Doom Ray

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

An innocent manhole cover was suddenly poked open and rolled aside.

"It's finally out!" Wei Chen leaned out, breathing the air from the outside world.

"What a change!"

Relying on the vision of the gray elves, Wei Chen looked around. There were ruins, the plants were growing wildly, there were many pieces of meat and blood on the ground, and many flies were flying on it.

It is exactly the scene after the war sweeps.


Afterwards, the tilted head also got out, but when it came out, the body was still stuck, so it was best to remove a little bit of the bone.

"I don't know where this is?"

Wei Chen frowned. The most important thing now is to confirm the address and find the way to transfer his parents and relatives.

"Heck!" Compared to Wei Chen, the tilted head on the side was more curious about the surrounding environment.It has been carried underground for a long time, but there is no such scenery to see, everything is so novel.

"Okay, let's go!" Wei Chen pointed in a random direction, everything must be done slowly, and the food problem must be solved first.

For food, of course I have to find a store, but the place is unfamiliar, and there are many buildings around it that have collapsed. Wei Chen suddenly lost his mind and had to rely on the gray elves to search for it.


Just when Wei Chen was about to lift his leg, a piercing scream came to his ears.

"Don't come here! Me and me."

"Go to hell! On Xiaoliang!"

"Hey, you bastard is still full of cunts!"

"Hmph, come on, brothers!"

"it is good"

Wei Chen shook his head helplessly, this kind of tune again, endlessly.Then he turned his head and said to the tilted head: "You wait here, I will come as soon as I go."


I don't know why I tilt my head.


"Tsk, how about this, you follow us, how about we give you money to help your dog heal?"

As soon as Wei Chen passed by, he heard this.Through the gray elves, he saw five or six big men surrounded by a little girl holding a big white dog in her hands.

"Haha! Come on!" As he spoke, one of the wretched-looking men grabbed it with one hand.


Before everyone could react, the hand flew out.

"Ah! I want you to die!" The wretched man thought he had been raped by this little girl, and swung his knife angrily at the girl.

"Wait, something's wrong, calm down!" The man in the lead quickly realized something was wrong, but unfortunately, he still didn't stop the wretched man's behavior.


The wretched man's knife failed to cut the little girl, but cut something hard instead.At this moment, a person appeared out of thin air between the group of people and the little girl.

"Who are you!" The leader asked vigilantly when he saw Wei Chen's appearance, his eyes were red, and he knew that he was not easy to mess with.

But although he was careful, his teammates didn't, especially the wretched man, the pain of the broken arm made him go crazy and slashed at Wei Chen again.

"Ah! Be careful!"

Seeing this, the little girl behind reminded Wei Chen.

"It's okay." Wei Chen turned his head and smiled faintly, "Close your eyes."

"Hmm!" Seeing those red eyes, wondering if she was still afraid, the little girl flinched, and the hand holding the dog tightened even more!


Facing the cutting knife, Wei Chen didn't pay attention at all, it was too slow.

However, during this gap, Wei Chen observed the group of people in front of him, and was a little surprised.

These people not only have clean clothes and complete weapons, but also have a metal ring around their necks. I don't know what it is used for. Another thing Weichen cares about is that the little girl also has this ring on her neck!
"Let's deal with them first." Wei Chen narrowed his eyes, and there was no need to keep these scumbags.

"Puff puff puff~"

The yellow light in the hand flashed continuously, and mimics condensed into small knives and flew out, directly piercing through the vitals.

"Okay, open your eyes!" Now Wei Chen's strength can be said to be extremely strong, and it is really easy to deal with these little guys.

"Huh?" The little girl was still shocked when she heard this.

finished?So fast?It can't be a gang, right?
After living in the last days for so long, the little girl also knows that many people cannot be trusted casually, otherwise the end will not be very good.But when she opened her eyes and saw the scene in front of her, her eyes were filled with disbelief.

The dignified five or six evolutionaries really died like this!The pierced head cannot be faked!

"You, what are you going to do to Xiaoliang!" Seeing a ball of light flying out of Wei Chen's hand and flying towards the big white dog in his hand, the little girl became anxious immediately, and stretched out her hand to block Wei Chen's ball of light.

"It's okay." Wei Chen comforted, but combined with his horrifying eyes, it couldn't be convincing.

"If something happens to you Xiaoliang, I will fight with you!"

Wei Chen looked at the little girl with an angry face, secretly speechless.Continue to comfort: "Don't worry."

After finishing speaking, the ball of light bypassed the little girl's hand and sank into the body of the big white dog. The next second, the little girl's eyes widened with joy.I saw the bleeding scar on the big white dog's abdomen slowly healed!


The pain from the wound healing made the big white dog wake up a little bit, and stuck out his tongue to lick the little girl's hand.

"Ah! That's great!" The little girl hugged the big white dog's head and rubbed it together.

But when Wei Chen saw this scene, he suddenly felt a little weird. The collar on the big white dog's neck was exactly the same as the iron ring on the little girl's neck!
How is this going?Wei Chen secretly guessed in his heart that he just came out of the ground when he discovered such a strange thing.Not only that, if you compare Wei Chen, who has been struggling for a long time, the clothes of these people are so neat and clean!
In the last days, shouldn't everyone be desperate to survive?

"Thank you, thank you uncle!" The little girl immediately nodded to Wei Chen after comforting the big white dog.

Uncle Wei Chen had a bitter look on his face. Hearing this name made him feel bad.If I knew it earlier, I would wash it in the pool before coming out.

"By the way, why are you alone?" Wei Chen asked, in this kind of world, one should form a team with trustworthy people to kill the enemy together.


When Wei Chen asked, the little girl began to look evasively, and finally turned her head away, not daring to speak.

What's the matter?Seeing this, Wei Chen didn't know what to say, could it be that his teammates were killed by those people?If that's the case, I really asked a question that I shouldn't have asked.

"I escaped." The little girl whispered, but Wei Chen overheard her.

It turned out to be a lady from a rich family!
Wei Chen thought so, as a high school student with little knowledge, he has already been affected by the bloody TV series at this moment.

So Wei Chen hurriedly comforted him: "Don't do this, the family members will be worried."

Speaking of family members, several figures appeared in Wei Chen's mind.

Don't know where they are now?
Just when Wei Chen was about to fall into memory, the little girl really looked at Wei Chen with a weird face, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she found that there was no iron ring on Wei Chen's neck!
"Uncle, you are a free man!" The little girl said excitedly.

"Free man?" An unfamiliar word came out of the little girl's mouth, and coupled with the iron ring around the little girl's neck, Wei Chen suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Well, let's leave here first and find a place to talk slowly." Seeing that the situation had become a bit out of touch, Wei Chen decided to find a place to ask the little girl what happened.

"Okay!" The little girl hugged the dog's head, adoration flashed in her eyes, and she nodded frantically.


A new chapter begins! !

(End of this chapter)

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