Doom Ray

Chapter 40 Empty Gun!

Chapter 40 Empty Gun!

"Hurry up!"

I don't know who yelled, and everyone subconsciously inserted their hands into the cracks in the concrete floor below them.


The shield, which seemed indestructible to others, was directly broken from the middle.Huangfuling immediately placed a crystal wall in front of her with quick eyes and hands, but what could this crystal wall do to the air waves that even shields couldn't withstand?
Sure enough, before even a second, the crystal wall shattered directly, covering everyone with pieces of chips.


Without any hindrance, a heat wave came oncoming.Wei Chen clasped his fingers tightly to the seam of the ground, he could even feel the phalanxes are getting out of joint!
Treat!Wei Chen shouted in his heart, he couldn't imagine what would happen if his finger was broken at this time.Fortunately, there is still a lot of energy in my mind. The controllability of the healing technique becomes better with the skill upgrade, and the consumption is naturally greatly reduced.

If you peel off the flesh of Wei Chen's fingers at this time, you will see that the phalanges have been separated, and they are all connected together by yellow silk threads!
In addition to Wei Chen's healing ability, Huangfu Ling simply added a layer of spar armor on her body to firmly fix herself on the ground, reducing the burden on her fingers.

But others were not so lucky. Once the seeds planted by the healing technique were consumed, many people couldn't bear it, let go of their hands, and were blown around by the air waves.The lucky ones are like this, and the unlucky ones are like Chen Xiang, whose left hand was directly broken by a flying boulder!
"Huh?" Suddenly, the blowing heat wave disappeared.

The sense of happiness came so quickly that no one could react.

"Haha, I'm still alive!" Li Qiaoling happily raised her hands, but how shocking these hands are, the fingers that are barely connected together, and the arms are full of torn flesh.

Wei Chen hurriedly sent her a healing technique, if it was delayed, these hands would be useless!Then one by one, the light balls flew out of their hands and sank into everyone's body.

"Huh~ It's a good thing there is Brother Wei Chen, otherwise I really don't know how to climb back." Chen Xiang smiled wryly, and moved his broken hand just now.

"No, there is still a wave of missiles!"

"What! Is the military crazy?"

"It's not crazy, look! The altar is intact!"

"how come!"

Just before the end of the explosion, the Artillery Regiment of the Military Region.

"Report, the target has not been destroyed!"

"Hey~ let's play another round, if there is no other way, I have to give up."



It was too late to be amazed at the altar's ability to fight, and everyone started to flee backwards.

"Hey! There's a manhole cover here!" After walking a few steps, Zhou Haidong found a sewer opening near him.

"Okay, everyone get down!"

"Boom!" Zhou Haidong smashed the manhole cover with one foot and jumped down first.

Saved!Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, no matter how violent the bombing was, it was none of their business.

"Go down one by one!" After saying this, Sun Qing jumped down.Wei Chen nodded, the truth is similar to the situation of jumping off the building last time, if you jump too early, you will easily step on the person who jumped before.

Then Sun Qing and Wei Chen also jumped down, they were also relatively close to the mouth of the well.The moment he jumped down, the corner of his eyes swept across the altar, and found two very familiar figures on it.

who is it?Wei Chen was stunned for a moment, but then, there was darkness in his eyes, and a foul smell came to his nostrils, and he went to the sewer.

Forget it, let's go back and take a look.Wei Chen thought this way, and after standing still, he shouted like Inoue:

Teammates jumped down one after another. After all, it took time to run to the mouth of the well.But no one thought that it was precisely this short few steps that three people failed to catch up!
"Lin Quan, Li Qiaoling, Sun Cai. Hurry up! The shells are coming down!" Chen Xiang clearly saw the situation on the ground through the perspective function.He guessed that Lin Quan and Sun Cai were too late, but Li Qiaoling still had some hope and jumped down before the shell hit the ground.

Hearing this, Li Qiaoling was very nervous and quickened her pace. It has to be said that Maohua brought her the dexterity fast enough to catch up!
Lin Quan has long since given up hope, and now he only hopes to find a bunker, as long as he survives this wave, Wei Chen can help him survive!So he turned and ran in the other direction.

"Catch up!" Looking at the mouth of the well in front of her eyes, Li Qiaoling immediately felt relieved, jumped lightly, and jumped towards the mouth of the well.But at this moment, flesh-colored thick threads wrapped around her body!
"Get out of the way!" Relying on his fourth-order extraordinary physique, Sun Cai kept running behind Li Qiaoling, but when he was able to jump into the well at the last step, Li Qiaoling jumped into the air one step ahead of him.

Sun Cai was originally a ruthless person, the tendons in his hands entangled Li Qiaoling, squeezed her away, and took advantage of Li Qiaoling's strength to jump into the sewer first.

"Boom!" The missile exploded.

It's over!Li Qiaoling's eyes widened, watching the fire wave approaching little by little, and finally devoured herself!The ears and tail were turned into ashes first. Although Wei Chen's healing seeds still remained in the body, they could only resist for a while. In the next second, only a skeleton remained in the air. In the next second, The hot air directly shattered the white bones with flesh and blood.

"Ah!" Sun Cai also felt uncomfortable, the huge impact slapped him into the sewer like a fly swatter, his internal organs violently churning.

"Huh~" The huge hot wind passed through the mouth of the well and blew towards everyone again.But it was much easier this time than last time.

Perhaps he became a bystander, and the explosion soon ended.

"Cough~" Sun Cai vomited blood, the impact was really unfounded.

"Heal me quickly!" Sun Cai climbed up slowly while leaning on the wall, and ordered Wei Chen, his attitude was not friendly at all.

"You bastard!" Seeing this situation, Chen Xiang became angry and punched him. He could see clearly just now how this bastard killed Li Qiaoling!
However, a second-level special ability user whose ability is not Chen Xiang in terms of attack, how could he be Sun Cai's opponent?Even at this moment, Sun Cai was seriously injured.

"Crack!" Sure enough, the next second, Chen Xiang was entangled by Sun Cai's tendons, and he was thrown heavily against the wall.This action made Sun Cai cough up blood again.

"Hurry up and heal me!" Seeing that Wei Chen hadn't come for a long time, Sun Cai roared.

"Wei Chen, don't heal him, this bastard killed Li Qiaoling just now!" Chen Xiang said angrily, clutching his chest.

Kill teammates!After hearing this, everyone was stunned. Everything in the last days is justifiable, but things like cannibalism and selling teammates are the most unacceptable!

"Hmph!" Wei Chen snorted coldly, ignoring Sun Cai. He thought that this guy's character would improve after the battle, but now it seems that he was naive.

"Are you going against the grain?" Sun Cai asked back, "Hurry up if you don't want to die!"

"Wei Chen, treat him." Sun Qing also spoke. If Sun Cai really died, it would be difficult for him to explain to his family when he went back.

"What if I don't give it?" Wei Chen frowned, not to mention whether the corpse king above is dead or not, but the plot of this guy selling teammates makes Wei Chen not want to stay with him anymore, who knows if the next one will be Suffer yourself?
Wei Chen is definitely not the only one who has such thoughts.This is a matter of trust between people. Although Sun Cai didn't like everyone before, his tone was not good.But after a long time of contact, everyone only thinks that Sun Cai's character is like this, so just don't care about him.

But betrayal, once, is equal to forever betrayal!
"Crack." Sun Qing took out the gun and walked up. Since it was too late to talk, she had no choice but to use force!

"Boom!" Sun Qing drew out her gun quickly, but Huang Yang was right beside him, faster than him!An elbow directly shattered one of Sun Qing's eyes!
"Ah, bastard!" The blood in her eyes made Sun Qing panic, and subconsciously pulled the trigger.


Empty gun!

For a moment, Sun Qing's expression was extremely exciting!
Why?Why?The old chief doesn't trust me?Numerous questions appeared in Sun Qing's mind, but unfortunately he could not get the answers.Huang Yang directly twisted his head off.

"Thank you!" Wei Chen cast a grateful look at Huang Yang's move.Fortunately, Huang Yang moved the muzzle of the gun away, otherwise if the gun really had bullets, Wei Chen would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

After all this was done, everyone turned their attention to Sun Cai again. This guy is too dangerous to stay!

Next week, the category will be strongly pushed, and I feel that I am over the top.

Concentrate on collecting!I said so steadily. . .

(End of this chapter)

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