Doom Ray

Chapter 82: Oriole!

Chapter 82: Oriole!

After a while, the '8' character is gone.

If you can look down from the sky, you will find that the beasts and zombies have drawn a battle line based on their colors!
But in the very center of the battlefield, there is a special area, which is the arena of the two kings!

The corpse king yelled, and stretched out his sharp claws to scratch it. The golden wolf was not afraid at all, and rushed towards the pair of sharp claws.

However, the corpse king's sharp claws caught the golden wolf, only a burst of sparks came out. It can be seen that the golden wolf's defense is extremely strong!

First, the golden wolf rushed in front of the corpse king in order to avoid the vital point. Instead of attacking immediately, he chose to lower his body. Then, his limbs exerted force suddenly, and he slammed into him with his back!

The corpse king was shaken back a few steps, and just as he stabilized, he found the golden wolf's fangs very close!
But there was only a low growl, and the golden wolf flew upside down, blood oozing slightly from the gums of its fangs!This is not over yet, when the golden wolf wanted to pounce on it again, the corpse king's whole body puffed up, and then let out a deafening cry!



All the beasts screamed and flew out, and the corpse king was able to howl a gust of wind from his mouth!When the gust of wind blew on Golden Wolf, there were even a few sparks of light!

Thanks to its superb defense, this attack cannot cause effective damage to the golden wolf.However, other beasts don't have such a strong defense!At the same time as these beasts flew upside down, a few traces of blood mist burst out all over their bodies instantly.


"It's so strong!" Wei Chen looked at a large group of beasts flying upside down, and immediately sighed, "This is its ability, it can accelerate the friction of the air, making the air become like a blade!"

"Walk around first!"

Wei Chen said softly behind his head tilted.

If you join in now, the form will become subtle. Wei Chen wants to kill the Corpse King, but Golden Wolf may not help him, but it is most likely to pick up the leak afterwards.

Those who can evolve to this level are not simple in their brains.

"Hungry~~" "Hungry~~~"

With the powerful attack of the corpse king this time, its subordinate guards launched an attack as if they were in trouble, making up for the fallen beasts.

All of a sudden, the casualties on the Beast's side began to increase!

The golden wolf was startled and angry when he saw this, stepped on his foot, and a white formation began to spread rapidly to the surroundings, and various symbols were written on the blueprint.Suddenly, the symbols start to line up automatically and finally form three characters!
At the moment when the characters were formed, the beasts covered by the formation exploded!Their wounds healed quickly, their muscles began to swell, and when they kicked off the ground, their speed was more than twice as fast as before!
A gray wolf could not defeat the third-level bodyguard of Yinyue, but with the blessing of this formation, it knocked down the bodyguard with a single pounce, and then a pair of enlarged fangs were about to attack it throat.

Seeing the formation map open, the eagle eagles in the sky began to swoop down. When they were close to the ground, they were blessed, accelerated suddenly, and their sharp claws pierced through the zombie's head.

As for the golden wolf, it was even more terrifying, attacking one after another, and the corpse king retreated in a row.If it weren't for the air blade ejected from the corpse king's mouth, the golden wolf would have bitten off its throat long ago.

"It has such an ability!" Wei Chen exclaimed. It seems that this golden wolf should also be an energy type, and its abilities are various boosts on the formation map. A character corresponds to a skill, and there is a skill that is exclusively for mimicry and cannot be replaced. , the range of the array is very wide, even the bottom of Wei Chen's feet is covered, but this thing did not bring any boost to Wei Chen, instead it was the big white dog whose head was fixed in the skeleton, and the muscles quickly bulged.

Compared to this, the corpse king's ability is much weaker, it's just an air blade.

"Maybe it's only effective for beasts." Wei Chen said, "It's almost there! Let's go, let's get closer!"

Yes, as Wei Chen deduced, this battle is about to reach its climax!
After the increase, the golden wolf defeated the corpse king steadily. If there is no accident, the corpse king will make a final fight!Sure enough, traces of red threads began to wrap around the corpse king's body!
Red mist erupts!The biggest trump card in the seed accumulation stage!


After all, the golden wolf is not as pampered as the corpse king, it has really subdued a proud beast!The fighting thought is not comparable to the corpse king. It watched the corpse king erupt for a few seconds smartly, and then red threads began to appear on its body.

In this way, even if the corpse king cannot be killed when the red mist erupts, in the end, it will take a few seconds longer to erupt than the corpse king!These few seconds are absolutely fatal to the corpse king!

"Uncle! What is that!" Hiding behind the two powerful men and the skeleton, Xu Jie felt very safe during this time, but the scene in front of her couldn't help but make her palpitate.

The corpse king finished erupting first, opened his mouth and sucked in the air fiercely, and directly used the strongest blow!After the golden wolf broke out, it opened its mouth, and circles of small formations began to condense in its mouth. This was figured out by itself, very similar to Wei Chen's superimposed mimicry, or exactly the same!

After only two seconds, the air gathered in the corpse king's mouth had begun to become unstable, and the airflows rubbed against each other in a very small range, making a buzzing sound.On the other side, the golden wolf is almost ready, and it can be seen that it is very skilled!

Another second passed, and the two sides reached the limit!A strange air wave shattered the surrounding stones in an instant!

Suddenly, the things in the mouths of both parties disappeared in a flash, and there was a gasp sound out of thin air, and then——


The world shook!

"Bow your head!" Wei Chen said softly to Xu Jie behind him.

"Ah?" Before Xu Jie could react, a gust of wind blew head-on, and along with the gravel on the ground, Xu Jie was blown so hard that her eyes were squinted.

"Bah, pah!"

This battle comes and goes quickly!Xu Jie wiped her face, shed tears, and kept spitting out the sand that had just been blown in.

"Is this a Lieyang level battle?" Xu Jie looked at the collapsed battlefield with lingering fear.This blow directly turned the dense grassland into a desert!

"Yes, that red mist is the characteristic of Lieyang level!" Wei Chen nodded and said: "But the battle is almost the same."

"Oh." Xu Jie nodded.

It's almost the same, Hong Wu is not only boosting himself, but also Jin Lang's skills!Its skills gave the beasts a buff again!In this way, the bodyguards on the corpse king's side directly became chickens and dogs, and a grizzly bear could knock out two or three bodyguards with one blow!And the weak gray wolf can kill a personal guard in seconds.

At this moment, the corpse king has no advantage!

However, the corpse king is not afraid, it still has a hole card!Among the zombies, there is also a Lieyang level existence!


In a place near the main battlefield, a giant zombie suddenly exploded, and a red mist wrapped around its body in an instant!

At this moment, Jin Lang was stunned, and he was stunned at the scene!As a result, he was kicked away by the corpse king.Before the golden wolf landed on the ground, a giant zombie with red mist all over his body appeared beside him, wielding a knife, and raised the knife and dropped it!
As expected of being experienced in many battles, the golden wolf twisted its body very naturally, dodged the blow, quickly retreated, and immediately condensed a mimic cannon in its mouth, spitting at the giant zombie!

The giant zombie's shield swung horizontally, and there was a loud bang.

This series of reactions had to be exciting, but the corpse king over there had already condensed the air blade and shot at the golden wolf. This moment happened to be the moment the golden wolf had just landed, and the new energy was not born, so it was inevitable!

A huge scar appeared on the back of the golden wolf, with a gap from the neck to the tail, very hideous!

"Okay, let's go in!"

"Hey, don't you, uncle, they are fierce." Xu Jie couldn't close her small mouth before she could say the word 'yang'.

"But what?"

Wei Chen asked with a smile, strips of red silk wrapped around his body!


The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

(End of this chapter)

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