Doom Ray

Chapter 77 Angry!

Chapter 77 Angry!

"Wang Wang!"


"Hey~" Wei Chen covered his head and knew it would be like this. The image of tilting his head is a bit scary, especially for little girls.But maybe because of the zombies, the little girl can still accept the existence of tilting her head.

After meeting with Yitou, the group found a suite as a temporary place to stay.

"I used to come here often, so I used it as a stronghold, and there is still some food in it." Xu Jie was very skilled at digging out several bags of dry food in some hidden places.


"Thank you."

Wei Chen took the dry food, unpacked the packing table, and started to eat like crazy. Recently, the fish almost faded out of the mouth of the bird.

"Little Liang, here." Xu Jie threw another bag of food, and the big white dog wagged its tail and jumped up to grab the food thrown in the air.Afterwards, he took another bag to tilt his head, and followed Wei Chen's example, he also opened the bag and ate wildly. Unfortunately, this guy has no stomach, and what he ate fell out from under his ribs.

"What?" He tilted his head and scratched his head in embarrassment. The food seemed to be wasted.

"Pfft~" Xu Jie covered her mouth and laughed, this skeleton is quite cute.

After thanking him, Wei Chen looked Xu Jie up and down, the girl's clothes were fair, at least much better than Wei Chen's!Xu Jie's development is not bad, and there are places that should be convex, but she lacks a bit of femininity.Her face was stained with a lot of ashes, and her hair was a bit messy, so she looked pretty and ugly.

After eating a bag of dry food, Wei Chen opened a bottle from the table, and after drinking it, he immediately felt revived!After eating the fish for too long, the birds have already faded out of the mouth.

"By the way, Xu Jie, I have something to ask you." After eating and drinking enough, Wei Chen started to ask about serious matters, "No, how long has it been since the end of the world?"

I wanted to get straight to the point, but seeing the current situation, Wei Chen decided to ask the most basic questions to understand this changed world.

"Why did uncle ask this?" Xu Jie found a chair and sat down, and said slowly: "Now is the sixth month of the new era."

Sure enough, after listening to Xu Jie's answer, Wei Chen confirmed his thoughts. It has been almost a year and a half since he entered the castle!
There really isn't such a good thing in the world.Wei Chen smiled wryly in his heart, in this way, the method that the old corpse king gave him to speed up his meditation was completely fake. With so much time, he himself could meditate to the current state.

One day in the cave, thousands of years in the world.

Putting aside the unpleasant memories, Wei Chen continued to ask: "Can you tell me what happened this year?"

"One year?" Xu Jie looked at Wei Chen more and more strangely, "Aren't you Huang Yang? You didn't really hide in the cave for a year, did you?"

"Wait, you just said Huang Yang? You know him? Where is he?"

Hearing the name of an acquaintance, Wei Chen was very excited and hurriedly asked.It's a pity that Xu Jie shook her head, she had only heard of this name before, and had no communication with herself.

Afterwards, with a bit of disappointment, Wei Chen listened to Xu Jie come slowly.

It turns out that after the outbreak of the end of the world, due to the early assembly of armies from all over the country, a lot of vitality has been retained across the country and even around the world.Take this country as an example. It took more than half a year for all the soldiers and civilians to move to the west to establish the last human defense line and the last living space.

"Everyone who migrated here is full of hope. Every region is very united. The military has also begun to publicize the deeds of some powerful people. It can be said that those days were the best. Everyone built the city wall together and organized The team goes out to kill the enemy and helps each other"

Having said this, Xu Jie's eyes began to turn red.

"But, for some reason, the government seems to have changed." Xu Jie pointed to the collar and said, "They bring this kind of thing to every ability user. At first they said it was for the convenience of management, but later on"

Later, he became more like a slave, at his mercy!Wei Chen closed his eyes. He had thought of this before. Those who were not injured by the collar like him were called free people.

"Why not remove it?" Wei Chen asked, even though there are various restrictions that cannot be removed, there is always a power to find loopholes, so can you do this?

But Xu Jie shook her head and said: "No, many people who don't believe in evil have tried it, and none of them succeeded."

Xu Jie pointed to the collar and continued: "The moment this thing is dismantled, a message will be sent to the backstage. At that time, the government can directly locate it and send someone to arrest it."

"Not only that, but there are nine poisonous needles inside. As long as the buckle is released, the poisonous needles will stick out."

"The poison inside will temporarily abolish the ability of the capable person, turning him into an ordinary person, and then he can only be arrested." Speaking of this, Xu Jie paused for a moment, and pursed her lips. "Take it back and do the experiment."


Wei Chen casually crushed the armrest of the chair next to him.

In this way, parents, Wei Qingcheng, and Huangfu Ling, who are very important to Wei Chen's heart, are like slaves at the moment, at the mercy of others!Can't even resist!

"I really envy a free man like you." Xu Jie said, her tone full of envy and bitterness.

"And that Huang Yang is the first free man to loosen his collar!" Xu Jie continued, "I heard that it is because of that man's ability, super self-healing, the body can be said to be invulnerable to all poisons, even corpse poison Don’t be afraid! The poison in the collar has no effect on this person!”

"By the way, uncle, do you know this person by looking at you?"

Wei Chen nodded and said, "Former teammates! By the way, I'll help you untie the collar."

As he said that, Wei Chen stretched out his hand to grab the collar on Xu Jie's neck.



Xu Jie was frightened by this action and screamed.The big white dog at the side rushed over to protect him very loyally.However, before the big white dog ran two steps, it was lifted up with one paw.

"Heck!" He tilted his head and roared, wanting to hurt Wei Chen and ask him if he agrees.

"Sorry!" Realizing that he had lost his composure, Wei Chen apologized and withdrew his hand, sat back and asked, "Don't worry, I can really help you untie it."

"Why should I believe you!" Xu Jie, who was startled, said in a bad tone at the moment, "Let go of Xiao Liang!"

"Let's let it go." Wei Chen waved his head to the side, and when he put down the big white dog, Wei Chen continued: "I have the ability to detoxify, and it has the same effect as the boxwood's ability, believe me Bar!"

"Believe you?" Hearing this, Xu Jie became quiet and looked at Wei Chen suspiciously.Then he shook his head: "Forget it, you are unreliable. This poison is not that simple. If it fails, it is not a matter of losing ability, it will kill people"

Finally, Xu Jie shook her head and refused.To put it bluntly, I still don't believe Wei Chen.But Wei Chen didn't bother with her, and suddenly took off the collar!

A crisp sound sounded, and a few thin needles suddenly appeared from the collar, pierced into Xu Jie's neck and disappeared in a flash.

"Ah! You..." Xu Jie's eyes widened!

"Ow!" Seeing its owner being hurt again, the big white dog jumped up, but was caught by the tilted head again.

"Don't worry!" Wei Chen comforted Xu Jie, and a ball of white light floated over his hand.So far he hasn't seen any poison that he can't detox, especially after hearing that Huang Yang is not afraid of this poison, Wei Chen feels more confident.

"Okay, let's try to see if the ability can still be used." Wei Chen nodded to Xu Jie, through the gray elves, Wei Chen found that this girl should be a special ability, because she didn't have a crystal embedded in her body.

Xu Jie glanced at Wei Chen suspiciously, then turned to the big white dog and said, "Xiao Liang, can you still understand me? Nod once if you understand, and nod twice if you don't understand."

Animal language!Wei Chen was a little surprised, so he still has this ability, but how to divide this ability?

When the big white dog heard this, he didn't react at first, which made Xu Jie's heart ache.

Then, the big white dog nodded twice.



"Report, two targets have disappeared!"

"Send someone to take a look, it should be under the black hands."

The operator sitting in front of the machine nodded. This kind of thing is already used to it. Since the collar was introduced, it has become everyone's weakness. Once it is cut off, it can only be caught without a fight.

"No. 17, No. 15, you go to this area to collect the corpse. The location has been sent to your tactical list."

"Why are you collecting corpses again? I am a dignified moon-level powerhouse, and I do this every day?"

"Say a few words, let's go!"


"By the way, uncle, the base will send people to arrest us later, what should we do?" After untiing the collar, Xu Jie was happy for a while, but then began to worry again, "The current government is very powerful. , and many lackeys!"

"A running dog?" Wei Chen shook his head and objected:
"It's rape!"


(Note: There is still a first year in the era.)
Happy Friday everyone! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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