Doom Ray

Chapter 42 The Collapsed Wei Chen

Chapter 42 The Collapsed Wei Chen

Disclaimer in advance, no abuse of the Lord.As for why, I won't spoil it.


dad?The other three were startled when they heard this name. Is the zombie Wei Chen's father?Certainly not, and soon they discovered that there were two people tied to the shelf behind the corpse king.

This man is Wei Chen's father!Who is the other one?
"Mom~" After saying this word, Wei Chen's eyes began to lose focus.But they didn't know that the other people were shocked when they heard the "Mom", why did the corpse king capture Wei Chen's parents?

They were looking at the corpse king, and the corpse king naturally stared at Wei Chen and the others.Especially after seeing Wei Chen, the corpse king let out a 'ho ho' laugh, and his two green eyes were filled with a sense of playfulness, like a cat that found a mouse.

Immediately, the corpse king got up slowly and walked backwards. This action stimulated Wei Chen's nerves.

"I'm going to save them!" After finishing speaking, Wei Chen let go and rushed forward, but before taking two steps, his hands clamped him tightly.

"Are you going to die?" Huang Yang asked, the explosion didn't hurt the corpse king at all, and Wei Chen was only sent to die when he went.

"Let go of me!" Wei Chen said angrily, his body was struggling.

At that moment, Huang Yang felt that Wei Chen was about to break free, so he hurriedly increased his strength.He also persuaded, "Calm down!"

"Go away!" Wei Chen roared angrily, "It's not your parents who were tied up!"

"This..." Huang Yang was speechless for a while, as a son of man, how could he not care about his parents?In such a dazed effort, Wei Chen suddenly twisted and broke away from Huang Yang's hands.

"Wei Chen! Don't go there!" Huang Yang, who missed, hurriedly shouted from behind, but Wei Chen could hear it?

With his parents in the hands of the corpse king, how could Wei Chen remain indifferent.When we were at the gathering place, we did everything possible to inquire about the news of our parents. Wei Chen also thought about various scenes when he reunited with his parents, but after thinking about it, he never expected such a result!
"Ta~ta~ta~" He ran on this section of the road step by step. Although it was not very far, this moment made Wei Chen feel very long.His eyes were fixed on the corpse king's actions, for fear that it would mess up!

But fortunately, the corpse king just walked between the two of Wei Guo, and looked at Wei Chen who was running over leisurely, as if he was expecting something.

Suddenly, "Boom!"

Wei Chen only felt that he had hit a hard wall, and all the kinetic energy from the rush was fed back to himself.For a moment, dark red blood flowed from Wei Chen's nostrils and forehead.

"Ho ho ho ~" The expectation came true, the corpse king laughed while clutching his stomach, the voice sounded creepy!
what?Wei Chen supported his forehead, that hit him just now made all the fuss.

"It's okay, Wei Chen, this seems to be an air wall!" Huang Yang and others who chased them stopped at the place where Wei Chen was slumped, and touched the invisible diaphragm with their hands.

Huang Yang punched the air wall, and the huge counter-shock force made his hands numb, so he said, "This is the one that blocked so many shells just now!"

"Hey~ What a pity!" Hu Lili sighed, "So many shells have been shot!"

Hearing this, Huangfu Ling looked at the empty surroundings, frowned and said, "This wall seems to be able to bounce energy!"

"Really?" Huang Yang was startled, no wonder the shells were so powerful just now, even the shield that was originally used to test the skills couldn't bear it!Not only that, but the nearby houses have almost collapsed.And the only benefit is to eliminate the group of zombies surrounding the corpse king.

"Speaking of which, why doesn't the corpse king attack us?" After so long, the corpse king didn't even get down from the altar, Hu Lili was puzzled, maybe the corpse king just has the ability to command, and the combat power is not strong?
"Hmph! It's playing tricks on us!" Huang Yang sighed, knowing that the corpse king was playing with them, just for fun.But he couldn't do any damage to the corpse king.

"Let's go, let's leave while it's in a good mood and before it kills us!" Huang Yang continued to suggest, facing such an opponent, he couldn't arouse any fighting spirit.

However, in this situation, Wei Chen will leave?Won't!
Before the yellow light on his body spread to his whole body, Wei Chen punched him out!
"Boom~" The air wall rippled slightly, without any signs of breaking.But Wei Chen, the flesh on his right hand exploded!

"Come again!" The healing technique quickly healed the wound, and then another yellow light flashed.

"Wei Chen, that's enough!"

"Stop, Wei Chen."

"Yeah, let's think of a way."

The three of them tried to persuade him one after another, but Wei Chen couldn't listen, and he punched this powerful film desperately.

The corpse king looked at Wei Chen who was working hard, and kept laughing "ho ho" from his mouth.After a while, perhaps the corpse king got tired of seeing Wei Chen repeating his previous actions, and his green eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness!
"Roar!" It roared at the four of Wei Chen, successfully attracting their attention.

"No, the Corpse King is about to attack!" This move made Huang Yang furious, staring at the Corpse King warily, but the next action of the Corpse King made Huang Yang feel that he was being sentimental.

The corpse king walked towards Hong Xiumei step by step, and grabbed Hong Limei's chin with a withered hand.

"Boom~" Wei Chen punched the film again, and yelled, "Fuck, let me go!"

"Ho~" The Corpse King glanced at Wei Chen very humanely, and then slowly grabbed Hong Xiumei's arm with one hand.


"Ah, you die for me!"

No longer caring about healing his own wounds, Wei Chen kept attaching mimicry and bombarding the film one after another.


After a few strokes, his hands were already bloody.The resilience of this film is too strong!

The other three turned their heads away. Although they didn't know why the corpse king did this, they knew that Wei Chen would never be able to persuade him at this moment!
"Hoho~" There was another smile in his mouth, and the corpse king seemed very satisfied with Wei Chen's current situation.However, this is not enough fun!He opened his mouth and bit down on Hong Limei's neck!

"Kachi~" When the corpse king raised his head, a large piece of flesh and blood from Hong Xiumei's neck was caught in his mouth!If you look carefully, you can even see Hong Limei's exposed cervical vertebrae outside the film!

why?At this moment, Wei Chen looked desperate.He had long forgotten the pain from his arms, and as he gritted his teeth, a faint fishy smell came from his mouth, and an inhuman roar rushed out of his throat: "Roar!"

Both hands are useless, but there are still feet!I can't move my feet, my shoulders, back, and head!Any body part that can be used to attack is used by Wei Chen as a tool to break open the membrane!
Gradually, there was no more yellow light shining from Wei Chen's body, and the energy was used up!
Even so, Wei Chen hit the membrane one after another, but the blows became weaker and weaker, and in the end, there was not even a trace of ripple in the attack.

"Enough!" Seeing that Wei Chen had used up his teeth, Huang Yang hurried up to restrain Wei Chen again.With this action, Huang Yang's coat was directly stained with a layer of blood.

"Stop, Wei Chen!" Hu Lili covered her mouth with red eyes, she couldn't bear to see Wei Chen like that!
As for Huangfu Ling, she looked at Wei Chen with a strange expression on her face, opening and closing her mouth. If someone put their ear against her throat, they would hear this sentence:

If I was caught, would he come to save me like this?

Caught by Huang Yang, Wei Chen's face was gloomy, and tears kept washing the blood on his face.

"Roar!" On the other hand, the corpse king roared excitedly.Taking advantage of it, it slowly walked behind Weiguo.

"You." Just as Wei Chen said the word 'dare' halfway, a withered hand stretched out from Wei Guo's heart.

In the palm of your hand, there is a beating heart.

Wei Chen couldn't speak for a long time, he just opened his mouth, and there were only a few silk threads mixed with saliva and blood attached to his lips.

"Pfft!" Huang Yang hit Wei Chen on the back of the head with a knife, making him faint.

"Go!" Huang Yang called to the two girls, and ran towards the mouth of the sewer well with Wei Chen in his arms.Once Wei Chen's parents die, they are likely to be the next target!

"Boom~boom~boom!" The three of them jumped into the sewer one after another, constantly thankful that the corpse king didn't come after them.

"What happened, so injured?" Seeing Wei Chen's horrific injuries, everyone was frightened, even Wei Chen was injured like this, so wouldn't it be the same as sending them to death?But the question also arises, why is only Wei Chen injured?Is he too selfless, or is there another reason?
"Go, don't ask!" Huang Yang didn't have time to explain, he was afraid that the corpse king behind would be unhappy and rush over to kill.Although the corpse king has never made a move from the beginning to the end, Huang Yang absolutely believes that as long as it really wants to kill people, it is estimated that none of the few special abilities here will survive!

Wei Guo woke up from a coma, he saw Wei Chen.At that moment, his eyes were full of excitement and relief:

Live well!

The recommended votes haven't risen much in the past few days. .What's wrong with you guys, don't abandon me. .

The ranking also dropped two places.I can't figure it out that if I update twice a day, it's not as fast as their update the next day.

Woohoo~~~ Another favorite is missing. .

(End of this chapter)

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