Doom Ray

Chapter 55 The last fight

Chapter 55

Thanks to the cheating God of War and Qin Shi of the Star God Night Rain for the reward! !



This purple ball actually let out a faint roar.

It can be like this!This scene made Wei Chen feel that no matter how high the level and strength of these ordinary zombies are, they cannot escape the control of the corpse king!This is the system that exists in zombies.


The purple ball flew away, but it missed.Although the power has become stronger, it has also become more uncontrollable, hitting innocent ground.At this time, the purple ball drilled into the ground like a ground-drilling machine, and Wei Chen could even hear the sound of running water coming from the hole——

deep enough!


Wei Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, if he was hit this time, he would definitely die.But the corpse king seemed to enjoy it, and began to absorb the life of his subordinates again.

"This period of time should be empty!" Wei Chen murmured, except for the first wave of purple balls, every time the corpse king fired one, it would absorb the life of nearby zombies.

This scene seems to be very similar to myself!The corpse king should also have something like an energy bar, and the nearby zombies can just replenish the energy for it!
Seeing the corpse king doing this, Wei Chen quickly thought of his own mimicry skills. When practicing that night, he also tried to superimpose the mimicry out of thin air, but the results were not very satisfactory. At most, he could superimpose ten There was a mimicry, and then it dissipated inexplicably.

Seeing that a purple ball was about to be launched, Wei Chen paid attention, and with a movement of his hand, the gray elf appeared.Then Wei Chen controlled it to float to a safe place.

"We need to see the next condensing process!" He had a premonition that as long as he learned the condensing process of the purple cannonball like the corpse king, his own mimicry might also condense!


The purple ball, bigger than last time, plowed the ground.Same as before, this time it still misses.

"Is this guy crazy?" Wei Chen, who easily escaped the attack, said with a frown.This is really what he said, the corpse king is indeed crazy!If you walk in, you can see the red light shining in the green eyes!

Be crazy!Wei Chen didn't care, and controlled the gray elves to concentrate on watching the corpse king's next round of energy condensation.From the perspective of the gray elves, it is indeed different.

Strips of purple light emerged from the corpse king's mouth.Like tadpoles, wagging their tails, they began to gather towards the center.However, this way of gathering is not random gathering together, the 'tadpole' will first gather together to weave into a skeleton, and then put all its strength together on the skeleton.

Thus, a new purple sphere was born!
So it turned out that Wei Chen's pupils brightened, the reason why he always failed in co-authoring that day was the result of the unstable structure!

Knowing the reason, it's easy to handle. While the corpse king was still condensing the purple shells, Wei Chen stretched out his remaining hand, and the yellow mimicry began to condense on his hand.Wei Chen didn't run away either, the corpse king would catch up anyway.

At this moment, the corpse king is in a state of anger, but he doesn't know that his moves have been learned by Wei Chen.

Subconsciously stretched out his left hand to grab the spar in the backpack, but the pain from his shoulder made Wei Chen imagine it!He can't use his left hand now!

This purple ball can not only dissolve many things, it can even generate a force in the wound, preventing the healing technique from being performed.

what to do?Wei Chen originally used his right hand to absorb the spar, but now his right hand is going to superimpose the mimicry.Inhale and release, you can't have both!
Wei Chen looked at the spar in his hand, was in a daze for a while, and stuffed it into his mouth!


Wei Chen chewed subconsciously, who would have thought that these crystals would be bitten off directly!The yellow energy lost the shackles of the crystal shell, and began to spread out, and began to scurry in Wei Chen's mouth.

It was taken out of the zombie's heart, and many of the crystals even had some blood on them!A fishy smell mixed with yellow energy began to stimulate Wei Chen's taste buds.


Wei Chen almost spit it out, this feeling is no different from grabbing a handful of sand and chewing it.But in this way, the absorption efficiency is much higher than the previous absorption by hand.

Give me coagulation!Suppressing the feeling of vomiting, Wei Chen raised his right hand and began to command the mimicry to form in an orderly manner.As for how to combine, Wei Chen quickly had an idea.Naturally, a pointed awl is the best!
However, since it was the first time to do this, Wei Chen was still very unskilled in this area, and it took him a long time to combine it into a long strip.And the corpse king over there is already ready.

"Hoho!" Unexpectedly, the corpse king actually took aim this time.The purple ball was flying towards Wei Chen.

"Fuck." Wei Chen yelled, and pieces of broken crystals spewed out from his mouth.Quickly withdraw energy and hide aside.Maybe it was due to the lack of feeling in the left hand, so the forearm was slightly rubbed by the purple ball.

Wei Chen looked at his left hand, feeling a little worried, if it is not cured quickly, it may be useless like this!

However, at this moment, the corpse king didn't even fire the cannon, but waved his sharp claws and killed him.

It happened to be raining all night, if the corpse king stood and fired the cannon, it would be fine, Wei Chen could take some countermeasures while he was gaining momentum.By the way, treat your arm, the feeling of a broken arm is really uncomfortable.

Seeing that the corpse king was about to hit him with a punch, Wei Chen only had to parry.This corpse king doesn't play cards according to the rules at all.

The five mimics were quickly superimposed on the hands, and they fist bumped against the corpse king again!

The two fists faced each other, and the wind of the fist blew up, raising a circle of dust along with it.

Then, Wei Chen ran away.

Standing on tiptoe with two mimetic accelerations, Wei Chen rushed out quickly.After the corpse king reacted, Wei Chen had already run away.


"Hurry up!" Wei Chen was secretly worried as he watched the wound slowly turn raw.He had been fighting with the corpse king for a long time, and Wei Chen was only running away, and occasionally counterattacked once or twice, but it didn't cause much damage to the corpse king.Although the previous C4 bomb did seriously injure the corpse king, the corpse king is still alive and kicking, and his combat effectiveness remains undiminished.

Most importantly, there are not many crystals left in the backpack!
"That's not right!" Looking at the hard-to-heal wound, Wei Chen suddenly wanted to slap himself.I still have a skill!Isn't it just used to get rid of this headache?

It's not Wei Chen's fault. After all, the skill of dispelling has too little sense of existence, consumes a lot of energy, and has little use.

"It's all right now." After dispelling the special energy on the shoulder, the wound on the shoulder finally began to heal under the effect of the healing technique.

Feeling the numbness of his left hand and regaining consciousness, Wei Chen's hanging heart relaxed slightly.

"Hey~ there aren't many crystals left!" Wei Chen suddenly felt a little powerless when he finally took out two handfuls of crystals. Once these things were used up, he was like a girl who took off her clothes and could only let the corpse king ravage her.

"Damn it, use it all! The last blow!"

He clenched his fist, and inserted the water chestnut of the spar into his palm.


Seeing that familiar figure, Wei Chen stuffed all the crystals into his mouth!


The late third watch. .Continue to code.The first major chapter is almost finished, it should be tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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