Doom Ray

Chapter 50

Chapter 50
Approaching the battlefield where the corpse king is, no one expected that the silence here is terrifying!
Compared with the other vigorously played levels, the zombies here are like a well-trained army in ancient times, lined up very neatly.

But this neatness is only compared to the zombies rushing through other lines of defense.

If other battlefields test combat effectiveness, then what is tested here is the psychological endurance of soldiers.Sometimes it’s more awe-inspiring to hold back momentum!

"The corpse king is like this?" The old chief stayed in the shed of the army truck and acted as the commander-in-chief.

"Still there, nothing happened." Lian Yingcai followed the old chief all the way here. He was originally assigned to the evacuation team, but he flatly refused!
"What are you going to do?" The old chief shook his head, the army was overwhelming, and the atmosphere was too depressing!This is a heavy psychological test for the fighters. Those with poor psychological quality may go crazy just because of this!
However, the zombies did not have this worry.One ebbs and another, the longer it drags on, the more detrimental it will be to humans!
Just when everyone was having a headache, Mr. Ou walked in.Looking at the bewildered military man, he said something that confuses everyone:

"The two behind the corpse king seem to be Wei Chen's parents."

"Impossible!" Lian Yingcai yelled immediately, he had read the reports of Hu Lili, Huang Yang and others, which specifically mentioned the corpse king's torture and murder of Wei Chen's parents.

Originally, that incident was full of puzzles, but now there is an even more unbelievable incident, the dead will be resurrected?
"Did he become a zombie after death?" Lian Yingcai immediately came up with a very reasonable reason.

"How do you know?" The old chief remained calm. The end of the world is coming. What's so difficult about resurrecting after death?And outside is a group of resurrected zombies!

"Tsk, don't you see that man looks very similar to Wei Chen?" Mr. Ou looked at these high-powered soldiers with a look of fools.

The old chief nodded. Hearing Ou Lao say so, it really looks a bit like it!

"Does Wei Chen know about this?" the old chief lowered his head and asked.The herald immediately stood up and replied, "Report, Mr. Wei and others are still on their way."

"Go, run over to find him for me, remember, don't let Wei Chen know about this!" The old chief said: "We will tell him directly later!"


After the herald left, everyone agreed with the old chief's proposal.If Wei Chen knew about this, maybe something would happen.

If Wei Guo and his wife really turned into zombies, it's okay, but if they are still alive, then Wei Chen's attitude is not clear!

What if the corpse king threatens Wei Chen and asks him to deal with humans instead?
"Hey~" Elder Ou sighed, the old chief is good at everything, but there are too many problems in employing people.As long as they are not members of the military, the old chief will not believe it!

"Hey! Why did it suddenly become quiet?" Hu Lili asked in confusion.

The closer to the main battlefield, the quieter the gunfire.Especially when we got to the defense zone, there was a dead silence everywhere!If it weren't for the busy soldiers around, everyone would have thought that this place had already been captured.

"Mr. Wei!" Before everyone came forward to ask, the herald who had been waiting for a long time ran over.

"What's the matter?" Wei Chen asked, the herald is the old chief's confidant.There must be something important for him to come!
"The old chief invites you to come!"

Come on!What's up?Wei Chen nodded and followed the herald away. This must be no small matter!
Sure enough, when he came to the military vehicle, Wei Chen felt a strange aura!

Turning over and climbing onto the military vehicle, the hairs all over Wei Chen's body stood up suddenly!

"Crack~click~!" A messy sound of metal collisions resounded in the car!
loophole!Before Wei Chen's eyes, there were all black muzzles!

The herald, Lian Yingcai, and many other powerful military personnel present all made the same action, pointing their guns at Wei Chen!And the old chief's is even more terrifying!It was that special firearm.

Ou Lao shook his head in the corner, as if he knew this would happen.

Wei Chen frowned deeply, waiting for the old chief's explanation.

"Wei Chen." The old chief said slowly, "Your parents may still be alive!"

real?Wei Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, but the scene of that day was still vivid in his memory, so he really couldn't believe the words of the old chief.Could it be that this old brain can't be pumped?
"Well, don't you believe me?" The old chief said as expected: "Come with me!"

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot and walked out of the military vehicle compartment.Wei Chen also followed, and there were also black muzzles following the same way!

"Wei Chen, what's the matter?" Huang Yang looked at the formation of getting out of the car in confusion, what happened?But Huangfuling's method was very simple, she directly pulled out the saber.

Feeling that the atmosphere of his teammates was not good, Wei Chen gave them a reassuring look.Although it is uncomfortable to be pointed at with a gun, impulsiveness is the most taboo in everything!He believed that the old chief would give him an explanation!
Wei Chen at this moment is much more mature than before.In the past, once something threatened his life, it is estimated that Wei Chen would choose to explode directly!Injury-for-injury first kill a few.

"Here." Coming to a high ground, the old chief put down his gun, took a telescope and handed it to Wei Chen, saying, "Look carefully at the altar!"

Ok?Looking along the old chief's finger, a small blue dot appeared in the field of vision.

The blue altar?Isn't it red?Wei Chen will never forget every scene and every detail of that day in his life.He clearly remembered that the altar was red that day, with purple in the red!

But the one in front of me is all blue, and compared to the previous one, it is a little less majestic.

what happened?Wei Chen quickly picked up the binoculars and looked over.

"Pa-ta~" The telescope stayed in front of Wei Chen for less than a second before falling into the air.

"This..." Wei Chen held his head, his eyes were red, and he looked in disbelief.

Then, as if he was afraid that he might be wrong, Wei Chen quickly grabbed the telescope that fell in mid-air with one hand!

"Hahaha! Not dead! Not dead!" Wei Chen laughed wildly.

Through the binoculars, Wei Chen saw that on the altar, Hong Limei's hand was not broken, and her throat was also bitten.As for Wei Guo, not only did he not have a blood hole in his chest, but his body was still breathing together!This shows that the two are still normal people and have not been infected into zombies!

As for what happened?Wei Chen doesn't care about these, the safety of his parents is more important than anything else!

"Okay, Wei Chen, let me ask you now." The old chief raised his gun again, pointed at Wei Chen and said, "The corpse king will threaten you with your parents' lives and kill us all. How do you choose?"

How do I choose?Wei Chen was taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and asked back: "How do you know what the corpse king is going to do?"

Do you really think Wei Chen is a fool?Can't he see such an obvious temptation?
"You don't need to know how I know, you just need to answer my question." The old chief threw the question over again: "Kill us, save your parents, or join us to deal with the corpse king. But your parents may die No guarantee!"

That's right, the old chief doesn't need to explain at all, he just wants the result of Wei Chen's choice!As for whether the corpse king has the intelligence to do this, the old chief doesn't need to worry about it, he only needs a soldier with a firm stand.


People are a little angry when they are broken. . .

Continue three more. .

(End of this chapter)

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