Doom Ray

Chapter 43 I want to become stronger!

Chapter 43 I want to become stronger!

Ok.The ranking has dropped to 26, and it seems that the top 20 is hopeless. .The previous ones may be more attractive than mine.

Well, forgive me. .I started to get emotional again.



Huang Yang led the team and ran forward continuously along the sewer, as if chasing a group of fierce ghosts.

"Okay, stop!" Huang Yang felt a little tired after running for an unknown distance, so he stopped.However, he was exhausted, and the teammates who followed him were already exhausted!
How can the physical fitness of the fourth level be comparable to them?

"What's going on?" Taking a breath, Zhang Hanqing asked most of the people.

"It's hard to say!" Huang Yang shook his head, then shut his mouth and didn't speak.Seeing this, the others all looked at Hu Lili for help.

But unexpectedly, Hu Lili also shook her head, unwilling to say anything.As for Huangfuling, let alone talk about it.In fact, the three of them were not unwilling to explain, but they really couldn't open their mouths.

The fact that the corpse king kidnapped Wei Chen's parents and killed them is very strange no matter how you look at it!Why did you insist on kidnapping Wei Chen's parents while leaving other people alone?Why is it fun to stimulate Wei Chen again?From the beginning to the end, the corpse king's behavior made people feel that he was coming for Wei Chen!

"Forget about these things, the mission failed, let's go to the gathering place!" Huang Yang said with a frown, full of questions that could not be resolved, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable, but safety is the most important thing right now!

"Okay, let's go!"

With the approval of others, Huang Yang found a place to climb out of the sewer.The remaining few special abilities are locals, and they are quite familiar with the streets here, so they quickly found the pickup truck parked in the yard.

Unfortunately, the driver was bitten to death by zombies!
"It's okay, I can drive!" Zhou Haidong volunteered, so everyone started on the road.

"Hey~~~喯!" Zhang Hanqing carefully found a signal flare from the car and fired it.

Suddenly, green smoke billowed, and when the flare flew to the highest point, a green flower exploded.

Green means the task failed!

Huangfu Ling and Hu Lili found some bandages in the car, and bandaged Wei Chen. Both women were very dexterous, and the bandages were very beautiful.

Lin Xuezhen looked at her somewhat rough hands, and shook her head helplessly.

"The loss is heavy!" Looking at Wei Chen on the ground, Zhang Hanqing suddenly let out a sigh of emotion.That's right, there were originally 13 people in the group, but there were only eight left when they came back!

If another battlefield is counted, then the total number of deaths will be several times higher!
Military District, Command.

The old chief was looking at a collection of poems very seriously, at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." The old chief said slowly, holding a cup of tea.

"Report! Mission failed!" The herald saluted and reported to the old chief.Compared with Lian Yingcai's herald, this one is much better dressed.

"Go down!" The old chief took a sip of tea and said very flatly, as if he knew the result long ago.Knowing that the herald had gone out, the old chief showed a hint of helplessness.

"Hey~ Get ready to evacuate!"



Zhou Haidong drove a small truck and flew through various areas of the gathering place.This car belongs to the military, no one dares to intercept it!

"It's finally here! Come back alive!"

After going through the previous battle, everyone was still a little bit embarrassed. Without four special abilities, how many special abilities are there in the entire gathering place?The loss can be described as extremely heavy!
"Get out of the car!" Zhou Haidong helped everyone put down the rear parking barrier, and everyone in the car got off one by one.Among them, there is naturally Wei Chen.

He woke up early, Huang Yang's blow didn't make him faint for long.

"Wei Chen, are you alright?" Huang Yang asked, Wei Chen looked haggard at the moment, although he healed the wound by himself, the wound in his heart cannot be cured by the healing technique!


"Do you want me to take you back?" Huang Yang asked again.

"No, I'll do it myself."

"Then be careful!" Huang Yang knew that Wei Chen needed to be quiet, so he didn't stop him.But judging by Wei Chen's current state, whether he can go back is still a question!
Sure enough, after walking a few steps, Wei Chen staggered and fell to the ground.

"Wei Chen!" Everyone exclaimed, but a figure quickly stepped forward to help Wei Chen up.

"I'll take you back!"

"En." Wei Chen nodded in response, perhaps because he is also an energy-type special ability user, he has a kind of affection for Huangfuling and the little fat man.

Just like that, Wei Chen, supported by Huangfu Ling, returned to his residence.

"Lie down." Helping Wei Chen take off his shoes, Huangfu Ling covered Wei Chen with a quilt and said, "I'm going to boil the water."

What a nice view.Looking at Huangfu Ling's back, Wei Chen couldn't extricate himself for a moment: It would be nice if we just lived together like this.

At this moment, Huangfu Ling made people look very dignified and virtuous.

Unknowingly, Wei Chen's heart moved closer to Huangfu Ling.Maybe only when he sees her, Wei Chen will temporarily forget the previous grief.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Wei Qingcheng, who arrived late, rushed to the bedside to observe Wei Chen's situation.But seeing that there was no injury on Wei Chen's body, she let go of her hanging heart.At this moment, Wei Qingcheng was also concerned and chaotic.

"Qingcheng, your brother." Huangfu Ling dignifiedly put a cup of hot water on the bedside, and just wanted to tell Wei Qingcheng what happened, but for a while, she couldn't open her mouth again.

"Let me tell!" Wei Chen said weakly.

"En." Huangfu Ling nodded and said, "Then I'll go first!"

Reluctantly watching Huangfu Ling close the door, Wei Chen seemed to be a different person suddenly, his eyes were red, and tears kept streaming down.

"Brother, what's the matter!" Wei Qingcheng looked at the situation and couldn't help feeling distressed.

"I'm sorry, I'm useless." Wei Chen said, wiping away tears.

"Don't say that!" Wei Qingcheng was a little angry when she heard this, she hated Wei Chen's downcast look the most.

"Mom and dad are dead."

At this moment, Wei Chen said something coldly, Wei Qingcheng didn't react for a while, but in the next second, a huge female voice resounded in the room.

"You lied to me!" Wei Qingcheng objected with red eyes, but she still believed Wei Chen's words in her heart.

Seeing his sister's reaction, Wei Chen felt distressed again, thinking about how many things had happened since arriving at the gathering place.

"I'm sorry." Wei Chen apologized again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, what's the use of saying this now!" Wei Qingcheng cried angrily, "Why don't you get up and take revenge!"

revenge!Wei Chen's heart was shocked, yes, revenge, why didn't he want to.But with his strength, he can't even break the protective film on the corpse king's altar, so what revenge is he talking about?
Wei Qingcheng took out a cloth bag from his inner pocket and threw it to Wei Chen.

"This is it!" Wei Chen's eyes burst into light, he quickly opened the bag in his hand, and poured out a large pile of topaz!

"This is, I gave it to you? You are useless?" Wei Chen immediately discovered the origin of this bag of crystals, which he collected for Wei Qingcheng to become an evolutionary.

"Thank you!" Wei Chen held the cloth bag tightly in his hands. At this moment, countless hopes were ignited in his heart. He could use crystals to advance, and his skills could still be upgraded. Why can't he take revenge?
At this moment, Wei Chen is eager to become stronger!


Let me declare again that the protagonist's experience was not that miserable, so I won't spoil it.

This afternoon, I started to classify and push it. I am very excited.Ask for collection! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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