Doom Ray

Chapter 45 Promotion!Mimic upgrade!

Chapter 45 Promotion!Mimic upgrade!
Huge amounts of energy are drawn in from the hands and flow through the arms.The huge energy flow propped up the arms one by one, and it seemed that there was a danger of bursting in the next second!

"Gudong~" Just like drinking water, the energy flowing through the arms will also make this sound, which sounds creepy.

"Wow~" Wei Chen shook off the powder in his hand, and took out a handful of topaz from the bag again.There are more than 600 of these topaz, and there are more than a dozen second-grade topaz.This is enough for Wei Chen to fill all the petals of the third flower.

"It's a little bit worse, a little bit worse!" Seeing the last petal being colored, Wei Chen felt a little excited. With a new skill, he really wanted an attack skill to make up for his own shortcomings.

However, it backfired.

Psychic exploration.The new skill name is a search skill.

"Sure enough, I'm just an auxiliary special ability." Wei Chen sighed, except for the mimicry ability to bless attacks, all other skills are auxiliary:
Heal, Dispel, Probe.

"It seems that we can only rely on imitation!" Wei Chen quickly cheered up again. He is probably the only one who knows this secret belonging to the supernatural being!Skills can be upgraded!
"Let's practice mimicry!" Wei Chen quickly made a decision, raised his hand, and a small knife condensed out.

"Brush~" The yellow knife disappeared in a flash and disappeared into the wall.The only thing that proves it ever existed is that little hole in the wall.

"Shua, Shua, Shua~" The arms kept waving, and the mimicry was thrown out by Wei Chen one after another.According to the precedent of the healing technique, to upgrade a skill, you only need to use it continuously.

"Huh, I have no energy." Wei Chen immediately closed his eyes and began to meditate.The only shortcoming of Wei Chen's mimicry is that it is one-time use. If you want to use it again, you must consume energy to recondense it or add a mimicry.

After recovering his energy, Wei Chen didn't continue to practice the mimic skill, but grabbed a handful of crystals and prepared to start absorbing them.

However, no matter how much Zhan Weichen thought about it, he couldn't imagine that this level of spar would have no effect!
"Advanced, it really isn't that easy!" Wei Chen put down the yellow crystals, he also thought about it, these yellow crystals were just reserved for Wei Qingcheng's use.

The first-level spar has no effect, but there are still a dozen second-level ones here. At this time, Wei Chen is very thankful that he didn't use the second-level topaz to advance.

After absorbing the yellow crystals for a while, Wei Chen stopped, another unexpected one, to fill up the first petal of the fourth flower, it is estimated that fifteen second-level yellow crystals will be spent!

Now, Wei Chen's plan to advance to the fourth rank is completely in vain!
"I really don't know how Huang Yang and Sun Cai advanced to the fourth level." Wei Chen said a little enviously, the fourth level might have an additional skill, and the body will continue to strengthen, so the grasp of dealing with the corpse king will be greater. A few more points.

Or practice mimicry!Wei Chen secretly thought, one road is blocked, it's okay, there is another one!
In this way, on this night in the original old world, Wei Chen tirelessly destroyed the wall again and again.

When the energy was used up, Wei Chen immediately meditated. After meditating, he continued to use mimicry.

For the first one or two hours, Wei Chen was still at the level of throwing a knife. As the throwing became more and more proficient, Wei Chen began to make patterns on the wall, from the simplest five-pointed star to writing Chinese characters. In the end, I simply used the ancient poems I had learned before to write.

Almost bored, Wei Chen began to use mimicry to simulate various objects: knives, swords, bows, guns, fishing nets, whips, ropes, shields
Gradually, Wei Chen got into the mood and never tired of it.

Suddenly, "Boom!"

A loud bang resounded through Area A and spread to Area B.

"what happened?"

Residents in districts A and B have clocks to tell the time, so most of them are sleeping and resting at this moment.Now, of course, I was woken up by the loud noise.

"Cannon zombies are coming to attack?"

wrong.The sleepy people quickly realized that this was Area A and Area B, how could the zombies invade so quickly!
But if it wasn't the cannonball attack from the giant cannon zombies, what was it? The laboratory in Area A exploded?earthquake?

But these are irrelevant, as long as they don't threaten their lives.So one by one they lay down again and continued their sweet dreams.

"It's really possible!" Wei Chen widened his eyes and looked at the big hole he blasted in front of him, "Is this a self-created skill?"

After being happier for a while, Wei Chen continued his old routine again. He wanted to upgrade his mimic skills quickly, and it was estimated that the arrival of the corpse king would only take a day or two.


Wei Chen's room flickered, this night, doomed to have no sleep!
However, in Area B, there are other people who can't sleep as well.

"Damn! Huangfu's family, Lin's family. You guys are kind!" Sun Yaowen was furious after hearing the spy's report.He really didn't expect that there would be so many people who would provide Huang Jing to Wei Chen for free.

"I don't care about the military. I don't dare to mess with the Huangfu family, so let's use the Lin family!" Sun Yaowen rolled his eyes, and after clearing his mind, he said to the spies in front of him: "Go, get me the heir of the Lin family! Be clean! "


"Hate!" Sun Yaowen gritted his teeth and kicked the table to vent his anger.

Coincidentally, the Wu family, the eldest brother Wu and the second child Wu also got the news.But compared to Sun Yaowen, Wu Boss and Wu Lao Er are much calmer.

"Second, what do you think?" After reading the secret report, Boss Wu began to ask Wu's second for his opinion.

"What can we do? Cold salad!" Wu Er Er said with a more serious tone, "These few forces are beyond our reach!"

"No, we must find a way to avenge this revenge, or I will be sorry for the third brother." Boss Wu shook his head and said, "Wei Chen can't move, but he can move the people around him."

"Then what about this guy named Chen Zhi? Or those guys like Liu Tianming are also fine." Wu Er Er immediately had an idea, but was soon opposed.

Boss Wu's reason is very simple, the team of these two people should go to curry favor with Wei Chen, killing them may have no effect on Wei Chen.

I have to say that sometimes misunderstandings are so beautiful.

"Then." Second Wu hesitated and said, "The Lin family?"

"Well, it's the Lin family!" Boss Wu clapped his hands, and a subordinate came over, and he ordered: "Go, find a group of people to take care of the newly trained heir of the Lin family, and clean it up!"

"Okay, sir!"


"Brother, open the door!"

Unknowingly, the sound of getting up was heard outside one after another, and Wei Qingcheng came to knock on Wei Chen's door immediately.

"You can't open it. If you don't open it, I'll go in!" After a long time, Wei Qingcheng saw that there was no movement inside, so he turned the handle and went in.

As soon as he entered the door, Wei Qingcheng screamed.

"Ah! Brother, what are you doing!" Seeing that the walls looked like a hornet's nest, Wei Qingcheng's scalp tingled with fright.

"No reason!" Wei Chen played with the golden thread in his hand, turned his head and smiled slightly at Wei Qingcheng: "Okay, let's go eat together!"

Mimesis has been upgraded!


I started pushing, I hope everyone can support me!It's Monday, please collect and recommend! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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