Doom Ray

Chapter 81 Rush!kill!

Chapter 81 Rush!kill!

If only there were two gray elves.

Wei Chen thought so.

Seeing himself on the ground getting smaller and smaller, Wei Chen was a little depressed. The detection range of the gray elves was limited by his own safety and was greatly reduced because his eyes could not be used. Just kill the weak point.

Fortunately, the blood in the eyes tends to fade a bit, so it seems that the eyes can be restored to the original state, but it will take a lot of time.

Passing over the tall building in front, Wei Chen saw a little bit of the prototype of the battlefield.At this moment, the places where the two sides are fighting are connected to form an '8', and Wei Chen and others are exactly in the middle of the two circles of the '8'.Due to the ruins and the obstacles of the terrain, the battle time will be much slower than other places.

Got it!

Wei Chen shuddered.

He saw the golden wolf that Xu Jie was talking about. It was too conspicuous. His golden hair was shiny and he was galloping in the front line of the team. This guy had at least three or four long bodies, and his thick limbs made the golden wolf see. It looks very well-proportioned.If the golden wolf didn't open its mouth, it might be very cute, but the terrible fangs ruined the beauty.

Behind the golden wolf, followed by a motley army of beasts, ferocious as tigers and bears, agile as foxes and monkeys, and birds like eagles and eagles.There are also some cute little animals in the past, such as rabbits and squirrels, after evolution, they are huge in size and no longer look cute.

On the opposite side of them is the army of zombies.

The corpse king upholds his dignity and takes the lead, echoing the golden wolf, followed by all kinds of zombies, giant zombies, hunter zombies.
Although the zombies following the charge of the corpse king are of different varieties, they all have a unified characteristic!That is the direction of evolution, all aiming at a body of bone armor!If only one part can be evolved at each level, the guards behind the corpse king are equivalent to the third and fourth levels of the silver moon stage of human beings.

What shocked Wei Chen the most was that a giant zombie behind the corpse king had assembled eight parts!Feet, knee pads, pants, upper body armor, shoulder pads, helmets, knives, shields!Eight evolutions, plus the giant zombie itself is a first-order existence
"Hurry up, let's go!" Recalling the gray elves, Wei Chen quickly ran towards the direction where the two kings were about to fight. At this moment, Wei Chen's heart was heavy, and even his subordinates were all of the ranks of the seed. Will the corpse king be worse?
I thought that after a year, I would be almost a top existence, but I didn't expect to find zombies who were also at the seed accumulation stage not long after.

What about the human side?

"Xu Jie! What do you call those above Yinyue level?" Wei Chen asked immediately.

"Are you talking about Lieyang class?" Being held by Wei Chen, Xu Jie calmed down a lot. She felt an inexplicable sense of security behind Wei Chen, even if she was on the battlefield.

"Is there a human of this level?" Wei Chen asked while running, if there is, and if they are not lackeys, then it is very worth wooing!Of course, if it is a running dog, it will be really troublesome.

But unexpectedly, Xu Jie said with certainty: "No! Not a single one!"

"It's very strange. In order to inspire the people, the government has specially compiled a leaderboard, which contains the names of many powerful people and their corresponding ranks. The strength collar can be detected, and the first one to advance to the strong Sun-level humans."

"But to this day, this reward has still not been taken away!"

"Good!" Wei Chen was overjoyed!In this way, we can be sure that there are no Lieyang-level subordinates behind the black hands. If there are, they will definitely publicize vigorously, which not only proves their strength, suppresses the unstable masses, but also makes the people feel safe.

Of course, there may be a Lieyang-level existence with special shielding methods, which has not been discovered by the black hands behind the scenes.


Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but overall he was still not optimistic—humans are too weak!

"Xu Jie, I'll send you out of the battlefield first." Wei Chen suggested, judging from the results of the investigation just now, there may be three powerful existences of Yunseed level ahead!If there was a fight, Wei Chen would not care about Xu Jie.

However, sending Xu Jie out will cause another problem. Traveling back and forth on the battlefield consumes too much of Wei Chen's ability.

"Uncle, can't we not kill the Corpse King?" Xu Jie looked worried, "We can just kill and escape, there is no need for this."

Wei Chen was stunned for a moment.

That's right, there's no need to do this, Wei Chen can completely kill and escape, and let the two armies kill each other.But, here's a great opportunity!Unless it is during a war, if you want to challenge the corpse king, you have to go through tens of millions of zombies.

"It's a kind of responsibility!" Wei Chen said with a smile. To be honest, if it was the boy who just left school, he would probably only choose to run away.

"Okay!" Xu Jie gritted her silver teeth suddenly and said, "Then I'll go too, leave me alone and save your energy to kill the Corpse King!"

"If I can exchange my life for the death of a corpse king, it's worth it!"


Wei Chen was secretly speechless.

Perhaps, this is the Chinese people!
"Don't worry, you will be fine!" Wei Chen said, if the three parties compete for the highest combat power, the Corpse King may not be stronger than Wei Chen!Don't forget, Wei Chen still has a tilted head!

This is a skeleton with a keel installed. Its attack power can match that of Yunzhong, and its defense power is even worse!
"Get ready to fight!"

Wei Chen took out the keel, tilted his head and clenched the epee tightly, all kinds of animals and zombies appeared from the corner of the street, and there were thousands of them!
"Huh~" Tilting the epee with one round of the head, suddenly, there was a bloody storm!
Not even a single animal or zombie could survive the attack of Tilted Head. If Wei Chen didn't burst into red mist, he wouldn't be able to hit Tilted Head either.


Xu Jie on Wei Chen's back was completely dumbfounded, what kind of existence is this!Those who were hit by the epee were either separated from their heads, or were directly sent flying, turning into meat paste.The Corpse King and the Golden Wolf are nothing more than that, right?

On the other hand, Wei Chen fought more gracefully, following behind his tilted head, like a butterfly wearing a flower, or using keels, or fists, or feet, or elbows, or knees.Every strike is very precise, even if some sensitive beasts and hunter zombies come to sneak attack, Wei Chen can easily take care of it, and even give him an elbow without looking back.The role of the gray elves shines here.


"Number one, look! The Golden Wolf Beastmaster and the Corpse King are facing each other! What should we do? Should we sneak attack?"

In one part of the battlefield, there were still six people fighting hard. There were originally eight people, but two died.

"Fart! Run away!" Air No. [-] said, the gods are fighting, and mortals like myself should not join the party, thinking that death is not fast enough?

"Number one! Look!" Before advancing a few steps, someone suddenly shouted.

"That's it again!" No. [-] said impatiently. These people are usually arrogant and arrogant, and they don't care about No. [-] themselves. Now when the critical moment comes, they all come to hug their thighs.

"Look, there's a new species of zombie over there. No, it's unscientific. It cuts its own family like this, and it's still holding a dog in its hand? I'll go, and there's someone behind!"

"What nonsense!" No. [-] scolded angrily, what time was it, but the next second, he was also stunned.

it is true!
Moreover, this strange combination of teams easily blazed a trail and went straight to the main battlefield!

"Quick! Record it for me!"

No. [-] shouted excitedly, maybe this video can be taken back to claim credit!
(End of this chapter)

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