Doom Ray

Chapter 60 Breakthrough!

Chapter 60 Breakthrough!

How to do?
Wei Chen stayed where he was, fiddling with the plants on the ground while frowning and thinking.

From the vision of the gray elves just now, this place is a dead end, with no way out, and the only thing that hasn't been explored is the space where the armored warrior is.But, even if there is an exit over there, can Wei Chen get out?That is the existence that makes the gray elves explode with just one look.

There is another point that Wei Chen is very concerned about, that is the owner of the castle!
Patchwork skeletons, powerful guards, if the castle is empty, even if Wei Chen is killed, he will not believe it.

"It's difficult." Wei Chen sighed, but he was not in a hurry to go out, he had already explained everything outside.

Now there are two roads before Wei Chen, one is to return to the original road and try his luck, and the other is to negotiate with the owner of the castle!Since some intelligent skeletons can be created, the owner must also be an intelligent creature.

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger's cub! It's better than unreliable luck, fight!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Chen got up and walked towards the palace.

Walking on the road, Wei Chen found that there was a difference between himself and the skeleton, that is, he was too heavy, especially when entering the cave, the ground was covered with muddy ground, and that foot was not a footprint, but a whole skeleton. My feet sank, and after that, it was very difficult to walk up the slope because of the muddy water!
"If only I could fly." Thinking beautifully, Wei Chen continued to move forward.

Carefully walk across the slope and come to a few horizontal stones.

"Climb up to the castle, right?" Wei Chen stepped on it after finishing speaking.


Wei Chen staggered and almost rolled out.

"This rock is so slippery!" Wei Chen said with a bitter face, it was so slippery that he couldn't even climb it.

But the method is human's idea. Soon, Wei Chen used mimicry to carve out a few steps on the stone, and walked up them easily.But when facing the last stone, Wei Chen hesitated for a moment, what if the guard started fighting directly regardless of the reason?
"Just hit it, it's better than going to the underground river."

Wei Chen comforted himself, so he mustered up his courage and jumped onto the platform on the stone.

"Crack! Crack!"


Finding that there was suddenly one more person at the entrance, the skeletons who were in a daze immediately screamed.However, there was no attack, because the guards on the side had already drawn their swords.

Really want to fight?Wei Chen's scalp felt a little numb.

The guard raised his sword and then put it down.

Wei Chen was taken aback for a moment, unable to understand what the guard was doing, but in the next second, he understood.


A huge force came oncoming, shaking Wei Chen to fly backwards, hitting the top of the slope passage, and the stalactites beside him fell in response.This is not over. After Wei Chen fell on the slope, he rolled all the way back. To make matters worse, there were a few stalagmites on the ground of the slope, and they were not high. no difference.


There was a quagmire outside the slope, and Wei Chen, who rolled down, just fell to the ground.


A mouthful of blood mixed with mud was spat out.

"This is too strong!"

Wei Chen, who was stretched out on the mudflat, closed his eyes, not knowing what to think.After a while, Wei Chen opened his eyes, stood up, and walked back into the cave.

"Let's go again, it's like visiting the thatched cottage three times." Wei Chen also decided.



This time, the guard still beat Wei Chen mercilessly.

"Again! Be sincere!" Stand up again and walk back to the cave.


"I don't believe it anymore!"


"Fuck, don't eat a toast and eat fine wine!"



Gradually, Wei Chen didn't care about the courtesies, and just rushed in!Otherwise, he can only choose to go to the tortured underground river, or starve to death here.


Seeing the guard swinging his sword, Wei Chen reacted immediately, but unfortunately, it was too slow.

"Again, try it with a gray elf!" Gray elves have powerful dynamic vision, which might help.But the result.

Rolling out again, the gray elf disintegrated after being stared at.

"I made a shield with mimicry, block it!"

It took some time to make a shield outside, and Wei Chen climbed onto the platform again.


"Okay! Block it!" Wei Chen's eyes lit up, but the next moment, he found that he was falling, and his feet had already been pushed out of the platform.


"It seems that we can only hide!"

Wei Chen, who was poor in skills, walked onto the platform helplessly. He tried all kinds of methods, but none of them worked. Now he can only use the most stupid method——

Simply dodge!
"Boom boom boom~"

"Heck heck!"

Seeing Wei Chen being bombarded again and again, the skeletons here happily clapped their hands and applauded.

"I'll demolish you all in a while!" Wei Chen said harshly, standing up from the mud flat again, Wei Chen began to ponder, his biggest difficulty now is that he is not fast enough to avoid that blow.I also tried to use mimicry blessing to increase the speed before, but unfortunately it was useless, the platform was very slippery, although I could dodge it with mimicry blessing, but the end result was to slide to the ground, and then the guard would make up the knife immediately and send Wei Chen down.

Having no idea, Wei Chen simply laid out on the mudflat to rest, of course, his mind was still functioning.

"Hiding, I can't hide, skills. Skills have been used."

How to do?
"Hmm~ Dispel is useless." Wei Chen smiled wryly, what use can this skill be here?Dispel the opponent's sword-like attack?

"Try it."

Wei Chen got up, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Climbing up to the platform again, Wei Chen looked familiar and didn't move. He knew that if he moved, the guard would suddenly speed up his sword swing, so the best way was to wait for the guard to swing his sword.

The huge epee was lifted slowly again, and the skeletons next to them were giggling again. They had been trapped here for many years, and finally came a toy that could be used for fun. Appreciate it?
Sword falls!

It's now!Wei Chen focused his eyes, and sent out a ball of white light in his hand.


The white light that flew out disappeared immediately, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the open space that the guards and Wei Chen could only see.

It worked!Wei Chen's eyes widened. It turns out that dispelling has this effect. If I knew this, wouldn't the corpse king's purple ball be able to deal with it easily?

Before he could be happy, Wei Chen was thrown down again, but this time, Wei Chen was very happy.

"Haha, it's done!" Wei Chen smiled happily, walked back into the cave without stopping.But this time, he walked with confidence.

"Come on!" Facing the guard this time, Wei Chen said proudly.But the guards didn't pay attention to him, it was still the same action.

As soon as the sword tip was put down, Wei Chen threw out the light ball prepared in his hand. Just like the previous scene, after the sword energy was neutralized, a gust of wind would blow in the air.


Soon, the guard made a second blow, but Wei Chen took advantage of the interval and ran forward a few steps.Although there is only a small hole in the back, as long as you walk sideways for a while, you won't be beaten down by the guards, but Wei Chen doesn't think so, if you really want to go to the side, it will be really miserable, and you can't get down, It can only be ravaged by the guards.

Following the second disperse throw, Wei Chen ran a few steps forward, the third shot, and a few more steps, the fourth shot.
Until the energy was exhausted, Wei Chen happened to walk in front of the guard!

At that moment, great pressure came to the surface!

(End of this chapter)

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