Doom Ray

Chapter 46 Zombie Information

Chapter 46 Zombie Information

A gust of wind blew through the gathering place, but it didn't have any effect on the people here.The sky is still covered by a large cloud, and only the few rays of light passing through the clouds will illuminate the ground.

Ordinary people go about their daily lives with nothing to eat.The only food every day is a piece of bread distributed by the military, but this bread can't be kept at all, and it is taken away by local forces.

Hunger is not the most deadly thing. Most people will find some grass roots to chew and fight it.The most unbearable thing is - the cold!
The tents are simple, the body is weak, and the clothes are not covered.The weather has become the biggest murderer!
"Hey~" Every time he saw this, Wei Chen would sigh. The stinginess of the families in Area B, the self-expansion of human beings after gaining great power, and the fighting among the various forces have become the main theme of the end of the world.

The zombies, however, became the most inconspicuous threat because of the military's advance preparations.

"If it wasn't for this ability, I guess I would be the same as other ability users, right?" Wei Chen looked at his hands and said to himself, because of this special ability, the conspiracy of the family in Area B, and the calculations did not dare to target Wei Chen.

Therefore, it is difficult for those intricate internal frictions to rub against Wei Chen.

While Wei Chen was meditating, Area F arrived.

This time I came here mainly to find a group of people from Chen Zhi. Wei Chen still has a position of caregiver that is not filled, so I can just ask Li Wenbo.

"Isn't it here?" Wei Chen looked at the open space in front of him suspiciously, as if he had made a mistake, "Keep looking!"

Wei Chen came to the tent of Li Wenbo's team only once, so it's hard to remember.

"Yes, investigate!" Wei Chen clapped his hands, and a gray light wandered out from his hands.There are two bumps on the gray light, making it look like a gray elf.

Of course, this is an outsider's idea. Only Wei Chen knows the real function of these two protrusions.It can replace the function of your own eyes!And what you can see from this bulge will be much more than in the normal world!

For example, the smell, light footprints, and the difference in the depth of the ground can all be observed one by one.In terms of detection ability, compared with the dead Chen Xiang, it is even worse!

found it!Wei Chen smiled slightly, it happened that Chen Zhi came to him yesterday, and now he just took advantage of the information Chen Zhi left behind.

It was a cloud of red mist, very light, and drew a long streak in the air.This is Chen Zhi's exclusive breath!It was detected by Wei Chen with his skills the next day.

"It's here!" Wei Chen stopped when he came to a tent. This tent was much more gorgeous than the surrounding ones. It seemed that Li Wenbo and his group were living a good life.

After canceling the detection skills, the gray elf disappeared in a flash, and the flower in his mind dimmed three petals.This skill is much 'cheaper' than dispel.

Walking into the tent, Wei Chen saw Li Wenbo warming himself up by the fire, and when Li Wenbo saw who was coming, he almost clamped the tongs in his hand to his lap.

"Wei Chen!" Li Wenbo said in surprise. Ever since Wei Chen became more and more famous, the gap between Li Wenbo and others and Wei Chen has become even bigger. Although Li Wenbo has a plan, this thing is completely unnecessary for Wei Chen. There was no way to give him any help.

"Brother Li!" Wei Chen was also very happy to meet his old friend again, "Where are the others?"

"They went to the front line to support their family!" Li Wenbo greeted Wei Chen to sit down, and blamed him, "How do you call it changing every day? Forget it, let's talk about something!"

Wei Chen nodded, "I want to ask you for help."

"Help?" Li Wenbo frowned, and said lonely: "What can I do!"

Li Wenbo had his difficulties in staying in the tent.Other teammates can absorb crystals to advance, but he has absorbed nearly 200, and still has no response.

After hearing Li Wenbo's difficulties, Wei Chen was also a little confused. It's really troublesome for this evolutionary to advance!Some can climb to a higher position in a few strokes, while others stand still.The saddest thing is that although some evolutionists are high-level, they are not as good as others who are several levels lower than others.

"Let's not talk about this first, I want to ask you to be the caretaker!" Wei Chen cut to the point and said what he wanted.

"Nurser?" Li Wenbo, who was in Area F, naturally had no access to that layer, and was very unfamiliar with this term.So after quietly listening to Wei Chen's explanation, he agreed directly.

"The corpse king will attack in a few days. I hope you can help me take care of my sister." Wei Chen said, "For the problem of strength, I will take you to see someone, and he will help you solve it."

The person Wei Chen was talking about was Mr. Ou.Soon, Wei Chen will face the Corpse King again. Although his strength has become stronger, Wei Chen estimates that the winning rate is still very low!

What he is doing now, to put it bluntly, is explaining the funeral!He had to find another good shelter for Wei Qingcheng.

After explaining the matter, Li Wenbo left Chen Zhi's whereabouts information and proof of entry, and followed Wei Chen away.Wei Chen's tone was so decisive, Li Wenbo didn't dare to delay!

"It's almost there!" After taking care of Li Wenbo and Ou Lao, Wei Chen came to the military research institute and asked the director for a booklet that recorded all kinds of zombies.

This booklet was recommended to him by Mr. Ou, hoping to give Wei Chen some help.

The characteristics, attack methods, and hierarchy of various zombies are clearly written here, and most importantly, their weaknesses are written in detail!
Finding an open space to sit down, Wei Chen couldn't wait to open the first page of the booklet.

The rank system of zombies is written on it with beautiful pen characters, which is the same as ability users, divided by rank.The lowest level, of course, is ordinary zombies, which are called gray zombies in the pamphlet—cannon fodder zombies!An ability user whose strength corresponds to that of a human being!
The first page alone made Wei Chen feel a little horrified. The most useless of the zombies is actually comparable to a capable person!No wonder he didn't feel it, Wei Chen's starting point was not at this level.

Then there are first-level zombies, there are five types in total, hunters, giants, blades, bone shields, and cannons. These are also called basic zombies.As for the second-level zombies, they are zombies that have evolved various new abilities from the basic zombies.For example, the invisible hunter zombies that Wei Chen encountered, and the hunter zombies with spikes.

Why do I always encounter level [-] hunter zombies?Wei Chen was a little helpless, he could only blame luck.

Then scroll down, it is not the zombie system, but the patterns and text information of various zombies.

"Hunter-type zombies, it's difficult to retreat! Giant-type zombies, slow speed? Is this speed also called slow?" Seeing this, Wei Chen recalled some bad memories.

"Blade zombies have poor defense and bone shield zombies have poor attacks." Wei Chen couldn't help cursing, isn't this nonsense?

In fact, the brochure is also right, this is indeed the truth.

"Cannon-shaped zombies need to gather energy, and the attack interval is long! This is more reliable." Wei Chen nodded and continued to scroll down.

'Corpse King'!
These two sensitive words made Wei Chen's eyes widen suddenly, but the following explanation left Wei Chen a little speechless.Perhaps the person who wrote this booklet played too many single-player games, and the profile below the corpse king turned out to be:

life:? ? ?Energy value:? ? ? .
Weaknesses: playful.

"Playful?" For a while, Wei Chen couldn't bear this word, but Wei Chen was surprised that the weakness of the corpse king was written here. He didn't expect that other than them, there were people who had contact with the corpse king.

If Wei Chen could look carefully, he would find that the page of the corpse king is very new, it was just written on it. As for who wrote it?Either Huang Yang or Hu Lili.

Play with your heart, play with your heart.Wei Chen muttered secretly, wanting to make a fuss about this.It is very difficult for him to improve his strength in a short time now, so he has to focus on other aspects.

"Okay, I'll let you die on this!" Wei Chen said viciously, the plan in his mind continued to take shape!


Ask for collection.Thank you to those who voted, because I didn't remember the names of the votes, so I would like to thank you here.

Well, I am embarrassed to keep asking for votes without adding updates.More on Wednesday and Thursday.

(End of this chapter)

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