Doom Ray

Chapter 65 Thank you for your votes

Chapter 65 Thank you for your votes

Thank you all for the second time!
I still have to apologize, some people didn't take screenshots.

After all, only one person will be displayed on the phone, and it is impossible for me to swipe my phone all the time.

These people have screenshots:

Eat all over the world invincible hand, the last day is like light, longerd, the beginning of the sky, fairy sword fan Murong Ziying, night light Yujia, purple night cat cat, tiger has teeth, and will take this heart to the world, no matter how beautiful Daji is, she will finally be a concubine, writing Mo Hongyan, itin, God 1 Immortal 2 Ghost 3, Bai Ze God, (Dream of the Red Dust) =? , Tianxiang wings.

According to our update speed, there will soon be no names on the classified new book list.So there is still the new book list on the homepage, but I can only stay on this list for more than a week.

Well, when I came to streaking, I wanted to rush to the front page, but I felt that my appeal was not strong. . . .

How about this, if you feel that my writing is okay, please help to vote, there are recommendation votes every day~~~ Last week, the ranking was 18, and I entered 5, not many~~
(End of this chapter)

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