Doom Ray

Chapter 84 Doubt

Chapter 84 Doubt

On the half of the melted corpse, a crystal clear thing fell out, shining under the light of the healing technique.Wei Chen picked it up, this colorless crystal was much smaller in size than the old corpse king's.

"It's so beautiful!" Xu Jie lay behind Wei Chen, deeply attracted by the crystal, "Can you show me?"

After saying this, Xu Jie stretched out her little hand, but recalling how precious this thing was, she withdrew her hand again.

"Let me show you." Wei Chen handed the crystal to Xu Jie. Although this thing is precious, but its use is unknown, Wei Chen can't treat it as a treasure.

There was excitement in the eyes of the latter. No matter in what era, precious crystals are always loved by women, and Xu Jie fully possesses this quality.

After finishing some work, Wei Chen turned his head to stare at the golden wolf. At the moment he tilted his head and shot the corpse king, he felt that the golden wolf removed the blessing of the array from him.

"Aww!" The golden wolf lay on all fours, with protruding fangs, looking at Wei Chen very vigilantly.

Wei Chen shrugged, and said to the human-animal translator on his back, "Xu Jie, let us go with it, we will not make it an enemy."

"Oh." Reluctantly returning the crystal to Wei Chen, Xu Jie began to negotiate with Golden Wolf. Thanks to Xu Jie, the two parties could communicate, otherwise Wei Chen really didn't know how to go to the trouble.

With the death of the corpse king, the zombies around became chaotic, and even killed each other. The wild beasts took the opportunity to kill wantonly.

Withholding the gray elf's gaze, Wei Chen watched Xu Jie chatting with the golden wolf, finally, the golden wolf nodded and retreated, howled, and turned to kill the zombies.

And this howling also made the herd give way.

"Let's go." Wei Chen tilted his head in greeting, and then hurriedly left, fearing that something might change.


"Number One, it's been photographed!"

"Okay! Let's go!" No. [-] killed the two wolfhounds in front of him, pointed in a direction and said, "Break out this way, there are many opportunities!"

"Ah! my hand my hand!"

"Come on!"

There were originally eight people, but now only half of them are left, and each of them is still more or less wounded. One of them has had his intestines pulled out, but he is still fighting.

Fortunately, the zombies were already in chaos, and it became much easier for these lackeys to break through.

"Ah! Come out!"

After escaping from the battlefield and reaching a safe place, someone couldn't help but yelled out.The other team members also sat on the ground gasping for breath with lingering fear, and the strong smell of sweat and rancidity filled the air.

"Quick! Inject the serum!" No. [-] was the first to react. He took out a small syringe from the shockproof pocket of his underwear and stuck it on his body. The others followed suit. This thing is a medicine developed by the base to fight against corpse poison. , although the disease cannot be cured at one time, long-term injections are still effective.

However, a team member with the word 'three' on his clothes suddenly stood up, frantically frantically flicked through the pockets of his clothes, and said in panic, "Ah! My serum! My serum!"

"Phew~ I found it!" Feeling a bottle-like protrusion from the outside of the clothes, No. [-] breathed a sigh of relief, his face was full of joy, and immediately reached out to take it out.

But all he got was a glass bottle filled with cracks.


"Ah!" No. [-] smashed the bottle with despair on his face. At some point, the bottle was crushed and all the serum in it was gone.

"No, no! There's still on the clothes!" The frantic number three hugged the last straw, took off the clothes containing the serum and began to suck it into the pocket, the mouth was full of fishy and salty taste, but number three felt a little My son didn't mind, but enjoyed it, just like a drug addict.


While No. [-] was enjoying it, No. [-] shot him and said, "Hmph, serum doesn't take effect just by eating it!"

"Okay, No. [-], send me the video." No. [-] said in an orderly tone.

Of course No. [-] didn't want to, the shocking force of this video was enough for him to get a generous reward, so he retorted: "Why!"

"Because I am number one! I have suffered fewer injuries than you! I can kill you! Are these enough!" Number one stood up, gritted his teeth, pointed a gun at number two, and said aggressively.

"You" No. [-] has a gloomy face, No. [-] is right, if he gives the video, he can't live!

"Damn it! Here it is!"


"Hey~" No. [-] held his severed hand and sighed aside. The running dogs are ranked according to their strength. Of course, it doesn't mean that No. [-] is the strongest. He is just the strongest in this sentry line.


"Uncle, you are the King of Light, aren't you?" Xu Jie looked at Wei Chen with a smile on her face. Although the gap between him and the handsome man who was constantly beautifying in her mind was too great, this would not affect Xu Jie's admiration for Wei Chen.

"Probably." Wei Chen said lightly, in his student days, he would probably start to become arrogant because of this title.

"By the way, uncle, what are you going to do next?" Xu Jie asked.

"I don't know." Wei Chen shook his head, the original plan of sitting on the sidelines was a waste of time.He wanted to run to the defense line of the sentry post, and take a look inside the defense line at the end, but unfortunately there was no collar around his neck, so he would be easily spotted.

"Let's find a place to stay first." Wei Chen turned his head and asked, "By the way, Xu Jie, do you need to check when you enter the gathering place?"

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded and said.

"Then is it possible to enter from other places?" Wei Chen continued to ask, if possible, sneaking in is also possible, it is better than aimlessly outside.

This time, Xu Jie nodded, but the next sentence made Wei Chen give up his plan, "That's a dog's hole, I guess you can't get in."

It's over, I'm really clueless now.Wei Chen had no choice but to lead a group of people to find a place to stay. There was no need for food, and there was still a lot of leftover food collected from those lackeys before. No matter how bad it was, it was okay to go back to the battlefield and find some wild animals to eat.

"That's it!" Wei Chen pointed to the surviving building in front of him and said, this place should be a high-end residential area, as can be seen from the surrounding green belts, a lot of effort can be made here in the past.

Walking into the building, there are a few paintings elegantly hung on the wall, but they are all abstract paintings, scribbled on, and Wei Chen, who has no artistic talent, can't appreciate anything.

Climbing up to the second floor, he found a suite at random. Wei Chen kicked the door open, and everyone slipped in.Inside, sofas, tables and chairs were tilted to this side, and a large-screen TV was smashed through a hole.

Seeing this, Wei Chen frowned.

"Tsk tsk! Those who can live here are not poor!" Xu Jie said in shock.

There were many red banknotes scattered on the ground, obviously the owner had no time to take them away when the disaster broke out.

"No!" Wei Chen frowned, and immediately grabbed Xu Jie who was walking forward. This house is too messy!
According to common sense, this is a good place to stay. If you are surrounded by zombies, you can jump out of the window.In other words, Wei Chen and the others are definitely not the first batch of people to take care of this place, but since there are people who take care of it, the environment here is still the same as when the end of the world comes, isn't it unreasonable?
"Be alert!" Wei Chen reminded, he has no energy now, so he can only tell Xu Jie to be careful.Xu Jie nodded, and drew out the knife. The big white dog beside him also got down, ready to attack.As for tilting the head, the venue was limited, and the epee could not be drawn out, so he had to open his sharp claws.

"Come out!" Wei Chen shouted towards the back room, but after a long time, there was no response.

"I'll go and have a look!" Wei Chen clenched the keel tightly, and was about to mobilize the gray elves to investigate, when he saw a red and white figure walking out.


"Be careful!" Wei Chen frowned immediately, the zombie that came out actually had a whole body of bone armor!
"Fuck~" Wei Chen was depressed, how could he encounter a zombie of the seed level out of nowhere, this is really bad luck.Especially now that he has just exhausted all his energy.

"Huh?" He tilted his head and called in doubt. The zombie gave him a different feeling.But tilting his head, he didn't care about it. Seeing Wei Chen was a little uneasy, he suddenly exerted force and threw the epee, which could not be drawn out of its sheath, over with the scabbard!

From the point of view of tilting his head, since there is no such thing here, it is better to lighten the burden first and rely on the body to fight.In the next second, he tilted his head and followed the thrown epee, killing it!

The epee hit the zombie accurately, and the huge force caused it to fly upside down, collapsing the wall behind it.Afterwards, a puff of white smoke burst out from the position where the zombie fell to the ground.

"Wait!" Xu Jie hurriedly stopped and tilted her head, and said, "Uncle, that seems to be a person?"


Wei Chen was puzzled, what he saw was a zombie, how could it be a person?


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In addition, thanks to Xiao Jiaqinglang's creativity, the characters recruited by the book review area will be arranged one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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