Doom Ray

Chapter 66 The Name of the Ruins

Chapter 66 The Name of the Ruins

"Heck heck!"

Seeing his leader being beaten like this, the other skeletons screamed, their voices were so miserable!
On the contrary, the murloc's morale was boosted!

"Hoo hoo hoo!"

On the side of the skeletons, they retreated steadily, and there were even two skeletons who followed in the footsteps of the black skeletons.

"Hey~" A soft sigh came to Wei Chen's mind, filled with regret.


Without the formidable enemy of the black skeleton, the golden murloc began to wreak havoc among the skeleton crowd, and none of the skeletons blocked the murloc's attack.

"Hoho!" The big golden murloc roared happily, never fighting so heartily.

"Bah~ bah~" The skeletons were smashed to pieces by it.

The next moment, it took aim at a snow-white skeleton, trotted over in a few steps, and smashed down heavily with its golden fist.


Suddenly, a skeleton with its head tilted lay between the two!Afterwards, it immediately took a defensive posture, with its two bony arms crossed over its head, and its body leaning forward.

"Boom!" It was still a punch!
But the good cushioning action didn't help the crooked skull to fall apart immediately, even so, the bones were full of cracks!It seems like it will completely shatter if you touch it again!
"Hoho!" Another skeleton was blown away. The big murloc was very excited, and continued to punch the white skeleton in front of him with his fists.

"Stop me!"

Wei Chen yelled and ran over. He didn't expect so many skeletons to be murdered in just a moment.

Not daring to be careless, five rays of light flashed across his right arm, and he punched directly at the arm of the big murloc who was about to hit the white skull.


This blow happened to hit the joint, and the big murloc's hand bone was broken in two.The broken bone could no longer bear the weight of the arm and hung down.

"Hoohoo!" A trace of panic flashed in the big murloc's eyes. It could be seen that it didn't have much experience in battles, so it panicked when it was injured!

Looking at the big murloc who kept retreating, Wei Chen was secretly dumbfounded.

Apart from his figure and scales being different from other murlocs, this guy's pupils are also different, as if he was dyed a strange red color by something!


Perhaps it was a biological instinct, after the big murloc was severely injured by Wei Chen, it immediately retreated.The little murlocs next to them saw the leader retreating, so naturally they didn't want to fight, and fled back into the water one by one.


A low voice resounded among the skeletons. Although the murlocs were repelled, the loss was too heavy.But fortunately, some of the smashed skeletons didn't hurt important parts of the skull, and put themselves back together.

But those bones, which were the darkest, did not move.

For a moment, a sorrowful emotion was revealed among these skeletons.

"It's a pity!" In his mind, the corpse king sighed and said, "This little guy has been with me for a long time."

Wei Chen looked at the skeletons that were slowly being put together on the ground, and asked, "Can't we put them together again?"

In his opinion, these skeletons were originally made by the corpse king, so it shouldn't be difficult to repair them now.

"Yes!" The Corpse King answered in the affirmative, "But after putting it together, it won't be that little black."

Wei Chen was dumbfounded, and said something like this.

I just heard the old corpse king continue to explain: "Xiao Hei's brain has been slowly developed over the years, and now it has been broken up, so naturally it has to start over."

"By the way, what were those murlocs just now?" Wei Chen frowned and asked, forget about the skeletons, they were made by the old corpse king himself, but what happened to the murlocs?

"Hmm~ Do you really want to listen?"


"Okay, that's nothing." The old corpse king said frankly, "This ruin already existed before I came here!"

Existed before coming!
Wei Chen was secretly startled.How old is that?

"When I first came here, I was also taken aback, but after living for a long time, I got used to it. But then again, although you haven't seen this place before, you must have heard its name before."

"What is it?" Seeing that the old corpse king made a fool of himself, Wei Chen asked hastily.

"Dragon Palace!"

Wei Chen was shocked and froze.

Dragon Palace!How many places have been mentioned in many myths and stories in the past, and how many familiar stories happened in this place.

"Is that a dragon?" Wei Chen asked urgently.

The dragon is the symbol of the motherland!
"Yes!" The old corpse king said in a shocking voice, "But he's dead."

"The murlocs you see now are the subordinates of that dragon."

Wei Chen nodded. As for how the dragon died, he could understand from the old corpse king's tone.

That dragon was killed by it!
"Ah! Don't get me wrong, I just beat it seriously, and I don't know what happened afterwards."

It was very difficult for Wei Chen to become a teacher. He didn't want to cause any trouble in response to a dead dragon. After all, dragons are like patron saints to Wei Chen and even his compatriots.

"By the way, what about the dragon's body?"

Wei Chen felt that he couldn't see the real dragon, so he might as well see the real dragon's dead body. He probably wouldn't want to let go of such an opportunity if he was a Chinese.

"The corpse should be in the murloc's lair." The corpse king said, "But I don't recommend you approach the dragon corpse."

"I've seen that corpse too, and it seems that something that controls the emotions of creatures will emanate from it. You'd better go there."

Hearing the old corpse king's advice, Wei Chen didn't take it seriously at all, instead he shouted in his heart——

That is a dragon!Dragon!
"Okay, hurry up and practice your skills!"

"Oh." Wei Chen replied absent-mindedly. What he cares most about now is to find the murloc lair.

The next time they come to attack, why not just follow them back secretly?

"That's right! You can let the gray elves follow them first!"

Soon, Wei Chen figured out a way to rely on the gray elves to sneak into the murloc's lair. Not only would it be difficult to be discovered, but even the things that the corpse king said would affect emotions would not be contaminated.

"Recover first, practice dispelling!"

Dragons are indeed very attractive, but the most urgent thing is to improve their own strength.So, Wei Chen started to practice that set of movements again.

Reach out, squat down, raise your legs

"Hey! This is quite successful!" Wei Chen was overjoyed, and naturally quit the meditation state, but he was very happy. The one just now was the best one he has ever done, and the speed was fully increased by eight times!
"I don't know what the limit of this meditation method is." After feeling the sweetness, Wei Chen began to calculate, just playing like this will have eight times the effect, so what about playing it perfectly?ten times?twenty times?It is estimated that in just a short time, Wei Chen will be able to advance again!In this way, there will be one more skill!
"Ho ho~" Sensing Wei Chen's thoughts, the old corpse king sneered.

"What are you laughing at?" Wei Chen asked sullenly, this old corpse king has completely monitored him!
"Whether it's a human or a zombie, there are only four skills at most!"


What laughing. . .

(End of this chapter)

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