Doom Ray

Chapter 75 Leave

Chapter 75 Leave

Headache, heartache, eyeache, backache.
Wei Chen lay flat on the ground, feeling a little stuffy in his chest, and wanted to take a deep breath, but followed by another sharp pain.

The brain began to protect itself, and soon many inexplicable scenes appeared in front of Wei Chen——

He helped someone push a tricycle on the overpass, and the old man on the bike thanked him very gratefully.Some went back to the old school. After evening self-study, Wei Chen passed by the stall on his way home. He was about to buy something to fill his stomach, but he didn’t expect to meet someone who came to rob the vendor. At that time, Wei Chen only felt a surge of anger. Thinking of doing something brave, but the body walked away very consciously.
Just like that, after an unknown period of time, Wei Chen's eyes were still darkened, not the previous scenes.


Finally feeling his body, Wei Chen hastily took a deep breath. Although the fresh air flowed into his body, it would cause a series of pains, but the cool feeling made his body feel much more comfortable.

After being able to move a little bit, Wei Chen found that his eyesight still hadn't recovered, so he went into meditation, and first added some energy to trigger the healing technique to heal the body.

After the first fruit was full, Wei Chen stopped and healed his body first.But looking at the slow speed, Wei Chen suddenly wanted to explode the seeds and increase the strength of his skills.

"Tsk, the effect is too bad."

After complaining about the speed of the healing technique, Wei Chen felt that he had almost recovered, and opened his eyes.But--

"Why is that?"

Wei Chen shouted in a panic, the scene in front of him was no longer the previous scene, but a bright red one!Blood streaks and blood spots are clearly visible.The only thing that can calm Wei Chen down is that he is not completely blind, and his eyes can still see things, but only a small spot in the center of the eyes can focus and see objects clearly.

After calming down a bit, Wei Chen released the gray elves first, but luckily God gave him another pair of eyes, much stronger than the previous ones.


The gray elf flew out of the hand, and every time it didn't control it, it would spin around by itself.

"Huh~" Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and saw it.That almost blind feeling is really scary.

"Huh? Why is this crooked skull supporting me?"

Through the eyes of the gray elves, Wei Chen found that the crooked skull was putting itself on a stone slab, holding it forward, controlling the vision to look outside, and there were several big pits there.

"This guy has to be buried!" Wei Chen had a strange look on his face. He only remembered that he had a whim, and after speeding up, he punched the old corpse king to death. After that, nothing happened.

"By the way, how long have I been unconscious?" Thinking of this question, Wei Chen shook his head, not to mention that there is no sun and moon in the mountains here, even if he knows, can a skull with a tilted head communicate?

Then, Wei Chen hurriedly got up and was wading down, maybe he was really buried.


Feeling the lightness of the stone slab, the crooked skull immediately turned around, and when it saw the lively Wei Chen, it immediately let out a cry of excitement.But then, the voice of the crooked skull became low again, and they pulled the slate and walked in another direction, where there were a group of skeletons scattered all over the place!
The skeletons, except for tilting their heads, are all dead!
I don't know why, looking at the back of the tilted head, Wei Chen suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness - what if all human beings die and I am the only one left?

Wei Chen patted his cheek to wake himself up, how could such a thing happen?

He tilted his head and dragged the skeletons one by one to bury them. Finally, holding the head of a snow-white skeleton skeleton, he stood there in a daze.Although Wei Chen felt weird looking at the tilted head couple, Wei Chen sincerely admired the seriousness of tilting his head.

"Hey~ Find an exit." Wei Chen was about to leave, the castle was already in ruins, if the old corpse king hadn't designed to trap him, he would have left long ago.

I went to the shore to pack up my things. In fact, it was just a keel. When Wei Chen used it to kill murlocs, it felt very comfortable to use. After going out, I can find someone to polish it. It is also a good choice to make a knife.

Beside the keel, there is also a dragon head and an epee.

"I don't know what happened to that guard!" Seeing the epee, Wei Chen immediately thought of the guard, and then turned the gray elf's gaze to find that the guard had already been shattered into stones.

It seems that as long as it is created by the old corpse king, it will perish with its demise.

But there is one exception.


After burying his lover (I'll go, I feel awkward myself), the crooked skull carried a few things and put them in front of Wei Chen.

"This is it!" Wei Chen was stunned, this guy is quite good.

It was a palm-sized colorless spar, from which Wei Chen could feel the surging energy.Next to the spar is a light red bead.

Although I don't know what effect these two have, but one is the dragon ball left by the legendary dragon, and the other is the spar left by the old corpse king after his death. They are all treasures.

"What about you?" Wei Chen put away his things, turned his head and asked the crooked skull, "Do you want to stay here?"

"Heck!" Tilting his head and shaking his head, he carried the epee on his back and followed behind Wei Chen.

"Okay, let's go together." Wei Chen nodded. This guy is very strong, strong enough to restrain the old corpse king who burst out in red mist, and this heavy sword just matches his figure.Having it is a great help in Weichen, and there is no need to worry about betrayal.

As for Tiltou, Wei Chen is the only acquaintance left.

"Okay, let's go."

Wei Chen tilted his head and said, the location of the exit is probably at the pool. There are two entrances to the pool, one at the surface and one at the bottom.The one at the bottom of the pool has been visited, leading to the murloc's lair, but now only the entrance of the cave on the surface of the pool has not been visited.

"If it doesn't work, look for it at the Murloc!"

Wei Chen nodded confidently. Although this place is underground, it extends in all directions. The worst thing is that he and Tietou can slowly make a way out.

"I'm so dirty!" Wei Chen felt his body sticky and uncomfortable when he got close to the water surface. Looking at himself through the gray elf's vision, he looked like a down-and-out beggar.

"Hey, the eyes are also red!" After a while, Wei Chen found that in addition to the redness in his vision, his eyes were also red at the moment, without black eyes and whites.

"What's going on!" Wei Chen said with a displeased face, if not for the gray elves, he would probably go crazy because of the half-blind state!
What should we do now?Wei Chen frowned, it's not bad if he doesn't scare people to death when he goes out with this appearance, by the way, there is also a tilted head, which is even scarier!
"Maybe it's the sequelae left when the red mist erupted." Wei Chen nodded and speculated, after all, the color of the red mist is similar to the blood color of the eyes.

"It doesn't matter, let's go out and talk."

Swimming through the pool, before the entrance of the pool, Wei Chen looked back at the ruined castle.

"Thank you~"

Wei Chen said softly, although the old corpse king was trying to trick him, he also helped him solve his inner problems and get out of that demonic obstacle.

"Huh?" Looking at Wei Chen who was standing still, he tilted his hair and let out a suspicious cry.

"Huh~ let's go!"


The second chapter ends, and the third chapter returns to the last days.Hope you all come to join us. .

(End of this chapter)

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