Doom Ray

Chapter 49 The Couple on the Altar

Chapter 49 The Couple on the Altar
"Brother, today's harvest is good!"

"Well, go back and rub it!"


Just when the two were about to return, overwhelming energy balls fell from the sky, and an energy ball exploded right between them!Both of them died.

"Run! Zombies, a lot of zombies!"

"Hurry up, this is the zombie army! I've seen it before, it's terrifying!"

"He's coming! Run!"

Of course, there were still many people who survived the first wave of bombing, and then retreated back to the line of defense with shouts and noises.As a result, the news of the zombie army's arrival spread like wind throughout the gathering place.

"Haha, Liu San, I'll give you the tent!"

"Huh, dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths."


"I'd better stay here!"

"Don't, grandpa let's go together!"



"You said you wanted to go together!"

"You get out of the way!"

"Go, find your vixen!"


As if knowing that the military was doomed, almost everyone was packing up and preparing to flee.The military also made preparations for evacuation.

However, there are still many people who are unwilling to go, such as some native elderly people and disabled people with limited mobility.There are also soldiers after the army has been cut off, as well as most of the ability users!
"Old chief, follow them away first!" Lian Yingcai suggested standing in front of the old chief. Unlike Lian Yingcai, the old chief was just an ordinary person, and it was too dangerous to stay.

"Get out of the way!" After finishing speaking, the old chief reloaded his gun and insisted on walking to the front line!
Lian Yingcai sighed and had no choice but to follow.

At this time, Wei Chen was also preparing in his room.

"Wei Chen, do you really want to go?" Li Wenbo held a bomb and refused to let Wei Chen pack his bag, "You can play the greatest role by staying behind, don't go to the front line!"

"Give it to me." Wei Chen snatched the bomb and put it in his bag.It's decided to go!
Indeed, for Wei Chen's ability, staying behind is the best, most sensible, and most comprehensive approach.However, the enmity between parents is irreconcilable!
What have you spent so much energy these days?What are you doing so hard to practice your skills?Isn't it just for today's arrival?
Even if you can't beat it, you have to hate it to death!A ruthless look flashed in Wei Chen's eyes, even though he is now a third-level special ability user, two skills have been upgraded, and he still has a lot of guns and C4 bombs obtained from the military.

"Take care of Qingcheng!" Finally, Wei Chen left the room with his bag on his back.

"Come back alive!" Looking at Wei Chen's leaving back, Li Wenbo could only pray secretly.Afterwards, Li Wenbo also walked out of this room. He still wanted to appease Wei Qingcheng. After all, not many people knew about Wei Chen's killing of the Corpse King.
Walking on the way to the front line, Wei Chen, who was wrapped on one shoulder, formed a sharp contrast with the fleeing crowd.Quite a few people gave Wei Chen grateful eyes.

When we reached the E area, the people walking opposite Wei Chen suddenly disappeared.There were only those old, weak, sick and disabled lying in the tent all around.

Then when they walked to area F, the huge roar gradually became louder, and finally the strong wind blasted by the shells on the ground came whistling.

Then Wei Chen turned his foot and walked towards a place.

"Let's meet them first." Wei Chen murmured.As for who they are, they are naturally the group of people who carried out the mission together last time.

After all, if there is only Wei Chen alone, it will be difficult to get close to the corpse king.In addition, the old chief also specially approved artillery strikes to help Wei Chen clear the surrounding soldiers.

"Wei Chen, it's too late!" Huang Yang criticized Wei Chen who had come late.

"It's okay, it's not too late!" Wei Chen said very flatly, making Huang Yang's eyebrows twitch. This guy is a little different from before!

But after thinking about it, I feel relieved. After all, I have experienced such a big change before, and I should grow up.

"By the way, let me introduce you to the big devil, Wu Lianmo." Huang Yang pointed to the bald head beside him and said.

Wei Chen looked at Wu Lianmo, secretly speechless, he deserves to be a murderer.This guy has a fierce look on his face. In the past, he would definitely scare a child to tears!
"Yeah!" Wu Lianmo looked at Shang Weichen and nodded towards him.

"I'll lead the team this time! Do you have any opinions?" Huang Yang stood up and said after seeing the two gesture to each other and getting to know each other.

Everyone shook their heads, what can they say?
So Huang Yang went on to say: "Okay, our main task is to send Wei Chen to the altar of the corpse king!"

"Here! Wei Chen, are you joking?" Hu Lili immediately called out, "Are you crazy?"

In fact, not only Hu Lili, but even Huangfuling and Wu Lianmo frowned.

"Hey~" Sure enough, after seeing everyone's reaction, Wei Chen knew that the old chief might not have told them the specific details of the mission, that's why this scene happened now.

"Okay! This is Wei Chen's own decision, we just need to send him there!" Huang Yang said seriously. To be honest, when he received this task, Hu Lili needn't be surprised at all.

"Okay, let's go!" Following Huang Yang's voice, a group of five set off.These five people can be said to be the biggest fighting force in this gathering place.

"Call Boxwood! Call Boxwood!"

But after walking a few times, the radio on Huang Yang's chest made a sound.

"What's the matter?" Huang Yang answered succinctly, and he didn't care if he heard it clearly.

"The corpse king has appeared! In the first level! Repeat."

"Roger that!"

After hanging up the radio, Huang Yang waved to everyone and said, "The plan has changed, I don't know why the corpse king came to the front line!"

"Huh, that's great!" Hu Lili patted her chest and said, so she didn't have to rush into the crowd of corpses to fight.

Wei Chen nodded, since he came to the front line, he saved a lot of effort!For some reason, Wei Chen felt a faint sense of anticipation in his hands at this moment, and his body began to feel a little hot.


"Look, that's the corpse king!"

A veteran handed the binoculars to the newbie next to him and said.

"Hmm~ nothing special?"

"Tsk, back to basics, what do you know!"

"Old Lin, look at the two people tied to the altar!"

"Two people?"

After hearing this, Lao Lin quickly grabbed the binoculars, observed carefully and said, "There are really two people, a man and a woman. Why did the corpse king arrest them?"

Just when the two were puzzled, Wei Chen and his party were rushing to the frontline battlefield.But it can be seen that when they saw the altar of the corpse king, their expressions would probably be very exciting!
Because a man and a woman on the altar are none other than Wei Guo and his wife!
They were still tied to the altar frame, their bodies intact, as if what happened that day was really just Wei Chen's nightmare!
"Speed ​​up! The plan needs to be renegotiated!" Huang Yang yelled, exerting force on his feet, and jumped a long way.The people behind speeded up to keep up.


Third watch~~
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(End of this chapter)

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