Doom Ray

Chapter 57 Weird Laughter

Chapter 57 Weird Laughter

Thanks for the crazy reward.Thank you for your support~~


As soon as the crystal stone entered the mouth, a huge stench filled the taste buds.

Wait for the opportunity!Wei Chen sank his heart, waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity for the corpse king to spit out the purple ball brainlessly again!The speed at which he builds the mimic skeleton is very slow, and the mimic can't do two things at once, building the skeleton while accelerating himself.

It's a pity, Wei Chen was a little disappointed seeing the corpse dynasty running towards him.In this way, he can no longer condense the skeleton.

"Hoo hoo ~!"

Um, so it's getting so slow?Wei Chen was secretly puzzled in his heart.

The Corpse King punches out like the wind, very fast.However, Wei Chen discovered that the corpse king's speed had slowed down!Not as fast as before.

Easily dodging the corpse king's attack, Wei Chen began to be surprised. Could it be that this guy is exhausted?so slow?But looking at the fist wind is strong, it doesn't look like it has no strength.

Is it—

Gray elves!
Only this guy's eyes can see something different. What Wei Chen never imagined is that the gray elf's eyes have this effect!He didn't even notice it before!
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Wei Chen was overjoyed. He thought that all he got were auxiliary skills, but he didn't expect the auxiliary skills to be so powerful!Slow down your opponent, what does this powerful dynamic vision represent?It means that Wei Chen can definitely challenge opponents who are higher than him!


If it weren't for the spar still stuffed in his mouth, Wei Chen would probably be stunned. He knows the strength of his ability, but most of the time, he focuses on the first skill, healing, and ignores other skills.Now it seems that if every skill is well developed, maybe Wei Chen will be stronger!
It has to be said that the battlefield is the place where people can grow up the most.

"Humph!" Seeing the corpse king's slowed fist, Wei Chen's confidence increased greatly, and the mimicry in his hand began to mobilize, creating a mimicry skeleton.By superimposing a lot of mimicry, in theory, as long as there is enough energy, the power can be infinitely increased!

He couldn't hit Wei Chen all the time, the corpse king didn't get impatient, but calmed down, and the red light in his eyes gradually faded away.Especially when he saw the gradually formed skeleton in Wei Chen's hands, the corpse king began to panic a little. This scene was too familiar to him, and he knew better than anyone else how powerful that purple ball was.However, Wei Chen stole all of this!

A sense of uneasiness arose spontaneously in the corpse king's heart.


After the corpse queen jumped two steps, he began to feel timid, and the main purpose of shouting out this time was to recruit the younger brother.As a result, zombies in twos and threes around began to rush over.

"Hmm!" Wei Chen got prejudiced, he knew that the corpse king would start to condense the purple balls.Judging from the situation just now, Wei Chen could escape without relying on the vision of the gray elves.

To be honest, the corpse king is also desperate for face, just call a large wave of zombies to besiege Wei Chen, and insist on a one-on-one duel
Wei Chen ignored the corpse king in front of him and began to concentrate on making the mimic skeleton.

The so-called skeleton, to put it bluntly, is to play a supporting role. From the beginning, Wei Chen immediately thought of simulating objects such as vertebral bodies and needle points, but the internal structures of these objects that Wei Chen saw on weekdays are all solid. Where did they come from? skeleton?

So, Wei Chen changed his mind, since these objects can't be made, let's make a real skeleton out of the head office, right?So what is floating on Wei Chen's hand at this moment is a pair of fish bones.

Well, it's ugly though.

In order to make this thing feel more stable, Wei Chen added an all-round bone to the spinal cord of the fish. The whole fish bone looked like the head of a mace.

It should be fine.Looking at the strangely shaped thing in his hand, Wei Chen suddenly lost his mind, but at this point, he can only bite the bullet and go on.

Strips of yellow mimicry are dotted on the wolf-toothed fish bones, and the petals in the head are dimming one by one, but it doesn't matter, the topaz in the mouth will immediately provide a large amount of energy supplement.

Just when Wei Chen started to create a golden fish, the corpse king was not to be outdone, and the purple ball in front of his mouth also began to swell slowly.


Wei Chen was frightened. He thought that the corpse king would launch it after the purple ball gathered to a certain extent, but the result was that the corpse king seemed very reluctant to part with the purple ball, and instead of launching it to attack Wei Chen, he continued to gather energy!

Hurry up!Wei Chen secretly roared in his heart, the corpse king condenses the ball of light like an instinct, the speed is very fast, on the other hand, Wei Chen only looks like a fish now.

no!Wei Chen shook his head, this speed is not as fast as the Corpse King!
He can also understand the corpse king's idea, which is to create a big enough purple ball, not only to make up for the lack of accuracy, but also to make Wei Chen unable to dodge!
This is the final blow, whoever completes his masterpiece first wins!

"Hmm!" Wei Chen began to fight, and the yellow line accelerated again.The fish in his hand was already the length of a school desk.

No, not fast enough!Seeing that a purple ball bigger than a tennis racket had condensed on the corpse king's side, Wei Chen knew that he might not be able to catch up.

Think of ways to!think!think!
Wei Chen forced his brain to start functioning. At this level, he didn't want to give up. There must be a solution!
Do you want to try dual-use?Wei Chen looked at his free left hand, and thought of this, but then shook his head and vetoed the idea, what a joke, who can guarantee that the golden fish will not disappear after the other hand is used?That joke was really a big deal!
But other than that, is there any way to speed up the condensation?

Why change your mind?Not daring to go this way, Wei Chen had no choice but to seek some heresy ways.

Looking at the bulging purple ball, Wei Chen frowned, really wanting someone to poke it and explode it.

Ok?Poke it?Wei Chen immediately looked at the nearly one-meter-long golden fish on his palm, and suddenly felt an urge to laugh.How wise I am!At the beginning, I chose this long fish as the skeleton. Isn't this just a long needle, specially used to puncture the balloon on the opposite side?

Licking his lower lip, Wei Chen looked at the corpse king with a fierce look on his face. The speed is not as fast as others. The power is the best weapon to destroy the corpse king!

The gray elves on the side are always paying attention to the corpse king's actions. Once the corpse king makes a backward movement, it means that the corpse king is about to attack, and Wei Chen will also follow the trend.

Get together, get together, the bigger the better!

Spitting out the debris in his mouth, Wei Chen stuffed the last spar into his mouth.The treatment of the corpse king is much better than him, and there are a group of zombies behind him to provide him with energy.

enough!Leave a few petals for healing, and inject all the remaining energy into the golden fish in your hand.The goldfish at this time looks much more beautiful than the previous mace.

Glittering golden light replaced fish scales, and the light body swayed in the air, appearing very flexible and vivid, as if alive.

"Huh!" It's the last moment, Wei Chen's heart became very nervous, what if it doesn't work?What if the corpse king is still alive?What to do if you miss it
In case
"Damn it, throw it!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth and swung his right hand vigorously. The goldfish in his hand flew out like a sharp arrow with a whoosh, and disappeared into the air.

In the next second, the goldfish appeared on the purple ball, and its mouth plunged into the purple ball fiercely.


A slight inaudible sound sounded at the impact.Then, a white light flashed, Wei Chen only felt that the world was quiet at that moment.


Unknowingly, the surrounding air began to flow irregularly, colliding and rubbing against each other, making whining sounds.

"Hiss! Run~" Taking a breath, Wei Chen finally felt that something was wrong, turned around and ran away, he was too close to the purple ball!
The moment Wei Chen turned around, he realized that he couldn't move!A huge suction came from the impact, and the soil on the ground was the first to suffer. The whole clods of soil were sucked into the purple ball and disappeared.

Having played it off, Wei Chen looked desperate, and now he only hopes that the suction will end soon.

"Crack~" Wei Chen's feet tried to grab the ground, but unexpectedly, the shoes started to stop, and they didn't have enough grip to help Wei Chen resist the suction.

Noticing that his feet started to slip, Wei Chen hurriedly lay down on the ground, and quickly dug his fingers into the cracks in the concrete floor.This scene is similar to the situation of resisting the flying missiles that day, except that one was blown away and the other was sucked in.

But this time, the solid ground is also difficult to protect itself, and it is constantly being sucked into the purple ball.Gradually, a large pit began to appear on the ground, and gradually, the edge of the pit gradually expanded to Wei Chen.The groundwater began to seep out, and soon, the freshly seeped groundwater was sucked away by the purple ball.

"Hehe, you're going to die." Wei Chen said helplessly, this time he really did die.Perhaps it was the last desire to survive, Wei Chen began to buckle his hands underground.Little by little, Wei Chen inserted his finger into the soil. At first, Wei Chen could keep inserting it, but after a while, there was a hard object blocking it.

"Unlucky, what is this!" Wei Chen was very depressed, and such a problem appeared at this critical moment.

With nothing to hold him down, Wei Chen began to float along with the soil.At the same time, as the soil separated, Wei Chen also saw the thing that prevented him from digging down, and then his face showed joy.

That's a tree root!Thick roots!
"Okay!" Wei Chen shouted happily, immediately hooked the only life-saving point with a mimetic rope, pulled himself over, and hugged the tree root tightly.

"Huh~ I'm saved." Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief. I don't know where the root came from, but it seems that the trunk is still a long way from here. The most important thing is that the root looks very young. , not so easy to be pulled off.

"Hey, the corpse king was sucked in." Wei Chen smiled all over his face. He won this battle! "But it's a pity, the corpse king's spar hasn't been taken yet."

"Hey~~Wait. I" Wei Chen couldn't laugh after laughing for a while, the reason is very fake, this purple ball seems to be about to explode.



subsequently.With a flash of light, the purple ball exploded!

The powerful impact leveled the nearby buildings, and the shock wave was unstoppable. After breaking down the houses, there was still room to spread outward.

Wei Chen was buried in the light just like that.


"Look there!"

"What is that, it's spectacular!"

"Could it be that the military detonated a nuclear bomb?"


"You're stupid, it's really a nuclear bomb and we're done!"

Conversations like this continued to unfold among the capable users, and everyone was amazed at the magnificence and magnificence of this explosion.In the end, everyone believed that this must be the handiwork of the military. Unknowingly, Wei Chen once again inadvertently raised the profile of the military.

"Chief, Wei Chen is still there."

"I know!" The old chief said impatiently, what he is most worried about now is that this trick is done by the corpse king!

"Look! It's gone! The zombies are gone!"

I don't know who yelled this sentence first, the next second, the defense line boiled!
I saw the army of zombies standing by in the distance, scratching their heads, and began to walk around unconsciously.As for the zombies that had already run to the front of the defense line, each of them paused slightly, and the next moment, they continued to rush towards the defense line.But now they don't think about attacking, but instinctively want to eat people!

All signs are telling people one thing——

Corpse King, dead!
"Haha! Brothers, kill me!"

"Come on!"

Without the biggest threat, these soldiers, who had already held their breath, organized a charge spontaneously regardless of discipline.

"Brother Mouse, let's go too!"

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, a large group of capable people began to charge with the soldiers. If Wei Qingcheng was here, he would definitely recognize this mouse brother as Wei Chen's first customer.

"This, this, this! It's too presumptuous!" Lian Yingcai looked at the soldiers who were fighting from above, and when he turned his head, his hat was crooked in anger.

"Okay, pass my order and prepare to retreat!"

"Retreat? Why?"

"Yes, Chief, isn't the Corpse King dead?"

All the officers were puzzled and stared at the old chief, waiting for his explanation.

"Hey, I'm going to join the big troops!" The old chief shook his head and said: "The food here will be finished sooner or later, and the order was issued very early to say that the whole army and the people will gather in the western region."

The officers only nodded when they heard it. After all, it was an order from above, and there was indeed a lot of food in the west. There were a large number of underground caves built in the past to prevent nuclear crises.Just to leave a way out for the country, now it finally comes in handy.

"What about Wei Chen?" Mr. Ou doesn't care about the evacuation. He is most worried about Wei Chen and Huang Fuling's heart. Miss!"

"Well, look for it!" The old chief said in a very formal tone: "Huang Yang and the others, I will send someone to rescue them."

"Then hurry up!" Ou Lao said anxiously, he can't guarantee that those zombies are still afraid of the majesty of the corpse king and dare not go to the altar.

In this way, the attack of the zombies ended due to the death of the corpse king. Even if the corpse king died, the deterrent power of the altar was still there, and the four people on the altar were also unharmed, but there was a sad news that the rescued Weiguo Became dementia, Hong Limei mental disorder.

The military began to withdraw.Before the evacuation, the military sent people to the explosion site and found the remains of the corpse king—a huge colorless spar!

As for Wei Chen, his whereabouts are unknown!


After the explosion, Wei Chen immediately lost consciousness.He only felt that he had a dream, dreaming that he was learning to ride a bicycle when he was a child, riding and riding, and riding farther and farther.


"Who laughs so badly?" Wei Chen complained, "But this laughter must be familiar."

With a sudden brain shock, Wei Chen remembered, wasn't that laughter coming from the corpse king on the red altar that day?

what to do?Wei Chen fell off his bicycle in fright, breaking out in cold sweat.

"Ho ho ho, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"


No cropping, two-in-one sent out.

The second chapter will be a bit dull at the beginning, but for the sake of foreshadowing, the end of the second chapter feels very good!

(End of this chapter)

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