Doom Ray

Chapter 41 Sun Cai, die!

Chapter 41 Sun Cai, die!

"What are you doing!" Sun Cai looked at the crowd with a pale face as the muscles in his hands tensed up.Before, he relied on Sun Qing's gun to protect him, but now that the gun is gone, Sun Qing is also dead, and it will be a matter of time before he dies.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, the Corpse King is not dead yet, get rid of him quickly!" Chen Xiang's eyes were silver, and he looked panic-stricken.

"What! You're not dead like this!" Everyone was frightened. The corpse king hadn't been killed by this kind of crazy explosion, so wouldn't they be looking for death when they confronted the corpse king?
"No, no, now may be an opportunity!" Zhang Hanqing said, "I don't believe that the corpse king was not injured at all under such a strong explosion!"

"Yes, there may really be a chance!" Many people echoed.

"Go to hell!"

"you dare!"

Just when everyone's attention was shifted to the Corpse King, Sun Cai suddenly exploded, his tendons flying, and charged towards Chen Xiang!

His target is very accurate, Chen Xiang can be said to be the weakest one in the team, and the distance to him is close enough!Several people next to him stepped forward to stop them, but they were still one step too late, and tendons wrapped around Chen Xiang.

"Don't come here!" Sun Cai was quite wise, knowing that he would take a hostage to save his life, "Come here again and I'll kill him!"

"Bastard! You dare to try it!" Zhou Haidong was furious, and Chen Xiang was beside him, so he must bear some responsibility.But this is also the second time, the second time he lost in the confrontation with Sun Cai!
"If you come to kill me, I will dare!" Sun Cai said this in a less forceful tone than before. He really did not dare to kill Chen Xiang. Once Chen Xiang died, he would probably be the next to die.

Can't die yet!The strong desire to survive stimulated Sun Cai, he never thought of dying with Chen Xiang, because in his opinion, Chen Xiang was not worthy!
For a moment, everyone felt helpless towards Sun Cai.

"Sister Ling, why don't I come!" The little fat man secretly said to Huangfu Ling from the side.

"Is it possible? But it will cost a lot of energy, and I will have to deal with the corpse king in a while!" Huangfuling shook her head and refused, and only when she was talking to the little fat man and Wei Chen, did she talk a little more.

"It's okay, look at me! There are still one and a half flame flowers, don't be afraid!" The little fat man patted his chest confidently and said.

"Then be careful!" Huangfuling instructed, before she could finish speaking, the little fat man slowly walked aside.

flame flower.Wei Chen prepared a few healing seeds in his hand, thinking about what the little fat man said, from this point of view, the energy storage forms of energy-type special abilities should be similar, one flower, ten petals.

And the little fat man's ability is fire, so the flower is the same as the flame, and Huangfuling is crystal, so the crystal flower should be in his mind.As for what kind of attribute is his little yellow flower?Wei Chen was a little uncertain.

But now there are more important things to do, that is, in case Sun Cai goes crazy, Wei Chen has to catch up and treat him in time!
"Let you threaten others, and I will kill you in a while!" The little fat man sneaked aside, opened and closed his mouth, and the fire bugs began to gather. He was brewing something.

"Crack!" But at this moment, a hand blocked the little fat man's mouth.

"Do you want to die!" Huang Yang gave the little fat man a fierce look, "You are not allowed to release any of your skills!"

"Well~" The little fat man wanted to break free from Huang Yang, but he failed, only showing a pair of big watery eyes unwillingly.

After understanding Huang Yang's actions, Wei Chen almost broke out in a cold sweat. This is the sewer, filled with flammable gas, once it encounters a flame, the entire sewer will explode!

"Haha!" Sun Cai, who also realized this, laughed loudly, "God help me!"

Before the word 'also' could be said, Sun Cai spat out a mouthful of blood. There were lumps of blood in the blood, which were broken internal organs!

What happened?This time everyone was in shock, because a big hole was opened in the chests of Sun Cai and Chen Xiang!Looking up again, I saw a newly opened round hole suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision, and continued to look down, and there was also a round hole on the ground, and groundwater was rushing into the small hole. The hole was not filled!

Four points and one line, the mysterious attack power is so powerful!The most frightening thing is that both the newly opened small hole and the chest holes of Sun Cai and Sun Cai have been completely pierced without a trace of dust or blood mist!
"Plop~" The bodies of the two fell down, splashing water everywhere.

"Chen Xiang!" Zhou Haidong looked sad. If he had been quicker just now, Chen Xiang would not have been kidnapped, and he would not die so badly now.

"What should we do now? Go up or run away?" Lin Xuezhen asked.Everyone was lost in thought.

Go up, facing the corpse king, and that kind of mysterious attack!It is much safer to escape, just follow the sewer.But the mission failed.

Once it fails, the entire gathering place will be besieged by the zombie army!
"I want to go up and see the situation." Wei Chen said first. He felt very familiar with the two figures he saw on the altar before. What will be missed.

"Reason!" In just two words, Huang Yang said the main point, there is no reason, why let everyone die with you?

reason?Wei Chen rested his chin, lost in thought.To be honest, he really didn't have any reason, it was all based on feeling.

Seeing Wei Chen's distressed expression, Huangfu Ling stood up and said, "Why don't you let a few people go up and have a look, if it's really impossible, it's not too late to run away!"

"But." Zhang Hanqing seemed to have some objections, but Huang Yang waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "That's it, it's pointless to fight over and over again."

After Huang Yang, who was the strongest, made his decision, the others couldn't say anything. In the end, Wei Chen, Huang Yang, Hu Lili, and Huangfu Ling went up to investigate the situation.

"Brother Wei Chen, give us some treatment!" Huang Yang suggested, and balls of light flew out of Wei Chen's hands immediately, sinking into the bodies of several people.

With this layer of protection, Huang Yang took the lead and climbed out of the well, followed by Hu Lili, then Huangfu Ling, and finally Wei Chen.

Leaving the dark and rotten sewer, the field of vision suddenly became wider. The tall buildings that used to stand in a row were all blown away.

"Hey~ Lin Quan is more ominous than good." Climbing out of the cave, Wei Chen sighed, and then saw a few people there in a daze, so he asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Huang Yang didn't say anything, just pointed to the front.

"Hiss!" Wei Chen gasped, his eyes were bloodshot.altar!It was a tetrahedron building, the whole body was blood red, with purple light in the red.At the highest point of the altar, there is a bone chair, and a zombie is sitting on the chair.

It was very ordinary, like a skinny old man with severely wrinkled gray skin.With the rags on his body, he looked like a malnourished beggar.

But none of the four people present dared to look down on this beggar, he is the king of zombies—the corpse king!
The most frightening thing is that under the bombing just now, the corpse king didn't even have a single wound!Still sitting there is as stable as Mount Tai, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

etc!Wei Chen didn't care about the corpse king, his eyes had already been attracted by the two shelves behind the corpse king, to be precise, they were the people on the shelves!



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