Doom Ray

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Wei Chen looked desperate, while the old corpse king started to laugh.

Good luck fooling people!
Obviously it was the last hit, but at this moment, the red mist state passed, and the energy in Wei Chen's mind was empty!

what to do?hit?Can't fight, run?He couldn't run, and after spending half a day in total, he found that he could only wait to die. This is the biggest shortcoming of energy-type ability users.

"Slightly ~ slightly ~"

The old corpse king, who was lucky enough to escape, began to condense his mimicry, trying to push away the hands of the crooked skull. The powerful force made the skeleton of the crooked skull rattle, as if it might break!
You know, that's a keel!
"No, no, no! There is still time!" Wei Chen took a deep breath, and before the old corpse king could break free from the shackles of his tilted head, he began to think of a solution.

The old corpse king is already seriously injured, so the best way is to hit its old wound to maximize the attack, but Wei Chen knows the wound, it is on the forehead, but the problem is that there is no means of attack!
"Try first!" Wei Chen made up his mind.

So he clenched his fist and punched the old corpse king on the forehead.

"You kid is looking for death!" The old corpse king yelled, he was punched, nothing happened, he was still alive and well.

"Fuck!" Wei Chen grabbed his messy hair, not to mention how aggrieved he was in this mood.Obviously the other party is helpless for the time being, but I have nothing to do with him.

"Hold on for a while!"

In the end, Wei Chen had no choice but to meditate cross-legged to recover his energy, only hoping that he could support the old corpse king for a while longer by tilting his head.

Now, a wonderful balance was created, the old corpse king couldn't move for a while, and Wei Chen couldn't do anything with him for a while, so he had to hold onto the old corpse king firmly with his head tilted.

It is also very simple to break the balance, either the old corpse king breaks free from tilting his head, or Wei Chen recovers and kills the old corpse king with a healing technique.Of course, there is another kind, the red mist state of the old corpse king disappeared, and he was crushed to death by tilting his head!
It's a pity that the old corpse king doesn't seem to have any worries in this regard, it has a lot of energy reserves!

Just when the three of them were in a stalemate, a crimson bead in an inconspicuous corner began to emit a trace of red silk thread. This thing is different from the red mist in that it is full of a strange feeling.

"Ding bell~"

A strange thing happened, the bead rolled out of nowhere, whether the gravel on the castle blocked its way forward, but the bead would actively bypass these obstacles as if consciously.

If you look more carefully, you will find that there is a very thin silk thread on this bead, which is connected to Wei Chen's body.

"Huh? The speed has increased a lot?"

Wei Chen, who entered the meditation state, found the efficiency of meditation, and suddenly speeded up a bit.

it is good!Wei Chen thought to himself, no matter what happened, in this situation, with every point faster, there is more hope of survival.

As everyone knows, in these yellow torrents, a trace of red silk thread is mixed, and they are poured into Wei Chen's fruit together.

"Is this the seed?" During meditation, Wei Chen took the time to look at the crimson seed in the fruit, it was very small, like a sesame seed stuffed in a watermelon.

However, it is this kind of small seed that can explode with awesome power.

"Huh? Why do you feel a little dizzy?"

Wei Chen frowned, the sudden dizziness made him a little confused.

"Could it be a side effect of the seed explosion?" Wei Chen guessed, if this is the case, then it's no big deal.Then he didn't take this matter to heart.

But the more he didn't take it to heart, the more dizzy he felt, even in Wei Chen's mind, swaying appeared, the four fruits became more and less, crossed and separated.

"What's wrong?" Wei Chen was a little uneasy, and hurriedly stopped meditating and opened his eyes, only to find that his eyes were blood red and he couldn't see anything.

At this moment, Wei Chen's heart twitched violently.


This time, a huge heartbeat resounded all over the body!It's not over yet—

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every time the heart beats, it's like someone is holding a bell striker and hitting Wei Chen's chest fiercely.Wei Chen had to spend a lot of energy to endure this pain, but before he knew it, the four red seeds in his mind began to turn black.



Tilting his head finally couldn't hold on, and was shaken away by the old corpse king!

"I should have killed you in the first place!" said the old corpse king, looking at the current Wei Chen, feeling deep regret in his heart, "But it's okay, it's the same to kill you now!"

In the red mist, the white mist condensed, and layers of mimicry were continuously superimposed.

The old corpse king felt that it was almost done, he waved his fist and hit Wei Chen.

"Go to hell!"


Blessed with a lot of mimetic fists, it hit Wei Chen directly on the face!This kind of power is simply not acceptable to Wei Chen who has not burst into red mist.

For a moment, the bones of the face were sunken, and the cervical spine of the neck was overwhelmed. With a click, it snapped!Then it rolled on the ground for about ten meters before stopping, and its whole body was bloody!
"Well! Not dead!" Zombies are so sensitive to living things. The old corpse king immediately found that Wei Chen's heart was still beating. repair.

"Life is so big!"

While talking, the old corpse king quickly approached Wei Chen to make up the knife, for fear that something would change!However, changes have already begun.

The reason why the big murlocs transformed before was because of the influence of the beads. Although the strength of the big murlocs improved a level after the transformation, they also started to become bloodthirsty.

This is only affected by living near the beads, but now Wei Chen is directly absorbed in it!The difference between the two is too great!

The old corpse king's attack hit Wei Chen, but unexpectedly, a layer of yellow shell blocked its attack, and then, an unbelievable scene appeared!

Wei Chen stood up, opened his eyes, the eyes were black and white, and they were blood red!
"What's going on?" The old corpse king backed away quickly, Wei Chen gave him a very bad feeling, and his breath was very messy!But in this chaos, it gave it a feeling of palpitations.

The next second, Wei Chen moved, without using mimicry, just a simple punch!Seeing this, the old corpse king is not afraid of anything, he fights his physical strength, and the zombies completely explode the streets of human beings!Mimic energy continued to superimpose frantically on his hand, taking advantage of the situation to give Wei Chen a fatal blow!
At the moment when the two sides were about to meet, Wei Chen stepped on the ground, and his speed skyrocketed!The old corpse king only paid attention to Wei Chen's hands, but he didn't see him gathering the mimicry to his feet, all of which were used for acceleration this time!
It's a stroke of genius!
In the blink of an eye, Wei Chen's fist had reached the old corpse king's forehead.

Although the hair needle was slightly pushed in by Wei Chen for a short distance, it was enough!In the eyes of the old corpse king, Guan Ze lost his green color, and it was gloomy.

So it hurts.

"Hey!" The crooked skull climbed up from the ruins, and when it saw the old corpse king who was no longer moving, it let out a cry of joy, and when it ran towards Wei Chen, Wei Chen fell down, his limbs twitching , There is still blood foam in the mouth!
It seemed that the castle was trying to avenge its master, a big rock happened to hit Wei Chen who fell to the ground, making the situation even worse!


The transitional chapter is almost over, and the tense life in the last days continues.

(End of this chapter)

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