Doom Ray

Chapter 83 Pig Teammates

Chapter 83 Pig Teammates

Mimic superimposed on the feet quickly.

"Huh? Can you stack 35?" Feeling that his feet were letting his strength go, Wei Chen went up a few more layers, "That's fine!"


In the next second, Wei Chen disappeared in place.Xu Jie on her back felt that she was almost thrown out, and hugged her even tighter.Tilting his head also followed quickly, but without the blessing of mimicry, it was a little slower than Wei Chen.

At this moment, the corpse king has not noticed that anyone is approaching. There is a giant zombie resisting in front of him. All he has to do is to give it a fatal blow when the golden wolf is not standing still!
"Hmph!" Wei Chen snorted coldly when he saw what the Corpse King did. If this guy hadn't relied on his status, he would have been killed long ago!When Wei Chen cut into the battlefield, there was such a big commotion, the golden wolf and the giant zombie all gave him a look, but the zombie king was indifferent to it.

"It's better like this!" Wei Chen said in a deep voice, and when he finished speaking, he felt that the surroundings were empty——the main battlefield has arrived!

For the last time, he injected mimicry into his feet, kicked the ground, and the already shattered ground exploded directly, and a large ball of light appeared in his hand, shining golden, and he pressed it on the corpse king!
One hit kill!

Since the corpse king is so big, then he has to pay the price for his bigness!


The light ball touched the zombie's body, and immediately, the body boiled!Bursts of black smoke came out, and the strong muscles turned into gravy, dripping down continuously.For a while, the golden light was shining, and Wei Chen couldn't see how much the corpse king had been melted, but don't worry about it, just keep burning, and stand aside with his head tilted, not afraid of sneak attack.


wrong!Get out of the way!

Wei Chen's thoughts changed sharply, so he quickly leaned back, a gust of wind brushed his forehead.

Air blade!
"Ding!" Tilting his head on the side, he raised his epee directly and sent the air blade flying.


Come again!Wei Chen hurriedly backed away, the light balls went out, and waved his hands again and again, white balls flew out one by one.Those air blades were dispelled directly in the air.

That's it!

Wei Chen was stunned.

Without the light ball blocking his vision, Wei Chen finally understood why the corpse king could still fire the air blade under such a powerful blow.Because what Wei Chen's ball of light hit was not the corpse king, but the shield of the giant zombie!

The moment Wei Chen cut into the battlefield, the giant zombie also abandoned the golden wolf, hurried back to defend, and saved the corpse king's life, but even if he blocked it, half of his body was melted away, and there was no flesh in these places. , leaking gray-black bones.Not only that, but the bone shield was directly ablated, along with half an arm.


The corpse king was furious, this human almost killed himself just now!But before it could move, a mimetic ball hit it.


"Uncle! Golden Wolf said we want to cooperate!"

"Okay!" Wei Chen hurriedly agreed.

In the next second, the golden wolf showed its sincerity to Wei Chen.Suddenly Wei Chen felt that his strength was a little stronger!Golden Wolf also gave Wei Chen the blessing of that array.

"It turns out that you can specify the target of the booster!" Feeling that the muscles are full of explosive power, Wei Chen praised: "Good ability!"

Reciprocity, a small ball of light wafts the fragrance of Golden Wolf, Golden Wolf subconsciously avoids it, but after hearing Xu Jie's explanation, he immediately accepts the ball of light.


Jin Lang was surprised to find that the wound that was bleeding was healing at a frightening speed!In the end, it was as good as ever. If there was a piece of fur missing from the injured place, no one would be able to see that it was still bleeding here before.

"Roar!" The corpse king was frightened by this scene. Originally, the golden wolf was beaten to the brink of death. It could ignore it temporarily and concentrate on dealing with Wei Chen. After all, in its view, Wei Chen was just one seed, and they had two.

But now it's different, two against two, and there is still a terrifying array blessing and a terrifying healing skill on the opposite side.

how to spell?
The corpse king took a step back slightly, it was scared!It was the first time he felt this powerlessness since he became a zombie.

"Don't go!" Wei Chen turned his head and told him to tilt his head. The golden wolf will join forces with him. It is estimated that the big reason is that Wei Chen only has one person with a rank of seed, and the corpse king has two. Make friends with Wei Chen.

If the tilted head is exposed, Golden Wolf will definitely withdraw the formation map blessing without saying a word, and change his attitude to wait and see.

not to mention.This combat power is enough to face a seriously injured giant zombie and a corpse king who has no fighting spirit.What are you afraid of?
Picking up the ball of light, Wei Chen rushed up, the giant zombie roared again and again, and blocked Wei Chen, but the corpse king behind him naturally left his subordinates and was about to escape, but the golden wolf was on its way to escape.

"Die." Wei Chen said lightly with parted lips. He has a healing light ball and has a unique advantage in dealing with zombies.

"Roar!" The giant zombie knew the horror of the ball of light, and backed away again and again, not daring to take it head-on, but the knife in his hand was tightly held, and the only remaining hand was slightly raised, waiting for an opportunity, facing With such an offensive, the giant zombies can only wait for the opportunity.

However, no one expected that just as the giant zombie was retreating, the corpse king inexplicably appeared sideways in front of the giant zombie.

Pig mate!
Wei Chen couldn't help complaining, this guy jumped back to avoid the attack of the golden wolf, but unfortunately his combat awareness was too poor, he didn't pay attention to the situation on the battlefield, he just messed around, so with, there was such a scene.


Giant zombies are shocked!Hurry up to the front of the corpse king to resist Wei Chen's attack.


Another puff of black smoke rose. This time, the giant zombie let out a painful roar. Its shield had already melted. This time it responded hastily, and the bone knife was too late to block the vital points, and its entire body was exposed to the light ball.

"Although you are very loyal, you still have to die!" Wei Chen said, this giant zombie has saved the Lord many times, but unfortunately this master is really hopeless.

The identity of the corpse king was fixed from the moment he became a zombie.They are uniquely endowed, and there will be no other zombies who will accept their words, which also leads to the fact that these zombie kings have very little experience in fighting.

The same is true for the previous Corpse King with blue scales, all relying on his own strength to fight there.



The giant zombie whose oil lamp was exhausted fell down.The moment it touched the ground, the huge body kicked up a cloud of dust.


At this moment, the corpse king was so frightened that his soul disappeared, and he turned around and fled.In a panic, it found a skeleton in front of it.But the corpse king doesn't care about these things. There is no red mist on this bone frame, so it is not at the same level as it.

"What?" Tilted his head to look at Wei Chen, motioning to ask him if he could make a move, seeing Wei Chen nodded, tilted his head and raised the epee!
"Roar!" The corpse king's anger was provoked again, forget about the two behind him, how dare you, a miscellaneous soldier, stop him?
Then, with a muffled sound, the corpse king flew out backwards.There was also a huge scar cut on the chest by the epee.

"Die!" Wei Chen raised the corner of his mouth, and the ball of light appeared behind the corpse king, and he pressed it!


Huge screams resounded throughout the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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