Doom Ray

Chapter 80 Survival, in the cracks!

Chapter 80 Survival, in the cracks!
This order from the chief of the sentry line of defense caused an uproar among the lackeys.

"What's the situation! Mobilizing so many people."

"Could it be the corpse king?"

"Idiot, the corpse king has already issued an order to retreat when he comes."

"This time the opponent is very strong, and the seventh and eighth are all planted."


"Wow! Uncle, you are so strong, really so strong!"

Wei Chen came back with two corpses, Xu Jie looked at it with admiration all over his face. These people in silver and white clothes, relying on their backstage strength on weekdays, can be said to be domineering, and they themselves have good strength , Others can't help them at all.

"Keep waiting!" Wei Chen threw away the body and continued to wait on the seat. For some reason, Wei Chen felt a sense of irritability, as if something was about to happen.


Sure enough, in the next second, a thunderous roar came from outside the window, resounding through the broken city.

Wei Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and slowly spit out two words: "The Corpse King!"

"No way?" Xu Jie opened her small mouth, a little unwilling to believe it, "Uncle, did you hear me wrong?"

"No." Wei Chen's tone was very sure, "Go out and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Chen picked up the keel, tilted his head and picked up the epee. Once the two left, Xu Jie naturally couldn't stay any longer, so he picked up a longer knife that he took out from the corpse earlier, Following Wei Chen down, the big white dog wagged its tail and followed.

However, just as the group of people went out, there was another wolf howl outside—"Wow!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Wei Chen subconsciously looked at Xu Jie, wanting her helper to translate, but unexpectedly, Xu Jie's pupils were a little dizzy at this moment.

"Xu Jie?" Wei Chen called softly, seeing that she didn't respond, he gently pushed her shoulder with his hand, "What happened?"


Although Xu Jie still didn't respond, the big white dog on the side actually climbed down, formed a circle, buried its head tightly in its tail, and shivered.

"What's going on!" Seeing this, Wei Chen said in a deep voice, the situation seems not to be optimistic!
"Calm down!"

Wei Chen roared, this is the end of the world, if you want to survive, you can only rely on a calm mind, passion and fear will only make people die faster!


Not long after the howling of wolves, an explosion came from a distance, and Wei Chen quickly recognized that it was the energy cannon of the giant cannon zombie.This sound was just a prelude, Wei Chen turned the gray elf's vision, the sky at this moment is very bright!A little bit of purple light slid down like a meteor!
That's all the light from the energy cannon!

Wei Chen quickly threw Xu Jie down, and an energy cannon exploded not far in front of Wei Chen!

"Boom boom~~~"

One after another, the energy cannons exploded on the ground.

"Let's go!" Wei Chen greeted and tilted his head to move, this place is under the building, there is no place to cry in case of landslide.Then Wei Chen hugged Xu Jie, tilted his head and grabbed the big white dog, and ran towards the place where the energy cannon fell.

This is not death, since a large number of energy cannons can be fired over there, it means that there is an army of zombies there!An energy cannon can't do anything to Wei Chen and Yitou at all, but an army can definitely do it!

"Don't, don't go there!"

Suddenly, Xu Jie, who was being held by Wei Chen, made a sound of panic.

"What's the matter?" Wei Chen stopped, Xu Jie should know something, Wei Chen can't miss every message, because this is already a battlefield!
"Woo~" Xu Jie said in a teary voice, "Over there is the army of beasts led by the golden wolf, we're done~~woo~"

The blood-red pupils shrank sharply.

Golden wolf!Beast army!
Unexpectedly, in addition to humans and zombies, those wild beasts also entered the army of people with abilities!Even a leader was born!

"Boom boom boom boom~"

Sure enough, all beasts are galloping ahead!
Attack from both sides!

This is the situation that Wei Chen and his group are encountering now. Behind them is the army of zombies, and in front is the army of beasts.

How to do?
Wei Chen took a deep breath, his nasal cavity was already used to the rotten smell in the air.The best way now is to escape from the side, but which side is the so-called side?The two legions were overwhelming, and Wei Chen couldn't find the right way out of such a chaotic environment. Instead of going astray, he might as well choose to break through the siege head-on!

Wei Chen called the gray elves back to his vicinity. In such a big scene, it is difficult to guarantee that the gray elves will not be accidentally injured.

It seemed that in order to resolve the deadlock, two giant roars came out.

"Hoo!" "Ow!"

"What do you mean!" Wei Chen hurriedly asked Xu Jie, it is very likely that the two sides are mobilizing troops, Wei Chen can take this opportunity to find a weak point and fight out!

"This..." Xu Jie was still crying, "I don't know about the corpse king. The golden wolf proposed to fight one-on-one."

"This bastard is smart!"

Wei Chen heaved a sigh of relief, such an approach is very beneficial to the beast army!

Zombies are everywhere, and the dead corpse king can find a place to replenish at will, but on the beast side, there is one dead and one missing!Just like human beings, in a war together, the speed of reproduction is not as fast as the speed of death, not to mention that some people will transform into zombies.One ebbs and another, human beings will perish sooner or later.

The only solution is to capture the king!
Kill the zombie king, the zombies will have no leader, and there will be no zombie army. Human beings can clean up these things slowly while ensuring the survival rate.

"Xu Jie, are you afraid?"

Wei Chen suddenly asked Xu Jie such words.

"Afraid~" Xu Jie pursed her lips and said, although she had been in the last days for more than a year, she was still a child after all.Even because of the special ability, Xu Jie received a lot of attention and protection in the early stage. It is probably the first time that this kind of scene has been encountered.

"Okay, hold on to my back, don't get off!" Wei Chen turned his head and said, "Protect me!"

After saying that, he controlled the gray elf to fly into the sky, tilted his head and pulled out the epee, guarding Wei Chen's side.Without the gray elves, Wei Chen is almost like a blind man, unable to take serious precautions.

"Uncle, what are you going to do?" Xu Jie hugged Wei Chen tightly, she was so timid that she couldn't care less about being ashamed, her body was completely pressed on Wei Chen's back, fortunately Xu Jie is still young, the bumps are not so strong, It didn't have any negative impact on Wei Chen's health.

Wei Chen turned his head and said with a smile:

"Let's kill the Corpse King!"


"Number One! What to do!"

"how could I know!"

Similarly, not only Wei Chen and his party were besieged, but also these lackeys who had been ordered to come.No. [-] and No. [-] were dead, and there were a total of eight people present, all surrounded by zombies and wild beasts.

Then a strange scene appeared, these people not only had to deal with zombies, but also beasts who were also capable people. The most surprising thing was that the beasts and zombies around them only attacked them in a tacit understanding!

Finally, someone couldn't hold on and got hurt.

"Ah! Why is this happening!"

Perhaps, this is the price of being a lackey!

(End of this chapter)

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