Treating him consumes too much energy. I must use these energy Use it in the right place!"

So that was the case, Sun Qing suddenly realized and nodded, and then said: "That's it, continue on the road, Li Qiaoling will replace Sun Cai."

"I thought you were so strong." Sun Cai dismissed Wei Chen very disdainfully.He couldn't find anything to refute what he said just now, and Wei Chen also helped him clean up the corpse poison, which also relieved his serious worry, and the wound will heal slowly after leaving it there.It's just that he was a little annoyed by the sentence that he should use energy where it should be used.

"Puchi~" Seeing the two walk away, Huangfu Ling covered her mouth and laughed. There are too many subcutaneous tissue cells, isn't it because the skin is too thick.

These two fools.


One update yesterday morning, the result
Well, it will be earlier when there are three shifts in the future. .

(End of this chapter)

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