Doom Ray

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
"Have you heard? Mr. Wei has a new ability!"

"I knew it earlier, healing seeds. But now Mr. Wei doesn't accept other crystals, only yellow crystals."

"It's too expensive. If you want a topaz, how much can you exchange for it?"

"Hey, you're stupid! The seeds exist long enough for you to get two more yellow crystals!"

"Really? It doesn't seem like a loss!"

So the two rushed to Wei Chen's medical tent.Of course, the output of Huang Jing is not as high as this person said, it all depends on luck.

This is Wei Chen's new method of earning money, using upgraded skills to add a layer of life support to the ability users who go out to hunt and kill zombies.

However, there is also a big problem here. At the beginning, everyone had more or less yellow crystals on them, but after a long time, the number of new yellow crystals could not keep up with the speed of these people's consumption. Jing's income situation fell into a trough.

And most evolutionaries choose to hunt ordinary cannon fodder zombies and first-class zombies, and the quality of yellow crystals they get is not high.

Wiping off the powder on his hands, Wei Chen frowned.He calculated that according to this speed, it is estimated that when the corpse king comes to attack, he will not advance.

This speed is too slow!

Not to mention that ordinary zombies basically cannot produce crystals, even if it is a first-class topaz, it would take a full twenty of them to fill one petal of the third flower!
Counting the topaz given by Wei Qingcheng, the third flower in Wei Chen's mind can barely fill six and a half petals.

As for going to the market to purchase, this is simply impossible.This is also why Wei Chen didn't think carefully at the beginning, and blatantly disclosed to the outside world the news that Huang Jing was needed, resulting in the value of Huang Jing now being [-] times higher than the spar of the same level!
Unless forced by injury, more people would choose to exchange Huang Jing for shopping instead of coming to Wei Chen to heal their injuries.

And at the moment of the Wu family, the eldest and the second are drinking happily.

"Hahaha! Although we don't have the backing of people with special abilities, we can still make troubles!" Wu Lao Er said with a happy smile, playing with this big handful of yellow crystals in his hands!
"Hmph, this Wei Chen is also a stunned young man. He collected the crystals so eagerly this time, there must be something important!" Boss Wu squinted his eyes and said, "This is also revenge for the third child!"

"Then Boss, do you still want Huang Jing?" Wu Laoer folded his hands to put away the crystal, and leaned over to ask.

"Accept, why don't you accept it! Give me half of the supplies in the family to exchange!" Boss Wu said viciously, and they are about to evacuate now. These supplies are simply a burden to them, and now they are brought quietly Against Wei Chen!

"Okay!" Wu Er Er clapped his hands and stood up, "Just wait for the elder brother's words!"

On the other hand, a similar scene was also staged in the Sun Group.

"Why is it so small?" Looking at the hill in front of him that looked like Huang Jing, Sun Yaowen, the head of the Sun family, knocked on the table very dissatisfied, "Do you know how much loss Wei Chen has brought to our group? Huh? Two backers !"

"Bang bang bang!" In order to emphasize his tone, Sun Yaowen knocked on the table three times and said, "What about you? Just charge me this little?"

"But Mr. Sun, the funds are not enough. Those capable people only exchange for food, not spar." When Sun Yaowen was angry, a subordinate stood up and complained.

"Then you'll give them food!" Sun Yaowen pointed at the spokesman and said, "Why are you guarding those things after they're almost evacuated? Pig brains!"

"Yes, yes!" The spokesman nodded repeatedly.

"What's the use of nodding, hurry up!"

"Okay." The speaking man stepped back quickly, and when he left, his thigh accidentally hit the leg of the table.

"Huh~" After the spokesperson left, Sun Yaowen leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath.Originally, he was going to let Sun Cai subdue other people by force and bring a good development environment for the group.

It's a pity, this time I really lost my wife and lost my army.Not only did Sun Cai die, but Sun Qing also joined in.

"Wei Chen, Wei Chen!" Sun Yaowen said the name secretly, although neither of them killed him, but Sun Yaowen wanted to put all the blame on Wei Chen.


"Lin Kun, send this to Wei Chen."

"Uncle, what is this?" Lin Kun found a small box, which was exquisitely packaged, just like a birthday present in the old world.

"Huang Jing." Uncle Lin said, "Whether our family can get a good status now depends entirely on you!"

"I see." Lin Kun sighed. When the uncles and others learned that Wei Chen had a special relationship with him in the past, his status in this family naturally rose. Many things were left to Lin Kun by Uncle Lin. The routine of sub-cultivating heirs.

"Remember, boil the frog in warm water, don't be in a hurry!" Uncle Lin said, and he didn't know whether this sentence was meant for Lin Kun or himself.

Lin Kun nodded obediently. Although he was very disgusted with this, the reason why he agreed to Uncle Lin was because he knew that not only would it not be harmful to Wei Chen, but the family would also provide Wei Chen with a lot of daily necessities.All these big families want is a reputation and a status.

On this day, different conversations took place in various places, but the content was all related to Wei Chen!

"Qingcheng, it's time to go." Since the price was raised, Wei Chen's place has become quite deserted.

"Okay." After packing up his things, when Wei Qingcheng was about to return to Area A with Wei Chen, a person walked in from outside the tent.

"Haha, brother Weichen, long time no see!"

"Brother Chen Zhi!" Wei Chen was overjoyed, he hadn't seen Li Wenbo and his group for a long time.

When the two met, it was a bear hug.

"Hey, who is this?" Chen Zhi looked at Wei Qingcheng and asked, "Girlfriend?"

"Pfft~" Wei Qingcheng burst out laughing.Wei Chen was embarrassed, and was misunderstood for no reason, so he quickly explained: "It's my sister, Qingcheng."

"Oh!" Chen Zhi frowned, he didn't expect Wei Chen's sister to be so beautiful.But he quickly straightened his face, grabbed a few yellow crystals from his pocket, and said to Wei Chen: "Wenbo knows you need these, so I brought them for you, but unfortunately there are not many."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhi scratched his head in embarrassment with the other hand.

"Yeah." Wei Chen choked up, he suddenly didn't know what to say, he and Chen Zhi's group had nothing to do with each other, but he gave charcoal when he was in trouble, although there were few spars, the kindness was great!

"Hey! Wei Chen, are you seeing a doctor?" At this moment, Mr. Ou walked in with a smile. Seeing Wei Chen receiving Huang Jing, he thought Wei Chen was working.

"No, no, he's a good brother!" Wei Chen said firmly.

"Oh!" Elder Ou gave Chen Zhi an appreciative glance, "It seems that this brother is not bad!"

But Chen Zhi didn't know who Mr. Ou was, he just looked at the old man in front of him arrogantly.

"By the way, I have something for you." Ignoring Chen Zhi, Mr. Ou changed the subject, took out a paper bag and handed it to Wei Chen, saying, "Miss asked me to bring it."

"This!" Wei Chen's eyes were moist, he could feel that they were full of yellow crystals!
"Haha, don't say thank you, just turn around and beat the corpse king to death!" Old Ou laughed.

Old Ou smiled, and another person walked in outside the tent.

"Mr. Wei Chen, do you still remember me?" Liu Tianming held a bag of things in both hands, and stood in front of Wei Chen very restrainedly, "I came to apologize for Lin Lei, I am really sorry that day."

Liu Tianming bowed to Wei Chen, then stretched out his hands, and continued: "Please accept this."

Topaz!Wei Chen was stunned, he didn't expect Liu Tianming to come.

Before Wei Chen could say anything, Wei Qingcheng took Huang Jing one step ahead of him and said, "Brother Tianming, it's all right, brother came in time that day, nothing happened."

"Really!" Hearing this, Liu Tianming's eyes lit up.

"Really!" Wei Qingcheng said with certainty.

Immediately, Liu Tianming felt a burst of relief, and the big stone in his chest was finally let go.

"Wei Chen, I'm here to see you!" Lin Kun walked into the tent, holding a gift box in his hand
Wei Chen took a deep breath and suppressed his tears.He never imagined that so many people would help him in difficult times.In the past, when he was injured, he would lock himself in the room and lick his wound silently.

At this time, Wei Chen had already returned to his residence, and he put the yellow crystals he received today on the table one by one.

The least share was given by Chen Zhi, only five or six.The most was given by the military, there are more than 300 pieces!There were also gifts from Huangfuling, Lin Kun, and even Lu Haiqing!
"I will definitely kill it!" The scene that happened that day flashed before Wei Chen gritted his teeth and said, "It must become stronger!"

Grabbing a large handful of yellow crystals with one hand, Wei Chen looked crazy, "Suck it for me!"

"Boom~" There was a blast from the hand, and a huge torrent began to flow into my mind, filling the petals.This speed is unparalleled!

Scroll for collection~~
Thanks to Lemon who voted for the recommendation~~~
(End of this chapter)

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