Doom Ray

Chapter 58 Air cavities

Chapter 58 Air cavities

The weird laughter still echoed in his head, and Wei Chen in the dream became more and more uncomfortable the more he listened.


Suddenly, Wei Chen woke up with a start and opened his eyes.When he opened his mouth, not only did the voice he was about to shout change, but also a lot of liquid poured in.

"Grumble rumble."

After drinking a few sips of water, Wei Chen finally knew - he was in the water.

The purple ball exploded just now, directly blasting out a big hole, Wei Chen was blasted into the hole like a cannonball, and lost consciousness.After waking up, he was already in this underground river.


Soon, a sense of suffocation forced Wei Chen to open his mouth and nose, trying to breathe vigorously, but unfortunately, it was in an undercurrent.It was dark all around, and there was no village or shop behind here, let alone breathing, even if Wei Chen could breathe freely in the water, he might not be able to swim in the underground river easily.

The water flow is fast, and there are many sharp stones in the dark, as long as you are not careful, you will be pierced.There are also various undercurrents and unclear river flows.It can be said that very few creatures can survive in such a place.

What's more, the most terrifying thing is the unknown environment.

At this moment, Wei Chen waved his limbs vigorously, he was like a small boat in the sea, erratic.The energy in his mind was already empty. When he was in a coma, the body's self-protection function allowed the healing technique to be activated directly to repair the wounds blown out by the purple ball, but even so, the wounds on Wei Chen's back were still visible.

dying!Wei Chen's mind went blank, this period of time was the saddest, suffocation, fear, pain from the wound.Gradually, blood began to appear in Wei Chen's eyes.

No matter how powerful Wei Chen is and how powerful his fighting power is, at this point he can only stare blankly and wait for death.

Just when Wei Chen was washed away by the current.Suddenly, there was a strong suction force from below him, accompanied by rotation, which brought Wei Chen to the lower area.


The feeling of dizziness made Wei Chen very uncomfortable. He was already very weak, his stomach churned and he vomited out.If there is a light shining over, you will find that the vomit is full of red blood!
"Bang ~ click!"

Maybe it was a matter of luck, during this fierce rotation, Wei Chen's right leg hit a rock heavily, and the sound of bone cracking was clearly audible!

pain?I can't feel it anymore.

The vortex seemed to be tired of Wei Chen, and when he was about to get close to the bottom, he threw Wei Chen out fiercely.

Wei Chen had already given up resistance, closed his eyes, and let the water rage.

Maybe it was because of the flashback, for a while, the original suffocation and pain disappeared, and there was only a white nothingness in front of my eyes.

Heh, it is said that people will see the most beautiful things in life before they die, but they never thought that they would have nothing.Wei Chen felt bitter in his heart, this life has been too miserable.

Just when Wei Chen felt sad, a beautiful figure appeared in his mind.Her eyes and smiles, her every move are so clear and charming.

Wei Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch that face, but where he started, there was only the constant flow of water.

He didn't know when he fell in love with Huangfuling, maybe it was at the moment when we first met, or maybe it was when the mission failed and he was heartbroken in bed.

Before he knew it, the water rushed Wei Chen into a hole, and suddenly, the uncontrollable water flow began to slow down.



Maybe Wei Chen was lucky, there is a large air pocket in this cave.Suddenly exposed to the air, the body began to control Wei Chen to breathe autonomously, but before he inhaled, the water in his lungs and stomach would flow out again.When the two attacked, Wei Chen almost fainted.

"Wow!" In the end, the lungs had the upper hand and drained the water first.

"Hoo Hoo~ Hoo Hoo!"

With no obstacles, Wei Chen began to breathe in the air with big gulps.After his body calmed down, Wei Chen closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He was too tired. First, after fighting with the corpse king for so long, the petals were constantly consumed and replenished, and now he was tortured in the underground river. Even the physical fitness of a third-level special ability user could not resist it.


After Wei Chen fell asleep, there was a little noise in the darkness.A little white light appeared in the air.This sound is like a horn, summoning thousands of troops!



Countless white spots, like fireflies, flew up from the ground and rose into the air.Together, they illuminate the air pocket.

In the next second, these white dots began to float in one direction, where Wei Chen was lying seriously injured and on the verge of death.

The most unexpected thing is that this white spot has the same effect as the healing technique, no, stronger ability!Wei Chen's broken body began to recover, and even the petal energy in his mind began to slowly replenish and recover.

After an unknown amount of time, Wei Chen woke up.

"Eh? I'm still alive?" The lower body was soaked in the water, and the upper body was lying on a smooth stone. Wei Chen first looked at his hands in surprise, and then looked around.


Lifting his heavy body, Wei Chen supported the rock wall beside him and stood up.

"It's so beautiful!" Wei Chen looked up, pursed his lips and said, "Where is this place?"

The white dots danced in disorder in the air, as if they had completed the task, and played freely with each other.

so big!

Wei Chen stared, and with the help of this little bit of white light, he could clearly see the appearance of this place:
This is a huge cave with smooth and wet rock walls and many stalactites on the top that have condensed all year round.Correspondingly, there are many stalagmites on the ground.

Air pockets are formed by the oxygen released by plants in the water for many years, so Wei Chen saw plants growing on the ground, light green like ferns, with spore-like things on them.

Wei Chen walked through these grasses, and the gentle breeze blew these spores into the air.

"So it's all this!" The flying spores immediately emitted white light, exactly like the fireflies in the sky.

For a moment, Wei Chen became playful, and without taking a step, he waved a large piece of white-glowing spores with his feet.

"If this can be developed into a tourist attraction, it should be very profitable, right?" Wei Chen nodded and said, but then shook his head again, "Let's forget it."

The end of the world is here, who is in the mood to develop this place?
"Let's find a way to get out!" After feeling bored, Wei Chen began to look for a way out. It was impossible to go back the same way, and he only hoped that there would be another exit here.

However, such a big move by Wei Chen woke up the owner deep in the air pocket.


"Hey, hey~"

They screamed and started to rush towards Wei Chen.

"Crack, click!"

The owner of these air pockets did not take a step, and the body would make a crisp sound that made the scalp tingle.Because the owner of the air pocket has no flesh and blood on his body, only pale bones!

It will be dull at first, and a new chapter will start, and many pitfalls will be filled in here!
Also, it was two in one before, so this is the third update. .

(End of this chapter)

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