Doom Ray

Chapter 54 Purple Sphere

Chapter 54 Purple Sphere
Thanks for the past - Solo Dance's reward, the most so far! !

"Ah!" Wei Chen, who jumped out of the window, was hit back by the rushing air wave.Seeing that the landing posture was not right, Wei Chen immediately used mimicry to simulate two ropes, inserted them into the outside of the balcony on the third floor, and then rolled over to swing to the balcony on the second floor.

Then he held onto the guard rail tightly and looked up.I saw a huge object rubbed against his body and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Phew~ I was almost smashed by the protective fence." Wei Chen, who was hanging on the second floor, slowly climbed down. Seeing that the height was almost the same, he let go of his hands and jumped down. Looking at the balcony on the third floor with lingering fear, he said: " Should be dead, right?"

Wei Chen's life-saving ability is strong because he has the skill of healing, which can continuously recover from injuries and keep his body in the best condition.This is also the reason why Wei Chen dared to confront the Corpse King head-on, as long as he was not killed by a single blow, or the energy was not enough, Wei Chen would basically not die!
"Should be dead, let's go." Seeing no movement on the third floor for a long time, Wei Chen finally felt relieved, this time the preparations were sufficient, mentally or unintentionally, although the corpse king is powerful, he is also within the control range.

The third floor was still spraying fly ash, Wei Chen lifted his foot and left.Due to the arrival of the corpse king in this area, there are not many zombies around, and Wei Chen can easily deal with it.

"Hurry up, I have to save my parents!" After a few steps, Wei Chen let go of his feet and ran up. Once the corpse king died, he didn't know if those zombies would continue to abide by the rules and not climb up the altar.

Returning along the original road, Wei Chen felt that the number of zombies around him gradually increased. This is a good sign, indicating that the corpse king is really dead.

"Uh, what is this unreal feeling?" Wei Chen scratched his head, thinking about it now, it feels a little too dreamy.Not only did his parents survive, but he also dealt with the corpse king.

Then Wei Chen shook his head, was he frightened out of his wits?But what is this uneasiness?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past Wei Chen's ears.


Next, Wei Chen only felt his shoulders go cold, and his left hand lost strength for a moment.Wei Chen looked at his shoulder in disbelief, a pale skeleton was exposed on it!The original flesh and blood seemed to be completely removed by something at once!

"What's going on?" Wei Chen was stunned, and the nerves in his shoulder seemed to have been severed, so he couldn't feel any pain.It wasn't until Wei Chen mobilized the treatment and began to heal the wound that the severe pain came.

The ninja was in pain, Wei Chen turned his head, the huge pain made his eyes bloodshot.Red walls, red plants crawling all over the walls, and red zombies rushing around.Also, a trembling corpse king.

The corpse king at this moment has lost his future demeanor, his whole body is covered with blasted flesh, and the tip of the flesh has been blackened by the high temperature.

There is a purple spherical object in the corpse king's mouth, which is slowly growing larger as time goes by, and the highly concentrated energy distorts the surrounding air.

"Again!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth, his entire face twitched. This spherical object was probably the thing that caused him great damage just now. He never expected that the corpse king had such a trump card.


The corpse king leaned over, and the sphere in his mouth flew towards Weichen along with it.The purple sphere is like a shooting star, pulling its long tail and cutting through the air, very beautiful!

But this beauty is too deadly!

Get out of the way!Wei Chen didn't dare to resist, after all, he had a shoulder as a lesson from the past.Maybe it was because of the corpse king's injury, the purple ball's aim was not very good, and Wei Chen didn't even need to do too much dodge.

However, if the accuracy is not good, it can be made up for by quantity!
"Hoohoo!" Purple balls flew one after another, and the corpse king's mouth was like a machine gun, without stopping for a moment!

"Fuck." Wei Chen cursed, holding his shoulders, enduring the pain, and started to run sideways!Inadvertently, he remembered that this thing seemed to be the mysterious attack that killed Sun Cai and Chen Xiang!
"Huh~" A purple ball flew past and almost touched Wei Chen's thigh.

"Damn it, were you playing with me just now?" Wei Chen was secretly startled, with such a powerful attack, if he used it earlier, he might die!
"Maybe there are some usage restrictions, or the price is too high!" Wei Chen secretly speculated, and soon, the corpse king's actions also conformed to Wei Chen's thoughts, and it fell silent.

"It's okay." Wei Chen leaned against a wall, dressed roughly, and the wall happened to be plants from the New World. Wei Chen took a few breaths, and felt that his chest was much smoother, and even the wound didn't hurt so much.

But before taking a few breaths, a scorched black figure appeared around the corner, with a purple ball of light in its mouth.

run!The purple ball is too scary, Wei Chen has no good way to deal with it, he can only delay it.


"What the hell happened over there?"

The old chief put down the binoculars, and since Wei Chen and the corpse king ran over, that place became the focus.However, due to the obstruction of the building, so far, everyone has only heard one explosion, which is the time when Wei Chen detonated C4.

"I don't know, it seems to be very intense." One of the officers commented, but this is also his guess. If others were on the scene, they would understand that it was not only intense, it was a life-or-death situation.

"Well, what's that purple light?"

Soon, everyone noticed streaks of purple light flying out of the building complex.Those buildings melted as soon as they were touched by the purple light!It wasn't until the purple ball disappeared after it pierced holes in several buildings.

"What a great power!"

"Wei Chen is dead."

"Why does this kind of thing appear!" An officer couldn't stand it anymore, and smashed the binoculars to the ground heavily.This move made other people sigh.

That's right, why zombies appear, even they don't know the root of the problem.These military leaders don't know much, and they are just following orders.

"Chief, be careful!"

Suddenly, the herald screamed, and he saw a purple light flying towards them!This is entirely a coincidence, no one thought that a purple ball would be so perfect that it would not be blocked by any buildings.
What's even more coincidental is that right in front of this ball of light is the old chief standing there!

The ball of light whizzed past without splashing blood. It was like a black hole, devouring everything in front of it.


The old chief fell to the ground, screaming in pain.At the moment when the purple ball flew, the herald pushed the old chief away in time, but he was not spared.The purple ball passed under the left rib to the right shoulder, and the herald was split in two.

"You, you." The old chief pursed his lips, not knowing what to say. This herald has been following him since he became the chief. He watched the herald grow from an immature boy to a calm man.

"Why are you pushing me!" Finally, the old chief pointed at the herald's body, angrily said in a painful voice, "When did I ask you to push me! You are committing the following crime, do you know that!"


"Chief, be like this."

"Sorry! This kind of thing is too normal."

The last one was from Mr. Ou, with a lukewarm voice.In his opinion, the old man sat in the office all day, it was time for him to experience the death of relatives and friends.

"Hmph, without my order, you are not allowed to block the gun for me, and those who violate it will be directly revoked from the position!"

On the other side, Wei Chen was still fleeing, and he found that the power of the corpse king's purple shells seemed to be strengthening!When running around a corner, he inadvertently saw a horrifying scene.

There were two round holes in the corpse king's hands, and the bodies of the zombies near the corpse king were slowly shriveling, no matter if they were gray corpses or more powerful corpses!


The sucked up zombies are like dead wood that has decayed for thousands of years, turning into bone powder!And what these zombies got in exchange were bigger purple spheres!

Give me some motivation, I will work hard all night to code out tomorrow's together.

(End of this chapter)

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