Doom Ray

Chapter 38 Approaching the Corpse King

Chapter 38 Approaching the Corpse King
After an episode, everyone moved on.

In order to make the wound heal faster, Sun Cai painted himself colorfully with medicine.The huge medicinal smell makes other people really dare not compliment it.

"Be careful everyone, I saw the zombie army!"

Chen Xiang's words made everyone's hearts tremble, it's here!


"It's right in front!" Chen Xiang pointed to a wall in front of him and said, "You can put your ears against the wall and listen."

So a group of people leaned their ears against the wall.

"I heard it! What a mess of footsteps!" Lin Quan spoke first.

"I heard it too!" Li Qiaoling danced as if she thought it was a happy thing to hear.

Once this scene was seen by Wei Chen, these people were probably just ordinary students and office workers in the past.But now he is inexplicably shouldering the big task of saving the gathering place.

If nothing happened, the end of the world would come, and the lives of these people would probably be very peaceful and ordinary.Thinking of this, Wei Chen laughed at himself again, obviously his previous life gave him so many painful memories, but he still misses the old days from time to time.

"Okay, everyone, come here, let me tell you about the next plan." Sun Qing clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention. "Come here, come here!"

Seeing that everyone was there, Sun Qing squatted down and said while drawing lines on the ground with her hands.The house hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and there happened to be a layer of dust on the ground for Sun Qing to fiddle with.

"There must be a lot of zombies escorting the place where the corpse king is, so it's impossible for us to approach alone! Therefore, the superior has prepared two plans."

Speaking of this, Sun Qing drew two circles on the ground. "This big circle represents the corpse king, and this represents us. The first plan is to let us bring the signal bomb to the place where the corpse king is, and release the signal flare. At that time, helicopters and artillery will attack this area in all directions. "

"Of course, the zombie king may not be so easy to deal with, so the second plan, which is the follow-up, requires us to make up the knife! And before the zombie army feels wrong and returns to defense, we must eliminate the corpse king!"

"Also, although there are five superpowers taking the lead in organizing against the zombie army on the other battlefield, don't put too much hope in them. Be prepared for the zombie army to wipe out our side and return to defense in advance!"

"How, do you have any comments?"

After finishing speaking, Sun Qing stood up and waited for others' reactions.

It is estimated that no one will have an opinion. This plan should be considered by the military for a long time.Even if there are deficiencies in details, the military will try its best to remedy them.

For example, how do they avoid the bombing in all directions?The answer given by the military is to rely on the shield left by the zombie to cushion the impact, and then let Wei Chen heal his wounds to maintain his combat power!

"Since there is no objection, then let's do it! Find where the corpse king is first!" Then Sun Qing turned her head and begged Chen Xiang: "It's up to you! Let's go!"

Corpse King, Wei Chen squeezed his wrist, just the mighty army of zombies is enough to cause headaches, this time he is going to face the king of the legion!
Can you win?Wei Chen questioned himself, he had a premonition that even if all these people were present, it would not be enough for the other party's teeth!We can only hope that the strike with shells will be more powerful!
The difference from Wei Chen is that Sun Cai is very excited at this moment. If he kills the corpse king, wouldn't his status be higher by a bit, and Huangfu Ling will not be able to capture it by then?
After thinking about it, this guy actually smiled lewdly, presumably the content is not very healthy.

"Be careful, it's best to eat something to restore your strength on this road!" Sun Qing reminded, and she also took a biscuit and stuffed it into her mouth.

The team members followed suit one after another, and they couldn't make any jokes at critical moments.


The army of the corpse king is getting closer and closer, and the density of the surrounding zombies is also increasing. Is there a zombie rushing out from the corner, which makes people hard to guard against.

Fortunately, none of this team is easy to mess with.

"I see! The Corpse King is sitting on something similar to an altar." When he got close, Chen Xiang's perspective function allowed him to go directly over the wall and find the target.

"Okay, quick approach."

"No, why are the zombies surrounded?" Zhang Hanqing was at the back of the line, and he could feel the number of zombies around him most clearly.

"No, I'm going to be surrounded!" Hearing Zhang Hanqing's words, Chen Xiang immediately looked around and observed the situation, and immediately let him discover a bad trend.

Those zombies who had no purpose and only followed the large army turned around and ran towards them!
"I see, it's the smell of medicine! The smell of medicine on Sun Cai's body!" Zheng Chao's fat man took a sniff and explained the reason.

"Damn, why are you blaming me!" Sun Cai yelled at the little fat man, "If it wasn't for Wei Chen being such a waste and not being cured by me, how could this happen?"

"Be quiet! Don't you think there are not enough zombies?" Sun Qing said to Sun Cai with a suppressed voice, but seeing that being surrounded by zombies was a foregone conclusion, he couldn't care less about the volume, and shouted directly: "Go forward with all your strength!" !"

"Boom!" With this order, everyone showed their abilities!
The most dazzling one was Little Fatty, who spewed out fireballs one by one, exploding sparks in the crowd of zombies.

"Save energy!" Huangfuling said to the little fat man, drew out a saber in her hand, and rushed forward to fight!She was right, the energy is limited, it is best to save it for the corpse king, at this time, it is necessary to rely on the power-type special ability to show its power!

"Huang Yang, Sun Cai went to the front to open the way, Chen Xiang, show them the way! Zhang Hanqing tempered their weapons!" Seeing more and more zombies and the scene becoming more and more chaotic, Sun Qing could only speak, he needed the most The strong ones stepped forward and made a way.

"Okay." Zhang Hanqing responded immediately, so Lin Xuezhen's sharp claws, Li Qiaoling's cat claws, other people's weapons, and the shield in Sun Qing's hand were all covered with a layer of steel.The power and defense have been enhanced a lot!Of course, it also got heavier.

When Sun Cai came to the front, the blue veins on his hands were separated from his hands, becoming longer and full of toughness!Although this person has offended Wei Chen and has a bad attitude towards others, his strength is really powerful. With a wave of his hand, a bunch of zombies fall down. Even the hunter zombies that come up occasionally are easily entangled by his veins. Hang!

Huang Yang was even more violent and bloody, directly ignoring the opponent's sharp claws and sharp blades.Just slash, all wounds will automatically heal in the next second!
"Wei Chen pay attention to healing!" Sun Qing continued to command.

Immediately, balls of light flew out and sank into everyone's bodies.

The upgraded skill, in addition to being able to control the dosage.Apart from flying away from his hands, Wei Chen felt that the biggest effect is that he can plant this ball of light as a seed in other people's bodies in advance. As long as he is injured in the next half day, the ball of light will automatically activate to repair the wound!
With Wei Chen's assistance, everyone became as fierce as Huang Yang!Since you are not afraid of getting hurt, you can let go of the fight!

Of course, there is an exception, and that is Sun Cai.At most, Wei Chen gave him a half-life state and called him fierce, but now he can only wear the little shoes that Wei Chen gave him honestly.


Ask for recommendation, collection.This week's goal is to be in the top 20 of the sci-fi newcomer list, and there are still a few places left.let's work hard together! !
(End of this chapter)

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