Doom Ray

Chapter 64

Chapter 64
Three more~~~
"This is not the way to go."

Wei Chen stopped meditating and opened his eyes.When I was able to finish this set of movements completely, the number of meditations that were successfully accelerated was about two or three out of ten times, and the addition speeds of these two or three times to meditation were also different, as many as five or six times. More and less are basically the same as no acceleration.

I thought that with more practice, I could become proficient in this set of movements, but in fact, not only did the success rate decrease, but also the bonus rate after success also decreased, only about one or two times.

Just when Wei Chen thought he had mastered the so-called 'rules' of meditation, he didn't notice at all that there was more yellow powder floating around, and the source was the plants planted by the skeletons.

Let's practice skills, Wei Chen thought.

Change things, change mood, so Wei Chen turned around and started practicing skills.

But at the beginning, there were troubles.

"Dispel what?" Wei Chen was a little confused, looking at the white ball in his hand with a bitter face.The dispel skill is the same as the healing technique, it can only be used if there is something to cast a spell on it, you can't heal the air, right?
"Heck heck!"


Just when Wei Chen was frowning, two skeletons came beside him, shaking their heads, looking very curious at Bai Tuan.

Then, one of the skeletons stretched out its hand, wanting to touch it.

"Don't!" Wei Chen hurriedly stopped.

The skeleton withdrew its hand in fright.


Suddenly, there was a loud cry from a distance. It turned out that Black Skull had discovered that two companions were being lazy.The two skeletons found Hui Skeleton approaching aggressively, and ran away in a hurry.


Afterwards, Black Skull bowed to Wei Chen apologetically.

"It's okay." Wei Chen waved his hand and continued to think of ways to solve the problem.

Seeing Wei Chen who was puzzled, Hei Skull carefully touched Wei Chen's hand, and began to chatter a lot of words again.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the situation, the black skull should be trying to tell something.

Unfortunately, the language is not available.

But it doesn't matter, this black skull has a very strong body expression ability!It stretched out its finger, pointed at the white ball, then pointed at the guard, and then made a chopping motion.

Wei Chen's eyes lit up.

Yes indeed!Isn't there a ready-made training machine here!As long as the guard swings his sword energy, he can use dispel to eliminate it.So Wei Chen came to the guard in a hurry, and the movement also woke up the guard.

The guard looked at him with open red eyes.

"Uh~ So what do you say?"

"Hey hey hey"

When Wei Chen struggled with expressing the problem, Black Skull came to help him solve the problem.I saw it babbling a lot at the guard.

Then, the guard scratched his head in a humane manner, the red light in his eyes kept beating.

"Hey hey hey," the black skull continued.

Wei Chen listened with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know if the guard understood, but he didn't understand anyway.

After the black skull finished speaking, the guard drew his sword.

It seems to be done!Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and finally solved the problem.But the next moment, Wei Chen screamed out——

"Wait, I'm not ready yet."

The sword fell, "Boom!"

Although it was sword energy that hit Wei Chen, what's the difference between such a short distance and directly cutting with a sword?

The beaten Wei Chen let out a muffled grunt, and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

It's not over yet, I just heard the black skull chattering next to the guard again, and then the guard raised his heavy sword again.

"I" Wei Chen suddenly felt a lot of alpacas galloping in his heart.


"Hey~" Wei Chen held the ball of light and began to heal the wound, "It's a shame!"

I don't know what the Black Skull said to the guard, but the guard just kept fighting to death without stopping for a moment.Wei Chen, who was lying on the ground, turned over.

"Don't let me catch you!" Wei Chen said viciously, "No, no, these skeletons are probably put together by the old corpse king!"

At this moment, Wei Chen seemed to be able to hear bursts of ugly laughter coming from the castle.

Played again!

"Hey! Hey!"

Just as Wei Chen was lying down to rest, the skeleton over there suddenly started yelling.

"Huh? Why did the sound change?" Wei Chen looked over there suspiciously. Those skeletons who were working originally put down their tools one after another, and ran to the side to pick up their weapons.Then, under the command of Black Skull, they lined up and rushed towards the back of the castle!
This battle can't help but be dignified!
Wei Chen quickly stood up and followed.


"Well! There is still a piece of sky here!"

Wei Chen exclaimed, followed the skeletons around the castle, and found that there was actually a huge pool of water behind it.The water pool is semicircular against the rock wall, and there is a dark hole behind the water pool.

"The fish I ate before was caught from here!" Wei Chen said, "Could it be the exit there?"


Looking at the surrounding environment, before Wei Chen could sigh the nature, the water in the pool began to boil!

"Heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa all the skeletons screamed.

"Puff~Puff~" The water boiled more and more.



A series of silver figures leaped out of the pool.

"Heck heck!"

"Hoo hoo hoo!"

Wei Chen, who was watching from a distance, was completely flustered.

What's happening here?Why is there such a big fish?Why do fish still have arms and legs?Why are they still holding forks in their hands?Wei Chen felt that if the zombies outside had not stabilized his view of the world, he might doubt whether he was still on Earth at this moment.

Seeing the whitebait flying out one by one, Wei Chen counted the number of fish a little bit. Fortunately, the fish over there were not as many as the skeletons over here, there were only a dozen or so.


Just when Wei Chen thought that the skeletons had the upper hand, another fish flew out of the pool.

"It's so big!" Wei Chen's eyes widened.

Ordinary murlocs are about a head shorter than skeletons, but this one is twice as tall as skeletons!


The two parties seem to be quite familiar with each other, there is no need for any opening remarks, just copy the guys directly!
"Hi~" Wei Chen sighed, he thought these guys would have some wonderful fights, but now it seems that they are just hacking at each other.

After watching for a while, Wei Chen turned around boringly and prepared to leave. After all, the skeletons have lived here for a long time, and this is not the first time the conflict with the murlocs has occurred. There is a powerful guard, and in the castle, there is a terrible corpse king.

"Wei Chen, don't go! Go help Xiao Hei!"

Old Corpse King?
A voice suddenly appeared in his mind, and Wei Chen could tell that it belonged to the old corpse king.

"what happened?"

"Go and help Xiao Hei, there is something wrong with that big murloc!"

something wrong?Hearing the eager voice of the old corpse king, Wei Chen hurriedly turned his head.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


I only heard a strange roar from the big murloc's mouth, and then the silver scales began to change color slowly!Only a few seconds later, a big golden murloc appeared in front of everyone!


The golden fist sent the black skull flying, and the huge force made the black skull fall apart in the air!


Well, the recommended position has been moved. I heard that this recommended position is better than the previous one.

Last week, the collection barely passed the pass line, and thank you all for your support this week. .Hopefully next week, next week, maybe even beyond.keep supporting me! !Thank you all! !

(End of this chapter)

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