Doom Ray

Chapter 61 Entering the Castle

Chapter 61 Entering the Castle
The guard glanced at Wei Chen with red eyes, and put away his heavy sword.

This scene really made Wei Chen heave a sigh of relief.

If the last sword was struck down, what Wei Chen faced would not be something like sword energy, but a real heavy sword.

"Why did you stop?" Wei Chen became puzzled after he breathed a sigh of relief.

It stands to reason that the guards should be used to block outside visitors, just like Wei Chen, the guards just blasted him out with a sword.But now that the guards have stopped, what does that mean?It means that the owner inside is likely to see only capable people!

Whether it's the speed of swinging the sword or the terrain, the person who can walk to the guard's ground must have extraordinary strength!
"Crack! Crack!"

While Wei Chen was thinking, the skeletons who had been watching the show in the distance ran over one after another, opening and closing their mouths and making strange noises.

Wei Chen hurriedly made a defensive posture, but later it seemed that this action was unnecessary-the skeletons did not hold swords.

"Click, click, click"

Afterwards, these skeletons surrounded Wei Chen and began to dance.Among them, the one with the darkest bones walked up to Wei Chen, gesturing in various poses.

Wei Chen suddenly wanted to laugh, this action was too funny, "What is this for?"

I saw that the black skull put his hands together first and raised them above his head, and then his feet were like two springs, jumping left and right.Then the two slender bones pointed at the castle, and gestured something in the air, as if to make it more vivid, it also compared the gestured thing with itself.

Finally, the black skull took a step forward, turned its back to Wei Chen, and bowed to the air.

This is for Wei Chen to respectfully meet the owner of the castle!

Wei Chen frowned, this skeleton is quite interesting.

Stepping on the steps in front of the castle gate, this building also has this majestic aura, but this aura is completely different from the aura emanating from the guards.The feeling of the guards is more of a positive pressure, which makes people tense all the time, while the oppressive feeling of the castle spreads to the whole body, bringing a kind of shock!

"It's so quiet here!"

Wei Chen looked around, this building material will emit blue light, so Wei Chen can see all kinds of patterns and decorations on the wall clearly.Also because of the blue light, Wei Chen felt that it was quieter here than outside.

"Those skeletons dare not come in?"

After walking a few steps, Wei Chen turned his head and found that the skeletons outside were nodding their feet and looking inside, very humane.

"I don't know how the master here has a temper?"

The castle looks huge from the outside, but after entering, Wei Chen realized that there is only one way!

Yes, there is only this corridor, and the surrounding environment of this corridor remains unchanged. If Wei Chen hadn't found a small number on the doors on both sides of the corridor, he would have thought he was standing still.

Even so, this corridor still makes people more and more irritated!
"It's not over yet!"

Wei Chen said dejectedly, the nearby house numbers had increased to more than 1000, but there was still no end in sight.

"Do you want to open a door to go in?" Wei Chen pondered for a while, maybe the owner of the castle is in a certain room.

Open one!

Wei Chen made up his mind and went to push the door closest to him.

"Ka~" Locked!

"Hey~ let's keep going." Wei Chen sighed and continued on this seemingly endless road.

"Now the house number is one thousand nine hundred, let's go to two thousand!"

Wei Chen cheered himself up and moved on.

"Go to five thousand."

"Eight thousand, if you can't do it, you can't go."

"Anyway, it's [-], let's add [-] to make up [-]."

In the end, Wei Chen crouched in front of the door of Ten Thousand.He didn't want to leave anymore, there was still no end in front of him.


"I'm starving to death, I'm not leaving!" Wei Chen looked at his withered stomach and said helplessly.

Counting with his fingers, Wei Chen hadn't eaten for a long time.From the meeting with the corpse king on the battlefield, to being blasted into the underground river, to the one after another torture with the guards, during such a long time, Wei Chen only ate the spar shell, oh.And groundwater mud.

"There must be something wrong here!" Wei Chen said decisively.

It is estimated that the distance traveled has already exceeded the sum of the length of the entire cave space!The most important thing now is to find out the reason for the infinite loop, rather than go on blindly.

"Oh! Tell me what's the problem?"

"I'll find out when I find it!" Wei Chen replied to the point.

Then, freak out!


Immediately pulling himself up from the ground, Wei Chen leaned against the wall and looked around nervously.This approach is very wise to avoid sneak attacks on the back.


A familiar laughter resounded all around, and suddenly, on the side of the scene in front of Wei Chen, the original endless corridor disappeared and turned into a dark stone room.The stone room was very empty, without any gorgeous decorations, and the walls glowing blue all around were not engraved with gorgeous patterns as before.

The only decoration is a red altar in the middle of the stone room!

"It's you!" Wei Chen's eyes widened, his face was terribly dark.

On the altar, a zombie was sitting cross-legged, its wrinkled skin was dull.Wei Chen will never forget this zombie, it performed a good show of killing parents in front of Wei Chen!Although it was later learned that his parents were fine, that period of time can be said to be Wei Chen's most painful memory.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ What are you angry about, kid? I'm doing this for your own good." The old corpse king shook his head and said angrily, "Look at you, you are so angry, something will happen sooner or later."

Wei Chen was stunned after hearing this.

Perform a big show of killing relatives in front of yourself, and then say it's for my own good?


"Hey! What are you doing with this posture?"

"Boom boom~"

"Hehe, do you still have the strength to hit my protective shield?" The old corpse king said with a smile on his face, but when he smiled, it was really uglier than crying.

"Da da da, let's talk slowly when you are tired."

The old corpse king was not in a hurry, he watched Wei Chen's attacking shield with punches, and listened to the rattling sound of Wei Chen's bones due to the rebound force.

Seeing this, Wei Chen stopped, and it could be seen that the old corpse king had no malicious intentions, otherwise he would have died long ago.But who knows what this guy's purpose is, zombies and humans are almost natural enemies!So Wei Chen still looked defensive.

"Why did it stop?" The old corpse king said with unsatisfactory intentions: "Uh huh, just stop, it's time to get down to business."

"Well, I've been observing you for a long time!"

Wei Chen frowned, observing me for a long time?
"Well, I think we are destined, so you can worship me as your teacher!" The corpse king said as he rubbed his arm, seeming a little excited.

apprenticeship?A human being apprenticed to a zombie?And this zombie has played with itself.Wei Chen would not agree to anything.At this moment, he remembered that there was a sentence describing the zombie king when he saw the zombie's weakness that day——

Very playful!

Wei Chen looked at the old corpse king more vigilantly. With the previous example, who knows what kind of medicine this guy sells in his gourd?Especially the green eyes of this zombie are constantly flashing.

There must be ghosts!

The third watch will be delivered. .

(End of this chapter)

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