Doom Ray

Chapter 79

Chapter 79
"what happened?"

Seeing Wei Chen staring at her, Xu Jie blushed and lowered her head.

"What's that man's name?" Wei Chen asked.

"I don't know, but I heard that when he killed the enemy, he used his ability to shine like a golden light, so everyone nicknamed him King of Light." Xu Jie tangles her small hands together, "I really want to meet this man, he must be very handsome, Very."

Just when Xu Jie was full of admiration, Wei Chen was speechless.

Didn't expect it to be quite famous.


"It's not good sir, NO.15 and NO.17 have lost signs of life."

The operator startled and said, while the officer behind him frowned, each fold could kill a fly.

"Let No. [-] and No. [-] go and see the situation, remember, tell them not to act rashly!"

"Yes!" The operator received the order and entered a code into the console, and the two people who were somewhere on the sentry line received the notification.

After everything was done, the officer lit a cigarette. This thing has become very scarce in the last days, and its biggest use is to relieve stress.


The officer opened his mouth skillfully, wanting to spit out a smoke ring, but unfortunately he hasn't smoked for a long time, this technique is a bit rusty, and he only spits out a cloud of mist.

In the suite, Xu Jie tilted her head and asked, "Uncle Wei Chen, do you really want to continue waiting?"

"Wait!" Wei Chen said decisively, with a long beard and messy hair, he looked very resolute, and the red eyes did not destroy the beauty at all, but added a bit of weirdness.

Sit back and wait for the rabbit.

This is the first method that Wei Chen came up with, and it is also the last method that can be used.Taking advantage of the fact that the other party will definitely come to arrest Xu Jie, Wei Chen can slowly kill these traitorous human beings and wear down his vitality.

And NO.15 and NO.17 are the first batch.
Wei Chen squatted down and rummaged through No.15's body, maybe he could find some information here.

Pulling back the silver-gray coat, Wei Chen could clearly see the face of NO.15, which was ordinary, but very pale and thin, with an over-indulgent appearance.His eyes were wide open, and he could not rest in peace!
"What is this?" Wei Chen took out something similar to a waist card, and turned to ask Xu Jie.Xu Jie also squatted down, looking at the sign in Wei Chen's hand.

The sign was also silver and white, with two moons, four stars, and a code—fifteen—engraved on it.

"Penguin Level!"


"Pfft~" Seeing Wei Chen's bitter face, Xu Jie laughed, "Okay, I won't play with you anymore, but the stars and the moon do represent levels."

"Have you looked at the stars? Four is the upper limit. Each one represents the number of evolutions of the evolutionary's initial physical body, and this moon is the number of times the evolutionary's characteristics are strengthened after the evolutionary has correctly entered the stage. The maximum is also four times. The same is true for those with special abilities."


Wei Chen nodded.

Hearing the upper limit four times, Wei Chen understood that this thing represented strength, corresponding to the realm of blossoming and bearing fruit.And this judgment standard is also extremely accurate. The first four advancements are mainly to improve the body. In the final state, the skills are correspondingly upgraded, the energy is expanded, and the evolutionary is to strengthen its own characteristics.As for the characteristic explosion mentioned by the old corpse king before, it corresponds to Wei Chen's red mist explosion.As for the special abilities with only one skill, in addition to strengthening their physical body more, they will also have more evolution times as a skill when they improve in the final stage!

"Look, this person's level is called a moon-level powerhouse, Yinyue level two." Xu Jie continued to explain, but she didn't realize that Wei Chen had already fallen into deep thought.

Since there is a waist card, Wei Chen can control the gray elves to see the enemy's strength clearly before the battle, and they will have more confidence in their hearts when fighting!

Throw away the waist card casually, this thing is useless.Continuing to grope for the corpse, Wei Chen cleaned out the things that could be used, two knives, and an empty gun and two magazines on No. 17, each with thirteen bullets.

"Give it to you!" Wei Chen threw the gun and all the clips to Xu Jie. Her ability is not strong - animal language, and the battle basically depends on commanding the big white dog. Its own combat power is not strong, and this thing is just for self-defense. .As for Wei Chen, his strength doesn't need this at all.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie thanked her after taking the gun. The gun was indeed very helpful to her. The fly in the ointment is that this thing is a consumable.There are not a few people with guns in the base, but the only one with more bullets is the government.

After packing up his things, Wei Chen sat on a chair beside him, quietly waiting for his opponent to arrive. He let the gray elf out, wandering outside and watching.

"Huh? Then, from this point of view, am I not a strong person at the sun level? Then the budding state is the crown, but I don't know what the scattered leaf state above the crown corresponds to." Wei Chen murmured, "The words of the old corpse king are still It's kind of reliable."

"No! Didn't the old corpse king say that the evolutionary has a characteristic burst skill in the final state? Why haven't these two people used it?"

Wei Chen frowned, puzzled.

No. 17 can be said to be killing too fast by himself, and he has no chance to explode, but what about No. 15?It took some time before Wei Chen killed him.

Are they still incompletely evolved?
Wei Chen came to a sudden!


"It's here! Let's be careful on the [-]th!"

"Well, I have explained it to my superiors, I understand." Number Seven nodded.

The two figures began to shuttle slowly among the ruins of the city, but unfortunately, there was a pair of eyes that could see everything clearly.

"Here we come!" Wei Chen stood up, seeing the vigilance of these two people, Wei Chen believed that it would be unrealistic for them to come here.But it doesn't matter, then take the initiative!

"You protect them! I'll come as soon as I go." Wei Chen told him to tilt his head.

After that, he went out the door.

She tilted her head and nodded, but judging by the enjoyment of it, she didn't know if she listened or not.

"Here we are, it's this building!" Number Seven pointed to the building in front with a solemn expression, "Ten 57 died there! We must be careful!"

"Yes, be careful no matter how small. Who is it!" No. [-] just echoed what No. [-] said, when he found a man walking out of the building, unkempt and very sloppy, but his pair of red eyes were very frightening!

A large number of Wei Chen, number seven said tremblingly: "number eight, it should be this person, he is a free man!"

"Freedom!" No. [-] was startled, this word originally only belonged to one person, why is there another one now?Number eight faintly felt that the sky was about to change!
But in the next second, their worries were useless, and two yellow lights flashed on their foreheads.

"It should be an incomplete evolution again. I don't know how strong a complete evolution is!" Wei Chen thought, walking over and carrying the bodies of the two back.

Wait, corpse!
Wei Chen suddenly remembered something, and immediately controlled the gray elf to fly higher, giving him a depression angle.

"This neighborhood is too clean! There is a corpse king!"


"Not good sir! Something has happened! No. [-] and No. [-] have lost signs of life again!"

"Who is it?"

Now, no matter how stupid the officer is, he knows it's man-made.Immediately, the officer stood up suddenly, and said with his hands behind his back: "Pass me the order, and send me the number one to the tenth! I want to see who is so bold!"

When the officer finished speaking, he slammed his hand heavily on the armrest of the chair.


The wooden handrails were overwhelmed and cracked.


Let me explain, the words before and after each chapter are made by the system itself, not by chance! !
(End of this chapter)

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