Doom Ray

Chapter 63 Apprenticeship

Chapter 63 Apprenticeship
revenge!Wei Chen was startled, how strong would it be to make the old corpse king helpless?

"Look here"

In order to make Wei Chen believe it even more, the old corpse king pointed to the center of its brow and said, "Did you see anything?"


It was a tiny hair needle.

"That's what killed me." The Corpse King sighed, "Have you agreed to be a teacher now?"

"it is good!"

The old corpse king is already frank to this point, there is no need for Wei Chen to continue to be hypocritical.

"En." Seeing Wei Chen agreeing, the old corpse king's bulging body seemed to have thinned a little bit, and he let go of his hanging heart. Yes, please."


Wei Chen suddenly felt a little ashamed, he hadn't thought of this at all.

In this way, a human and a zombie became master and apprentice.

"By the way, don't worry about one thing. I want you to kill zombies, not humans." The old corpse king added: "This is why I value you. Your ability is just right to defeat it."

"Keep it?"

"Well, kill it." The old corpse king nodded affirmatively: "Remember its name, it's called Niuluo!"

Niu Luo.

Wei Chen repeated it several times in his mouth, so he remembered it.

"Okay, go out and find those skeletons to eat first, and then upgrade all your skills to the final level! Come see me again." The corpse king said: "And this."

The corpse king took out a few pieces of paper from the altar and said, "This thing is a bit like the exercises in your novels, and it can improve the efficiency of your so-called meditation."

After finishing speaking, the Corpse King waved his hand, and before Wei Chen could respond, Wei Chen was already outside the castle.

"Really." Wei Chen scratched his head, he still had a lot of things to ask.

But I didn't go in for nothing, not only learned that Wei Qingcheng was intact, but also worshiped an extremely powerful master.You must know that being guided by someone and exploring by yourself are completely different things.The former is like being led in the dark, the latter is groping around completely.

"smell good!"

Before he could stand on his feet, Wei Chen smelled a scent. He heard the old corpse king tell the skeletons to eat, but now he smells it, it seems to be not bad!
"Heck heck!"

Before Wei Chen could open his mouth, one of them hopped over carrying a stone plate. At that scene, Wei Chen was frightened into a cold sweat—you can jump, but don’t drop the food!
Fortunately, the technical level of this skeleton is quite good, and Wei Chen's food was preserved.There were no chopsticks, knives and forks here, so Wei Chen had to eat with his hands.There was a big crystal-clear fish in the stone plate, it was estimated to weigh about ten catties, Wei Chen didn't care about his dirty hands, so he picked it up and took a big bite.


good to eat!

The fish meat melts in the mouth, fresh and not fishy.Not only that, every time you take a bite, there will be a warm current emanating from the stomach, making your whole body warm and very comfortable!

After drinking and eating, Wei Chen took out a few pieces of paper given to him by the old corpse king. According to the old corpse king's tone, these things are like advanced cultivation techniques, which can speed up the speed of meditation.

"By the way, there is also the result realm!"

The old corpse king said, practice all the skills to the final level, and then go to him.

"The result is quite appropriate." Wei Chen looked at the two fruits in his mind and couldn't help being a little proud.This is the result of his continuous training.On the other side are two flowers. Wei Chen believes that there will be no flowers here soon.

"Try this meditation method first." Wei Chen said.

So, spread out a few pieces of paper given by the old corpse king and put them on the ground.The drawings are sallow, with silver or red strokes on them, depicting patterns one after another.

"Why is it like doing radio gymnastics?" Looking at those patterns, Wei Chen couldn't help complaining.

Of course, no matter how ugly the movement is, Wei Chen still has to do it, after all, this thing can speed up the meditation speed!directly linked to strength.It is clearly stated in the drawing, first get up and do a set of movements, and then start to meditate. After the meditation speed slows down, get up and do another set to maintain the speed of meditation.

"Stretch your hands, squat down, and lift your legs."

Soon, Wei Chen started to follow the movements on the paper.

"Finally cross your legs and meditate!"

"Huh? Why didn't it work?"

After completing this movement intermittently, the speed of meditation did not increase as expected.

"It's probably not up to standard!" Wei Chen nodded and speculated.Now that he has become a teacher, the old corpse king will not come up with a set of fake products to deceive Wei Chen.

"Come again!"

Then, Wei Chen did the routine again, which was much smoother than the last time.

"Still not!" Wei Chen frowned, it seems that this matter has a long way to go!

He beat it over and over again, but there was no effect, but Wei Chen was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time now.Parents, sisters and other relatives outside will not be in any danger if they follow the large army, but the original thorny families have already surrendered to the military, and there is no trouble.

What's more, Wei Chen believed that Huangfu Ling would help him deal with these matters!

"Stretch your hand, squat down" Without any burden, Wei Chen threw himself on it wholeheartedly.


Finally, after countless times of failures, Wei Chen finished his routine, and the air around him was slightly mobilized.

There is a play!

But is there really a show?If Wei Chen mobilized the gray elves to observe carefully, he would find many small yellow powders invisible to the naked eye!


While Wei Chen was concentrating on the new way of meditation, the twenty or so skeletons around him were not idle.They dug out some hoes from nowhere, carried baskets on their backs, and started walking towards the air pocket.When they came back, basically every skeleton brought back a lot of ferns.

"Hey hey hey! Hey hey~"

That black skeleton should be their leader, and he began to command these skeletons—farming!
Yes, that's right, farming!

But what is planted is not food, but this kind of fern that grows strange spores.

"Heck heck!"

Suddenly, the black skeleton ran towards a skeleton, and slapped the skull on the head with a bone palm.


The head that was put together randomly was sent flying by the black skull.The strange thing is that the headless skeleton is still alive, and it ran over to pick up its own head, and it was safe, but unfortunately it was crooked.

"Hey!" The black skull pointed at a broken fern plant on the ground, and yelled at the skeleton, as if scolding.And that skeleton also lowered its head obediently, accepting the black skull's criticism.

This scene was watched by Wei Chen, and he couldn't help being a little funny. Apart from being funny, he felt a trace of tranquility.

"Go on, it's almost here!" Wei Chen encouraged himself.

Doing the movements over and over again, Wei Chen has no connections, but gradually, he found that the probability of success seems to have increased a lot!

Just after the black skull taught the crooked skull a lesson, no one could have imagined that, among the crowd of skeletons, there was a pure white skeleton staring at the crooked skull.

(End of this chapter)

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