Doom Ray

Chapter 67 Complete System

Chapter 67 Complete System


Wei Chen waved at the guard, motioning for him to swing his sword.



This time, the guard no longer swung out just one sword aura, but swung it consecutively, almost blocking all Wei Chen's escape routes.

The first one, Wei Chen's feet flashed a yellow light, and he dodged it.

Immediately after was the second one, nothing, a mass of white light directly dispelled the sword energy.

So, the third way and the fourth way. It's endless, until the energy circle of Weichen Bar is exhausted!
"Stop!" Wei Chen stretched out his hand and shouted, the guard stopped immediately, and the sword energy that was flying in the air also dissipated automatically.

"Phew~" Wei Chen gasped for breath, and the sweat on his body touched the cool air, and white smoke immediately came out.

I don't know how many days I have been here, but luckily, the skills have already borne fruit.

I heard from the old corpse king before that a person can only have four skills at most, that is to say, even if Wei Chen advances further, he will not have any new skills.

"I'm already a person of fruitful state!" Wei Chen looked at his hands and said with a cheerful smile.

The old corpse king deserves to be the old corpse king, he knows a lot.It turns out that in the gathering place, each ability user is divided according to level, but in fact this is a misunderstanding!
The real division of strength is based on the storage form of energy-type special abilities.That is, the number of strengthening skills, divided into flowering, fruiting, accumulating seeds, sprouting, and loose leaves.Four stages, each stage is divided into four sub-stages.

Except that the flowering and fruiting can be mixed, and the fruiting and flowering at the same time, other stages cannot be surpassed in advance.But the old corpse king didn't say the reason, he just told Wei Chen that he would know later.

Moreover, the improvement aspects of each big realm are not different. The flowering realm only simply increases the physical body, while the fruiting state not only slightly strengthens the physical body, but also increases the amount of energy storage.One fruit equals fifteen petals!

However, Wei Chen finally understood that the biggest problem for energy-type special abilities is that the energy will be used up. Once there is no energy, they can only be slaughtered.Of course, there are still many things in the seed accumulation stage, and the old corpse king didn't say anything.

In addition, since power-type special abilities do not need to consume energy, their physical strength will be much stronger than those with special abilities like Wei Chen.

Evolvers, on the other hand, are more complicated!

These evolvers must find the right spar that matches them, otherwise the evolution will fail, and a high-level evolver cannot beat a low-level evolver.

This is called feature mapping.

Corresponding to the special ability person, the ability person also has five major realms, and each stage has four small stages.And only when the correct spar is absorbed, can a characteristic skill be obtained in the second realm.

The effect of characteristic skills is very simple, and the corresponding attributes are doubled after use.

Its strength cannot be underestimated!

"The old corpse king told me to look for it after it bears fruit." Wei Chen said, "But first fill up the fourth flower first."

With the meditation method given by the old corpse king, Wei Chen grew rapidly, but there was a gap missing in the fourth fruit, as if bitten by someone, it was not perfect.

Limbs swayed, performed a set of movements, and began to meditate cross-legged.

Compared with the earliest times, Wei Chen is now familiar with this, basically nine out of ten times are perfectly successful, and even if he is not successful, he will increase his efficiency a little bit.

While Wei Chen was meditating, a skeleton silently brought a fish to Wei Chen and put it aside.

These few days the skeletons are not as active as before. Although the black skeletons usually beat them, most of the time the skeletons like this leader very much.

Now the black skull has been put together again, but that is only the appearance, and the inner skeleton has already changed.

"I'll go, why is this again?" After the meditation ended, Wei Chen opened his eyes and saw the big fish beside him.

"Hey~ Is there nothing else?"

In the end, Wei Chen reluctantly picked up the fish and started biting it. The first time he ate it, he felt fine, but if he ate it every day, three times a day, he would get tired of even the most delicious food.

"It can be filled in almost one day!" After eating the fish, Wei Chen calculated the time when the fourth fruit in his mind would be full.

"By the way, we still have to go to the murloc lair."

Thinking of this, Wei Chen suddenly felt deeply aggrieved. Before, the old corpse king sincerely said that this is the Dragon Palace, but looking back, the architectural style of this castle is still the Dragon Palace?Dragon of the West?

Wei Chen figured out what purpose the old corpse king might have in luring him to the murloc's lair.

"Forget it, let's continue."

After eating, Wei Chen continued to meditate, trying to finish the work as soon as possible.

"Hey hey hey."


Wei Chen was meditating there, but the skeletons over here were making a fuss.

The skull with the tilted head was holding a weapon at this time, and under the watchful eyes of all the skeletons, it walked towards the water pool.


The snow-white skeleton in the group of skeletons shouted loudly, and it was not difficult to hear that the voice was full of worry.

The crooked skull turned around and nodded to the snow-white skull.Then, jumped into the pool.

"Hey~ Hey~" "Hey!"

All the skeletons exclaimed, their black eyes filled with helplessness.And the newborn Black Skull sat beside him very out of gregariousness, clapping his hands from time to time, like a newborn baby.

No, it's just a newborn skeleton.


After an unknown amount of time, Wei Chen practiced the routine over and over again, meditating.

Finally, after sitting cross-legged again, the fourth fruit in his mind began to tremble slightly.A small colorless margin at the base of the fruit is plated with yellow.


Immediately, a wave of heat spread from the brain to Wei Chen's limbs, and his whole body felt indescribably refreshed!
This time, Wei Chen really hit the final stage.


Wei Chen opened up his posture and threw a few fists casually, soberly feeling that the fist wind had become much stronger.

"it is good!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Wei Chen was secretly excited. Only when he has the strength can he go out to protect his family.

Think about how bad it was in the time full of hatred and irresponsibility for life. Although it is not a zombie, what is the difference because of a zombie?Wei Chen didn't want to go back to that kind of life.

"Wei Chen."

Here we come, Wei Chen is not surprised when he hears the old corpse king's voice, it's often like this these days.

"I need your help."

help?Wei Chen couldn't help being a little speechless, even the old corpse king couldn't do it, how could he do it?

"Tsk~" The old corpse king can always easily know what Wei Chen is thinking, so he said: "Don't you want to find the dragon's corpse? I will give you sound transmission to guide you, you go."

"Ho ho ho~" Wei Chen imitated the laughter of the corpse king and said, "Do you think our dragons will live in such a castle?"

This is also a question that Wei Chen thought of later, this architectural style is completely western!

"Uh~" The corpse king stopped talking immediately, rolled his eyes, and finally said in a rascally way:

"Would you like to have you, anyway, there is a treasure that is very suitable for you."


Recently, there are three changes every day, and I am bold to ask for a recommendation! ! !
I made a vote, knowing that people don't like to write book reviews, so it's more convenient

(End of this chapter)

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