Doom Ray

Chapter 68 Play off!

Chapter 68 Play off!
"go with!"

Wei Chen said with certainty that he had originally planned to take a trip, and now it would be great to have the help of the old corpse king.

"Well, how about this, you take the guard's sword with you."

sword?Wei Chen turned his head and looked at the guard, feeling a little terrified.

Is that something a person can pick up?
"Don't worry, you can almost swing twice now." The old corpse king saw Wei Chen's concerns, and explained: "And you still need to use something to sink, if you don't have this thing, you will be out of breath if you swim down. "

That's okay, Wei Chen nodded, he is strong, but it is impossible to not breathe in the water.

Walking in front of the guard, Wei Chen felt that oppressive feeling seemed to have weakened a bit.

Did you become stronger?Wei Chen thought.

As if hearing the message from the old corpse king, the guard unsheathed his sword and handed the sword to Wei Chen.However, Wei Chen's preparations were still not done well, and he underestimated the weight of the sword too much.



Wei Chen gasped, if he hadn't let go in time, the cramp would have been a trivial matter.

"It's so heavy!" Wei Chen complained.

"Back!" The old corpse king suddenly reprimanded: "If you don't endure hardships, you want to become stronger. It's not so easy."

"If you don't work hard, it's okay now. After you get on the real battlefield, you will know what regret is!"

Wei Chen was stunned after hearing this, what is a real battlefield?But this was the first time he saw the old corpse king so angry.

"Okay, carry it on your back and leave!"

"Hey~" Wei Chen looked at the sword, feeling a little helpless, how could he recite it?Do you have to break his waist?
After being in a daze for a long time, before hearing what the old corpse king had to say, Wei Chen knew that there was no need to discuss this matter, so he could only follow through.

"Give it to me!" Wei Chen gritted his teeth, grabbed the sword and got up, all the bones in his body were rattled by the weight of the epee, and there was a buckle on the scabbard, which could be used to tie it to the body.

However, it is unrealistic to tie this weight directly, so Wei Chen simply stood up the epee first, buckled the buckle first, and finally carried the sword back.


Then, as soon as he bent down, he carried the sword on his back.

"En." Seeing Wei Chen reciting his words, the old corpse king showed a little appreciation in his voice.

"Go down to the pool, remember to go to the hole at the bottom of the pool, not the one above. After entering the hole, just keep floating up."

After listening to the old corpse king's explanation, Wei Chen suddenly realized that this murloc's lair is so close!


"Yeah yah?"

By the pool, a group of skeletons looked at Wei Chen who was slowly advancing, and pointed at him.

Dead again!Wei Chen was miserable, every step was so heavy, and even crushed some stones along the way!
That's a whole rock!

"Damn it, it's finally here!" Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, stuck the sword on the ground, loosened the zipper and stretched.

"Phew~" A mouthful of white hot air rushed out of Wei Chen's mouth, turned his head to look at the group of skeletons over there, and said suspiciously: "What are these skeletons doing here?"

Wei Chen didn't mind watching the skeleton pointing at him, but the atmosphere was a bit weird at the moment.

"Why do you care so much? Hurry down!" The old corpse king urged in Wei Chen's mind: "Also, I won't be able to transmit the sound to you when I get there, so I can do it myself."

"Ah? What about the sound transmission that you agreed to guide the way?"

"Isn't this the end?"

Wei Chen suddenly felt that coming here was a mistake.



With the epee on his back and his nose pinched, Wei Chen jumped directly towards the water pool. In fact, he couldn't say he jumped, because no matter how he looked at it, he would fall down.

"Guru Guru~"

The moment he entered the water, Wei Chen only felt that he was falling rapidly.Gradually, the blue light from the castle could no longer provide Wei Chen with vision.


If it wasn't in the water, Wei Chen would have cursed.The bottom of the water was dark, let alone looking for the hole, Wei Chen couldn't even see his own hands.

Ok?what?Wei Chen, who was diving quickly, felt something touching him, and subconsciously grabbed it with his hands.

It's fish.

Immediately, Wei Chen was relieved, and let the fish go angrily.

"You are stupid, you don't know how to use the healing technique to illuminate!"

Suddenly, the old corpse king's voice sounded in his head again, Wei Chen reacted immediately, propped up the healing light ball.So, the surroundings are brightened.However, Wei Chen is still diving, even with the epee on his back, he still hasn't reached the end!
Oops!Halfway down, Wei Chen finally remembered a problem, if he continues like this, the water pressure alone will kill him!Maybe he was unconscious when he was in the underground river, but now he is awake!And the eardrums began to tingle!
what to do?Wei Chen was caught in a dilemma, maybe he would reach the bottom even if he went down a little bit, or he might not be able to reach the bottom even if he was crushed to death by the water pressure!The Gray Elf, who was originally the biggest guarantee, dived slower than him!

go up!This is the best method Wei Chen can come up with, and it is also the simplest method!As long as you are alive, be prepared to dive again.

Fuck~ This old corpse king is not reliable at all, it must be on purpose!
Wei Chen murmured to himself, and went to unfasten the button in the middle without slowing down.

However, it seemed to confirm Wei Chen's thoughts, the button of the scabbard was pulled, but the sword was still attached to Wei Chen's body.

Now, Wei Chen was completely dumbfounded!The mouth is slightly opened.


If one didn't pay attention, most of the air in his mouth went away.

Why is this happening?Wei Chen's eyes are bloodshot, and it's fine to make a small joke, but this time, is the joke meant to kill someone?It's not enough to kill directly, you have to play yourself once and then kill.

Why do I keep being played by others?At this moment, a feeling of sadness welled up in Wei Chen's heart. He thought of going to play hide-and-seek when he was a child. A friend told him that people could be hidden in the cabinet, so he hid in it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I went in, it was already the next day when I came out.It turned out that everyone was playing with him, just to trick Wei Chen into the cabinet and lock him up for fun.

He remembered that during the Spring Festival before, when the creditor came to collect the debt, he just had fun with the child of the creditor's family. When parting, the other parent said "come back next year", and Wei Chen agreed happily after hearing that.In the end, Hong Limei picked up the chicken feather blanket and pulled it down on the spot.
Bloody gradually blinded his eyes, Wei Chen raised his head, only to see the darkness above, he did not know how long he had been submerged, and the eardrums depended on where the healing seeds kept repairing and breaking.

At this time, threads of blood emerged from Wei Chen's skin, like a water snake, entwined around the body and swayed continuously.Blood streaks kept coming out, more and more. More and more dense.

At this moment, Wei Chen looked like a blood man.

This is not over yet, after the blood streaks emerge, there are streaks of black strands
"Hey~ hey~ oops! Play off!"

In the castle, the old corpse king was watching this scene through the TV set he made, and kept patting his thigh.

Suddenly, the whole body panicked!Because it discovered that the situation has slowly gotten out of its control!

Hmm~~ Those who are solicited in the book review area will appear in Chapter 3

(End of this chapter)

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