Doom Ray

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Hearing Xu Jie's explanation about the control of capable people, Wei Chen understood that this was not done by the government!The reason is simple - it's not necessary!It is obvious that the people are already united, there are no disputes, and they jointly resist the zombies, so why bother?
The only possibility is that the government is also controlled.

Wei Chen rubbed his hands, looking pensive, planning his future.The big white dog and Yitou got into a quarrel, and the dog had a soft spot for bones, so Xiao Liang, the big white dog, stretched out his tongue and licked the leg bone of Yitou, his expression was like a child licking a lollipop.Xu Jie held her chin and watched from the side.

Unexpectedly, he tilted his head and enjoyed the feeling of the big white dog licking it very much, and it was very comfortable to lean back on it.


What should I do?

Wei Chen lost his mind.

The opponent is an existence like the old corpse king, a group of strong men who did not know when they appeared on the earth.They may be alien visitors, or ancient intelligent life, but neither of them have come here. They have some understanding of the end times, and they have much more technology and experience than humans. In the current battle, the human side is already at a disadvantage!
Suddenly, a heavy burden fell on Wei Chen, he was almost the last hope of mankind!
"Lead the zombies to attack the gathering place? No, I have a brain-dead idea. Go directly to the last line of defense and liberate humans? No way, the old corpse king who was seriously injured and dying is already so powerful, let alone those behind-the-scenes creatures!"

'Behind the scenes' is Wei Chen's name for the things that control humans.

"Xu Jie." Wei Chen stood up, straightened his hair and asked a question that he ignored just now, "You just said that you escaped, what happened."

Xu Jie blinked her eyes.

Thanks to Wei Chen who can still remember this, Xu Jie, as the person involved, has almost forgotten it.

"Ability users need to register when going out. If they don't come for more than a month, the base will send people to look for them." Xu Jie explained: "So when we talk about escaping, we mean going out without being registered, so that you can Temporarily free from government restrictions, you don’t have to pay one-fifth of the harvest tax when you return to the city.”

Wei Chen shook his head after listening.

This kind of statement is just to deceive a little girl like Xu Jie. Now that she has been positioned by others, there is no fear of whether you will go out in a fair manner or sneak out. The registration is probably just a pretense to make the collar useful to the capable person.

"By the way, Uncle Wei Chen, when are we going to wait here, the base will send some very powerful people to arrest them!" Xu Jie looked worried, but she knew how powerful the people loyal to the base were. When the collars were first used, the government sent these lackeys out to clean up the rebels in order not to expose the dangers of the collars.

The final record is that none of the rebels survived.

Wei Chen turned his head and smiled at Xu Jie, "I'm just waiting for them to come!"


"NO.15, that's it?"

"What do you think?" NO.15 threw the question back.

"Then quickly collect the corpse."

At this moment, at the door of the suite where Wei Chen and Xu Jie are located, there are two people wearing silver and white clothes with hoods.One of them, who was shorter, raised his foot and kicked at the anti-theft door.


"Hey! This door is hard."

NO.15 twisted his foot, the recoil of the blow made him a little overwhelmed.That's right, back then the young corpse king had to punch three times in order to break through a security door!
"Don't be funny." NO.17 on the side glanced at NO.15 and took out a gun.

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah~"

NO.17 continuously pulled the trigger against the door lock, and the fired bullets formed a circle around the door lock.Then, NO.17 said indifferently: "Kick it."

"Huh~" NO.15 snorted coldly, exerted force on his feet, and made a roundabout in the air, and his feet hit the anti-theft door hard.


The door opened.

Before the two entered the door, they saw a disheveled young man with his hands folded on his chest, which looked very natural, but with those red eyes, it was a bit shocking.

The eyes of the two quickly looked at Wei Chen's neck, where there was no collar.

"Okay!" NO.15 clapped his hands, "You are so courageous, you dare to put the positioning ring on, boy, do you know what is written in the word dead?"

"I don't know, how about you teach me?" Wei Chen teased.

"Hahaha! Interesting."

NO.15 didn't care about Wei Chen's ridicule at all. If he took off his collar, it would be the same as death. NO.15 wouldn't deal with a dead person.Even No.17, who was originally a little calm, looked contemptuous. After being poisoned, the opponent's ability has disappeared. It is too easy for them to deal with an ordinary person!
"Okay boy, follow us obediently, if you resist, you will know what will happen." NO.15 pointed at the back of himself with his thumb.

"Oh!" Wei Chen was suddenly surprised, and said, "The end? That's better than being a traitor to you, why don't you be a good person, and why do you have to be a dog for a dog?"

"You are presumptuous! God"

"To shut up!"

Just when NO.15 was foolishly about to explain the inside story, Shi Qi shouted and told him to shut up.

"Hmph! It's just a dead person, so what's the matter if you let him know." NO.15 realized that he almost slipped his words, and hurriedly changed his words, but even so, he didn't want to keep embarrassing in front of his accomplices.

"What? Why don't you come and follow us?" The voice changed, and NO.15 turned to Wei Chen, "Do you want me to do it?"

Hearing this, Wei Chen had a flat face and didn't do anything, but his inaction annoyed NO.15 even more.

"Fuck! You kid wants to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, NO.15 rushed over, there was no move to speak of, and there was no back-up, because in the eyes of NO.15, Wei Chen was just an ordinary person now, why should he be so serious when dealing with ordinary people?
Unfortunately, NO.15 completely miscalculated this time.No way, what he met was Wei Chen, this strange existence.


NO.15 did not use all his strength, but his speed was still very fast. Of course, this is compared to other capable users. For Wei Chen——

"Crack!" A hand easily caught it.


NO.15's eyes almost popped out. This feeling, like an ordinary person grabbing a shell with his bare hands, was full of shock in NO.15's eyes!
fake! NO.15 was unwilling to believe this fact, adjusted his posture, and hit another punch.Compared with the previous punch, it was stronger and faster.

However, it was useless.

The gap between him and Wei Chen is too big!

Wei Chen didn't continue to deal with him, and turned his hands around, crippling NO.15's hands.It's just an evolutionary with insufficient evolution, he still doesn't like it.

"Do you still want to escape?"


Before NO.17 took two steps, a line of blood had already shot out, and Wei Chen pierced through his head with mimicry.

"You!" NO.15 was shocked and angry, and then panicked, "It doesn't make sense! How can this person be so strong!"

Since becoming a follower, his life has been going smoothly. Not only do he not need them to kill zombies, but his life and welfare are also very good. Some people even give him pointers on the direction of evolution.
However, these were obtained by him betraying his own race.


"So strong!" Although it was not the first time to see Wei Chen killing people, Xu Jie still had a little star full of admiration for Wei Chen in her eyes.

"Continue to wait for the next wave!" Wei Chen said. His goal now is very simple. In the end, there are four gathering places similar to outposts outside the defense line. At this moment, he needs to rely on these dead people to attract the lackeys of one of the outposts. Come to die!

This is the simplest and most direct way to consume local strength, and of course it is also the most foolish and slowest way.

"Uncle Wei Chen, I think you are stronger than those legendary powerhouses!" Xu Jie praised.

"The legendary strong man?" Wei Chen was puzzled. He had been away for a year, so he had never heard of these things.

"That's right! When all the gathering places gathered, the government publicized heroic deeds. Those people were called the legendary strong men. It is said that the strongest one killed the corpse king!"

"Really?" Hearing this, Wei Chen couldn't help but look sideways, this person is really not weak.

"Yes, yes, of course it's true! It's a pity that I heard that he disappeared after a fight with the corpse king. The local military has been sending people to look for it, but they couldn't find it." Xu Jie was a little disappointed when he said this, " He is the only human who can kill the corpse king."

Wei Chen looked at Xu Jie strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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